How old doesan A/B haveto be to getadded to andaccount?T/FCm can changeaddress onlineto a foreignaddress How is min.paymentcalculated?T/FA pcm candelete anA/B tradeline. What’s the max# oftransactions acm can do for aCash advance?T/FWe willneverexpedite aCBR What do you doif CM ask howsomethingwould impactcredit report?Where can acm view theirpayment cut-off time?What if a cmname seemsfictitious/inappropriate?Whatcircumstancecan weproactivelyadjust residualinterest?When arewe able torelease a fullaccountnumber?How can acm destroytheir metalcard?What do youdo if an A/Bis pendingon anaccount?T/FAn A/B canfreeze anaccount If a Cmdoesn’t knowwho an A/Bis what doyou do?How longdoes it takean off cyclereport toupdate?T/FFrontlineagents cancancelpending BT’s What do youdo if a TPreceives aCM’s email?What can we doin the event of adouble payment/overpayment onan account?What’s theletter number tosend forinterest chargecalculation?How long does ittake for akitenet/ews holdto becomeavailable?Statementsmust be mailedout ____ daysbefore paymentis due.Card holderscan view up to_____ yearsof statementsonline.If a Cmdoesn’t knowwho an A/Bis what doyou do?How old doesan A/B haveto be to getadded to andaccount?T/FCm can changeaddress onlineto a foreignaddress How is min.paymentcalculated?T/FA pcm candelete anA/B tradeline. What’s the max# oftransactions acm can do for aCash advance?T/FWe willneverexpedite aCBR What do you doif CM ask howsomethingwould impactcredit report?Where can acm view theirpayment cut-off time?What if a cmname seemsfictitious/inappropriate?Whatcircumstancecan weproactivelyadjust residualinterest?When arewe able torelease a fullaccountnumber?How can acm destroytheir metalcard?What do youdo if an A/Bis pendingon anaccount?T/FAn A/B canfreeze anaccount If a Cmdoesn’t knowwho an A/Bis what doyou do?How longdoes it takean off cyclereport toupdate?T/FFrontlineagents cancancelpending BT’s What do youdo if a TPreceives aCM’s email?What can we doin the event of adouble payment/overpayment onan account?What’s theletter number tosend forinterest chargecalculation?How long does ittake for akitenet/ews holdto becomeavailable?Statementsmust be mailedout ____ daysbefore paymentis due.Card holderscan view up to_____ yearsof statementsonline.If a Cmdoesn’t knowwho an A/Bis what doyou do?

Link'd Trivia - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. How old does an A/B have to be to get added to and account?
  2. T/F Cm can change address online to a foreign address
  3. How is min. payment calculated?
  4. T/F A pcm can delete an A/B trade line.
  5. What’s the max # of transactions a cm can do for a Cash advance?
  6. T/F We will never expedite a CBR
  7. What do you do if CM ask how something would impact credit report?
  8. Where can a cm view their payment cut-off time?
  9. What if a cm name seems fictitious/ inappropriate?
  10. What circumstance can we proactively adjust residual interest?
  11. When are we able to release a full account number?
  12. How can a cm destroy their metal card?
  13. What do you do if an A/B is pending on an account?
  14. T/F An A/B can freeze an account
  15. If a Cm doesn’t know who an A/B is what do you do?
  16. How long does it take an off cycle report to update?
  17. T/F Frontline agents can cancel pending BT’s
  18. What do you do if a TP receives a CM’s email?
  19. What can we do in the event of a double payment/ overpayment on an account?
  20. What’s the letter number to send for interest charge calculation?
  21. How long does it take for a kitenet/ews hold to become available?
  22. Statements must be mailed out ____ days before payment is due.
  23. Card holders can view up to _____ years of statements online.
  24. If a Cm doesn’t know who an A/B is what do you do?