Being scaredto join classBc u don’twant to be thefirst one onGot excitedwhen ateachers kidcomes onTalked aboutthequarantinerules inIsraelAnsweredwhenteacherasked aquestionTried talking butyour mute was stillon and the teacherstarts screaming“CANT HEARYOU”Turnedcameraoff anddippedFeel theawkwardnesswhen no oneanswersteacherSpoketo EzraLike zoomoverwebexHad aheadacheby the endof the dayWatch tik tokwhile in classbut then feel badso you stop andtry to payattentionAsked tosend a linkfor class ingcBeencalled outby ravLernerJealous ofthe LA kidswhen they rsittingoutsideConsideredbuying bluelightglassesNotice whenBracha istakingattendancefor shiur klaliDon’t takeindependent studyBc u don’t want towrite up 125 wordsto BrachaCheckthroughout theentire class thatyour mute is onClassfrombedFaceTimedyourrakezetTeacher play videoduring class but noone can hear itand no one tellsthe teacher untilit’s overBeen madduring lunchbreak Bcthere’s notenough timeDid Chloeting inbetweenclassesOnlineshoppedduringclassBeing scaredto join classBc u don’twant to be thefirst one onGot excitedwhen ateachers kidcomes onTalked aboutthequarantinerules inIsraelAnsweredwhenteacherasked aquestionTried talking butyour mute was stillon and the teacherstarts screaming“CANT HEARYOU”Turnedcameraoff anddippedFeel theawkwardnesswhen no oneanswersteacherSpoketo EzraLike zoomoverwebexHad aheadacheby the endof the dayWatch tik tokwhile in classbut then feel badso you stop andtry to payattentionAsked tosend a linkfor class ingcBeencalled outby ravLernerJealous ofthe LA kidswhen they rsittingoutsideConsideredbuying bluelightglassesNotice whenBracha istakingattendancefor shiur klaliDon’t takeindependent studyBc u don’t want towrite up 125 wordsto BrachaCheckthroughout theentire class thatyour mute is onClassfrombedFaceTimedyourrakezetTeacher play videoduring class but noone can hear itand no one tellsthe teacher untilit’s overBeen madduring lunchbreak Bcthere’s notenough timeDid Chloeting inbetweenclassesOnlineshoppedduringclass

Midmore webinary - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Being scared to join class Bc u don’t want to be the first one on
  2. Got excited when a teachers kid comes on
  3. Talked about the quarantine rules in Israel
  4. Answered when teacher asked a question
  5. Tried talking but your mute was still on and the teacher starts screaming “CANT HEAR YOU”
  6. Turned camera off and dipped
  7. Feel the awkwardness when no one answers teacher
  8. Spoke to Ezra
  9. Like zoom over webex
  10. Had a headache by the end of the day
  11. Watch tik tok while in class but then feel bad so you stop and try to pay attention
  12. Asked to send a link for class in gc
  13. Been called out by rav Lerner
  14. Jealous of the LA kids when they r sitting outside
  15. Considered buying blue light glasses
  16. Notice when Bracha is taking attendance for shiur klali
  17. Don’t take independent study Bc u don’t want to write up 125 words to Bracha
  18. Check throughout the entire class that your mute is on
  19. Class from bed
  20. FaceTimed your rakezet
  21. Teacher play video during class but no one can hear it and no one tells the teacher until it’s over
  22. Been mad during lunch break Bc there’s not enough time
  23. Did Chloe ting in between classes
  24. Online shopped during class