Swam at one ofthe LSUapartmentseven tho udidn’t live thereGot adrive thruDaiquiriBoughtalcohol fromthe Jubileegas stationSaw afight attiger landTookpicturesdowntownHad yourparents drop uoff at the malljust to hang outin middleschoolSmokedat aBRECparkSlowed downbefore that onespot where theyclock on I-10 EWent toCortanabefore it wasa ghost townWore aFreeBoosie tshirtLeft City Barwith not oneounce ofdignityStuffed yourface at acrawfish boilHad aheatstroke atJazz FestSkippedschool forVoodooFestSaw the meanhomeless manon college drwith the funnysignsPlayedping pongat radiobarDid karaokeat mellowmushroombefore itclosedHad adate atCinemarkFed ducksat theLSU lakesBourbonstreetdoesn’t evenlook crazy toyou anymoreEndedyour nightat WaffleHouseCan’t go out toeat withoutseeing at leastone person uknowSwam in thewave pool @blue bayouknowing it wasprolly 99% peeTailgatedand didn’teven go tothe gameSwam at one ofthe LSUapartmentseven tho udidn’t live thereGot adrive thruDaiquiriBoughtalcohol fromthe Jubileegas stationSaw afight attiger landTookpicturesdowntownHad yourparents drop uoff at the malljust to hang outin middleschoolSmokedat aBRECparkSlowed downbefore that onespot where theyclock on I-10 EWent toCortanabefore it wasa ghost townWore aFreeBoosie tshirtLeft City Barwith not oneounce ofdignityStuffed yourface at acrawfish boilHad aheatstroke atJazz FestSkippedschool forVoodooFestSaw the meanhomeless manon college drwith the funnysignsPlayedping pongat radiobarDid karaokeat mellowmushroombefore itclosedHad adate atCinemarkFed ducksat theLSU lakesBourbonstreetdoesn’t evenlook crazy toyou anymoreEndedyour nightat WaffleHouseCan’t go out toeat withoutseeing at leastone person uknowSwam in thewave pool @blue bayouknowing it wasprolly 99% peeTailgatedand didn’teven go tothe game

Baton Rouge - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Swam at one of the LSU apartments even tho u didn’t live there
  2. Got a drive thru Daiquiri
  3. Bought alcohol from the Jubilee gas station
  4. Saw a fight at tiger land
  5. Took pictures downtown
  6. Had your parents drop u off at the mall just to hang out in middle school
  7. Smoked at a BREC park
  8. Slowed down before that one spot where they clock on I-10 E
  9. Went to Cortana before it was a ghost town
  10. Wore a Free Boosie t shirt
  11. Left City Bar with not one ounce of dignity
  12. Stuffed your face at a crawfish boil
  13. Had a heat stroke at Jazz Fest
  14. Skipped school for Voodoo Fest
  15. Saw the mean homeless man on college dr with the funny signs
  16. Played ping pong at radio bar
  17. Did karaoke at mellow mushroom before it closed
  18. Had a date at Cinemark
  19. Fed ducks at the LSU lakes
  20. Bourbon street doesn’t even look crazy to you anymore
  21. Ended your night at Waffle House
  22. Can’t go out to eat without seeing at least one person u know
  23. Swam in the wave pool @ blue bayou knowing it was prolly 99% pee
  24. Tailgated and didn’t even go to the game