What is onerumour BooRadley isrumoured to havedone when he waslittle?How doesMiss Maudiereact the dayafter thefire?What does BooRadley carve inthe soap Jemand Scout foundin the knot-hole?Create a powerpoint summarizingthe novel. Mustinclude somepictures.Be creative!What isScout'sattitudetowardsAtticus?Creat a bookcover forTKAM. Mustbe color.Design a board game:Make a board game thatdeals with the theme andcharacters of thenovel. You must addressthe themes of Prejudiceand Growing Up,specifically, but you mayalso reveal other themesfrom the novel. You mustplay a section of th#1. You will be givena short story to read(on Canvas) andsummarize the shortstory. You will thenanswer the questionUSING THE R.A.C.EMETHODWhat is thereal name ofBoo Radley?Whatexplanationdoes Dill makeup for Jem’smissing pants?What did Jemlearn from hisencounter withMrs. Dubose,leading to herdeath?design a comic strip thatrelates to To Kill aMockingbird. It should haveat least 10 boxeswith dialogue. You maydraw your own or use acomic strip generator toassist in your comicstrip. You must include atleast one quote from thenovel. TWhat doesUncle Jacklearn fromScout andAtticus overChristmas?esign a comic strip thatrelates to To Kill aMockingbird. It should haveat least 5 boxeswith dialogue. You maydraw your own or use acomic strip generator toassist in your comicstrip. You must include atleast one quote from thenovel.Why doesAtticusdislike whenScout usesthe ‘n’ word?What are 3characteristicsthat Atticusholds?What twomistakes didMiss Carolinemake on thefirst day ofschool?Illustrate three scenes: Theillustrations must berelevant to the novel.Because someof us are not as artisticallyinclined as others, you mayuse magazine cut outs, orsymbols. Youneed to use yourimagination and your book!You must be sure toWhat doesScout first find inthe knot hole ofthe tree in frontof the Radleyhouse?Who attacksScout and Jemon their wayback from thepageant?Create a blackout poem andtell me how itrelates to thenovel TKAMWhy does Atticusthink he isguaranteed to losethe Tom Robinsoncase?Summarizethe novelTKAM usinga comic stripWrite an additionalchapter followingthe end of the novelOR before thebeginning of thenovel.Character Portrait: Createa portrait of a maincharacter from the novelthat remainstrue to the description inthe text. Under the picture,include at least threequotes from thebook that providedescription of thischaracter.What is onerumour BooRadley isrumoured to havedone when he waslittle?How doesMiss Maudiereact the dayafter thefire?What does BooRadley carve inthe soap Jemand Scout foundin the knot-hole?Create a powerpoint summarizingthe novel. Mustinclude somepictures.Be creative!What isScout'sattitudetowardsAtticus?Creat a bookcover forTKAM. Mustbe color.Design a board game:Make a board game thatdeals with the theme andcharacters of thenovel. You must addressthe themes of Prejudiceand Growing Up,specifically, but you mayalso reveal other themesfrom the novel. You mustplay a section of th#1. You will be givena short story to read(on Canvas) andsummarize the shortstory. You will thenanswer the questionUSING THE R.A.C.EMETHODWhat is thereal name ofBoo Radley?Whatexplanationdoes Dill makeup for Jem’smissing pants?What did Jemlearn from hisencounter withMrs. Dubose,leading to herdeath?design a comic strip thatrelates to To Kill aMockingbird. It should haveat least 10 boxeswith dialogue. You maydraw your own or use acomic strip generator toassist in your comicstrip. You must include atleast one quote from thenovel. TWhat doesUncle Jacklearn fromScout andAtticus overChristmas?esign a comic strip thatrelates to To Kill aMockingbird. It should haveat least 5 boxeswith dialogue. You maydraw your own or use acomic strip generator toassist in your comicstrip. You must include atleast one quote from thenovel.Why doesAtticusdislike whenScout usesthe ‘n’ word?What are 3characteristicsthat Atticusholds?What twomistakes didMiss Carolinemake on thefirst day ofschool?Illustrate three scenes: Theillustrations must berelevant to the novel.Because someof us are not as artisticallyinclined as others, you mayuse magazine cut outs, orsymbols. Youneed to use yourimagination and your book!You must be sure toWhat doesScout first find inthe knot hole ofthe tree in frontof the Radleyhouse?Who attacksScout and Jemon their wayback from thepageant?Create a blackout poem andtell me how itrelates to thenovel TKAMWhy does Atticusthink he isguaranteed to losethe Tom Robinsoncase?Summarizethe novelTKAM usinga comic stripWrite an additionalchapter followingthe end of the novelOR before thebeginning of thenovel.Character Portrait: Createa portrait of a maincharacter from the novelthat remainstrue to the description inthe text. Under the picture,include at least threequotes from thebook that providedescription of thischaracter.


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What is one rumour Boo Radley is rumoured to have done when he was little?
  2. How does Miss Maudie react the day after the fire?
  3. What does Boo Radley carve in the soap Jem and Scout found in the knot-hole?
  4. Create a power point summarizing the novel. Must include some pictures. Be creative!
  5. What is Scout's attitude towards Atticus?
  6. Creat a book cover for TKAM. Must be color.
  7. Design a board game: Make a board game that deals with the theme and characters of the novel. You must address the themes of Prejudice and Growing Up, specifically, but you may also reveal other themes from the novel. You must play a section of th
  8. #1. You will be given a short story to read (on Canvas) and summarize the short story. You will then answer the question USING THE R.A.C.E METHOD
  9. What is the real name of Boo Radley?
  10. What explanation does Dill make up for Jem’s missing pants?
  11. What did Jem learn from his encounter with Mrs. Dubose, leading to her death?
  12. design a comic strip that relates to To Kill a Mockingbird. It should have at least 10 boxes with dialogue. You may draw your own or use a comic strip generator to assist in your comic strip. You must include at least one quote from the novel. T
  13. What does Uncle Jack learn from Scout and Atticus over Christmas?
  14. esign a comic strip that relates to To Kill a Mockingbird. It should have at least 5 boxes with dialogue. You may draw your own or use a comic strip generator to assist in your comic strip. You must include at least one quote from the novel.
  15. Why does Atticus dislike when Scout uses the ‘n’ word?
  16. What are 3 characteristics that Atticus holds?
  17. What two mistakes did Miss Caroline make on the first day of school?
  18. Illustrate three scenes: The illustrations must be relevant to the novel. Because some of us are not as artistically inclined as others, you may use magazine cut outs, or symbols. You need to use your imagination and your book! You must be sure to
  19. What does Scout first find in the knot hole of the tree in front of the Radley house?
  20. Who attacks Scout and Jem on their way back from the pageant?
  21. Create a black out poem and tell me how it relates to the novel TKAM
  22. Why does Atticus think he is guaranteed to lose the Tom Robinson case?
  23. Summarize the novel TKAM using a comic strip
  24. Write an additional chapter following the end of the novel OR before the beginning of the novel.
  25. Character Portrait: Create a portrait of a main character from the novel that remains true to the description in the text. Under the picture, include at least three quotes from the book that provide description of this character.