read the CBTinformationpacket andemail Paige 2things youlearnedsit in on a group(please ask theCM first if it is ok,cannot sit in oncommunity mtg)read pastpages of thecommunicationlog bookmake extracopies ofintakepaperworkfollow up withpatients aboutsigned outsharps andcontrabandlook overpatientsmenus andexchangesread sessionnotes andinitial clinicalevaluationsof patientslook at theintakepaperwork/familiarizeyourself withintake processrefill the hairnetthing and throwaway paperswith no hairnetsin itspend timewithpatients onthe milieuLook atthe copingskillsbinderfamiliarizeyourself withbinders inthe officedump out fourhour oldgatorade andmake sure thelids are labeledfill out amonitoringlogcorrectlydoing yourfirst vitalsigns checkon a patientfamiliarizeyourself withthe things in thecontrabanddrawersrestock thegatoradeand refill thewater pitcherupdate theboard anddelete oldinformation-especially MPCover 3 days oldplay agame withpatientshelp patientsclean thegroup roomall patientsbathroommonitoring hasbeen placed on asticky note on theback of yournametagreview theemergencyface sheetsof all patientson the floorread the DBTinformationpacket andemail Paige 2things youlearnedprint outextra moodmonitors andput them inthe kitchensread the CBTinformationpacket andemail Paige 2things youlearnedsit in on a group(please ask theCM first if it is ok,cannot sit in oncommunity mtg)read pastpages of thecommunicationlog bookmake extracopies ofintakepaperworkfollow up withpatients aboutsigned outsharps andcontrabandlook overpatientsmenus andexchangesread sessionnotes andinitial clinicalevaluationsof patientslook at theintakepaperwork/familiarizeyourself withintake processrefill the hairnetthing and throwaway paperswith no hairnetsin itspend timewithpatients onthe milieuLook atthe copingskillsbinderfamiliarizeyourself withbinders inthe officedump out fourhour oldgatorade andmake sure thelids are labeledfill out amonitoringlogcorrectlydoing yourfirst vitalsigns checkon a patientfamiliarizeyourself withthe things in thecontrabanddrawersrestock thegatoradeand refill thewater pitcherupdate theboard anddelete oldinformation-especially MPCover 3 days oldplay agame withpatientshelp patientsclean thegroup roomall patientsbathroommonitoring hasbeen placed on asticky note on theback of yournametagreview theemergencyface sheetsof all patientson the floorread the DBTinformationpacket andemail Paige 2things youlearnedprint outextra moodmonitors andput them inthe kitchens

CEDC Training Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. read the CBT information packet and email Paige 2 things you learned
  2. sit in on a group (please ask the CM first if it is ok, cannot sit in on community mtg)
  3. read past pages of the communication log book
  4. make extra copies of intake paperwork
  5. follow up with patients about signed out sharps and contraband
  6. look over patients menus and exchanges
  7. read session notes and initial clinical evaluations of patients
  8. look at the intake paperwork/ familiarize yourself with intake process
  9. refill the hairnet thing and throw away papers with no hairnets in it
  10. spend time with patients on the milieu
  11. Look at the coping skills binder
  12. familiarize yourself with binders in the office
  13. dump out four hour old gatorade and make sure the lids are labeled
  14. fill out a monitoring log correctly
  15. doing your first vital signs check on a patient
  16. familiarize yourself with the things in the contraband drawers
  17. restock the gatorade and refill the water pitcher
  18. update the board and delete old information- especially MPC over 3 days old
  19. play a game with patients
  20. help patients clean the group room
  21. all patients bathroom monitoring has been placed on a sticky note on the back of your nametag
  22. review the emergency face sheets of all patients on the floor
  23. read the DBT information packet and email Paige 2 things you learned
  24. print out extra mood monitors and put them in the kitchens