4. What happened as aresult of the landmanagers whoprevented deadly firesafter 1910? Answer: Lots of dryand dead plants piledup. 17. Why does the authorsay fires are alwaysdangerous? Answer: Even whenprescribed fires areplanned before, it can stillgo out of control and causehuge wildfires. 16. How do fires helpelk living in California? Answer: Fires helpgrow different types ofplants and grasses forelk to grow itspopulations. 18. What arefirefighters and firedoctors’ job? Answer: Firefighterscourageously fightwildfires while firedoctors use fires forthe better. 11. Where do fireexperts set fires toburn dry and deadplants? Answer: On theforest floor 13. How do fires helppine and cypresstrees? Answer: Fires heatup the cones whichthen spreads theirseeds in the forest 9. What is the job of‘fire doctors?’ Answer: Theyprescribe, or suggestusing fires to improvethe health of lands. 8. What is the meaningof the word ‘prescribe’? Answer: To officially tellsomeone to use (amedicine or a therapy)as a treatment 14. What are threeingredients of firesfrom the picture? Answer: Air, fueland heat 12. What makestrees growstronger andhealthier? Answer: Ashesfrom fires 7. What canignite morefires? Answer: Wind 6. What arecommon fuels forthe fire to burnuncontrollably? Answer: The dry,dead plants. 10. What are twoStates that have fireexperts working innational parks? Answer: Florida andCalifornia 2. What is thedefinition of a wildfire? Answer: A kind of firethat is difficult tocontrol and it usuallyburns in the wilderness 3. What are commoncauses of a wildfire? Answer: Lightningstrikes and mostly bypeople who were notcareful. 1. What is the genreof the readingpassage? Answer:Informational text 15. How do fires helpbirds such as Floridascrub jay? Answer: Fires help thebird survive by keepingthe conditions of theirliving environments. 5. During droughtseason, somethingas simple as whatcan start the fire? Answer: A spark froma piece of machinery. 4. What happened as aresult of the landmanagers whoprevented deadly firesafter 1910? Answer: Lots of dryand dead plants piledup. 17. Why does the authorsay fires are alwaysdangerous? Answer: Even whenprescribed fires areplanned before, it can stillgo out of control and causehuge wildfires. 16. How do fires helpelk living in California? Answer: Fires helpgrow different types ofplants and grasses forelk to grow itspopulations. 18. What arefirefighters and firedoctors’ job? Answer: Firefighterscourageously fightwildfires while firedoctors use fires forthe better. 11. Where do fireexperts set fires toburn dry and deadplants? Answer: On theforest floor 13. How do fires helppine and cypresstrees? Answer: Fires heatup the cones whichthen spreads theirseeds in the forest 9. What is the job of‘fire doctors?’ Answer: Theyprescribe, or suggestusing fires to improvethe health of lands. 8. What is the meaningof the word ‘prescribe’? Answer: To officially tellsomeone to use (amedicine or a therapy)as a treatment 14. What are threeingredients of firesfrom the picture? Answer: Air, fueland heat 12. What makestrees growstronger andhealthier? Answer: Ashesfrom fires 7. What canignite morefires? Answer: Wind 6. What arecommon fuels forthe fire to burnuncontrollably? Answer: The dry,dead plants. 10. What are twoStates that have fireexperts working innational parks? Answer: Florida andCalifornia 2. What is thedefinition of a wildfire? Answer: A kind of firethat is difficult tocontrol and it usuallyburns in the wilderness 3. What are commoncauses of a wildfire? Answer: Lightningstrikes and mostly bypeople who were notcareful. 1. What is the genreof the readingpassage? Answer:Informational text 15. How do fires helpbirds such as Floridascrub jay? Answer: Fires help thebird survive by keepingthe conditions of theirliving environments. 5. During droughtseason, somethingas simple as whatcan start the fire? Answer: A spark froma piece of machinery. 

Fire! Friend or Enemy? - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 4. What happened as a result of the land managers who prevented deadly fires after 1910? Answer: Lots of dry and dead plants piled up.
  2. 17. Why does the author say fires are always dangerous? Answer: Even when prescribed fires are planned before, it can still go out of control and cause huge wildfires.
  3. 16. How do fires help elk living in California? Answer: Fires help grow different types of plants and grasses for elk to grow its populations.
  4. 18. What are firefighters and fire doctors’ job? Answer: Firefighters courageously fight wildfires while fire doctors use fires for the better.
  5. 11. Where do fire experts set fires to burn dry and dead plants? Answer: On the forest floor
  6. 13. How do fires help pine and cypress trees? Answer: Fires heat up the cones which then spreads their seeds in the forest
  7. 9. What is the job of ‘fire doctors?’ Answer: They prescribe, or suggest using fires to improve the health of lands.
  8. 8. What is the meaning of the word ‘prescribe’? Answer: To officially tell someone to use (a medicine or a therapy) as a treatment
  9. 14. What are three ingredients of fires from the picture? Answer: Air, fuel and heat
  10. 12. What makes trees grow stronger and healthier? Answer: Ashes from fires
  11. 7. What can ignite more fires? Answer: Wind
  12. 6. What are common fuels for the fire to burn uncontrollably? Answer: The dry, dead plants.
  13. 10. What are two States that have fire experts working in national parks? Answer: Florida and California
  14. 2. What is the definition of a wildfire? Answer: A kind of fire that is difficult to control and it usually burns in the wilderness
  15. 3. What are common causes of a wildfire? Answer: Lightning strikes and mostly by people who were not careful.
  16. 1. What is the genre of the reading passage? Answer: Informational text
  17. 15. How do fires help birds such as Florida scrub jay? Answer: Fires help the bird survive by keeping the conditions of their living environments.
  18. 5. During drought season, something as simple as what can start the fire? Answer: A spark from a piece of machinery.