Go on a hike orwalk with yourfamily. List 5things you seeand hear.Mail someonea letter orwrite a thankyou card foryour mailman.Helpmakedinner.Practiceknots. Takea picture andshare!Go into natureor your backyard.Draw/paintwhat you see.Create asong orpoem, sharewith a friend.Look uporiginal GirlScout cookierecipe. Try itout!Go out andstar gaze.Find 5constellations.Go on a hike,where would be agood place to builda fire (if allowed)?Why did you pickthat spot?Tell yourfamily youlove them.Create outdoorart with thingsfound in nature.Take a picture &share.Pick up trashon yourstreet (becareful oftraffic!)Make toast art!Draw or take apicture of yourcreation. Eat it!Researchcampgrounds inWA. Whatcampgroundwould you like togo to and why?Find zoo animals towatch virtually. Pick1 animal & list somefacts. Where does itlive? What does iteat?Make a musicalinstrument withthings from aroundthe house(morracco, drum).Dance!Have anindoorpicnicSing a GirlScout songwhilewashingyour hands.Go on a hike orwalk with yourfamily. List 5things you seeand hear.Mail someonea letter orwrite a thankyou card foryour mailman.Helpmakedinner.Practiceknots. Takea picture andshare!Go into natureor your backyard.Draw/paintwhat you see.Create asong orpoem, sharewith a friend.Look uporiginal GirlScout cookierecipe. Try itout!Go out andstar gaze.Find 5constellations.Go on a hike,where would be agood place to builda fire (if allowed)?Why did you pickthat spot?Tell yourfamily youlove them.Create outdoorart with thingsfound in nature.Take a picture &share.Pick up trashon yourstreet (becareful oftraffic!)Make toast art!Draw or take apicture of yourcreation. Eat it!Researchcampgrounds inWA. Whatcampgroundwould you like togo to and why?Find zoo animals towatch virtually. Pick1 animal & list somefacts. Where does itlive? What does iteat?Make a musicalinstrument withthings from aroundthe house(morracco, drum).Dance!Have anindoorpicnicSing a GirlScout songwhilewashingyour hands.

Troop 5130 GIRL Scout Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Go on a hike or walk with your family. List 5 things you see and hear.
  2. Mail someone a letter or write a thank you card for your mailman.
  3. Help make dinner.
  4. Practice knots. Take a picture and share!
  5. Go into nature or your back yard. Draw/paint what you see.
  6. Create a song or poem, share with a friend.
  7. Look up original Girl Scout cookie recipe. Try it out!
  8. Go out and star gaze. Find 5 constellations.
  9. Go on a hike, where would be a good place to build a fire (if allowed)? Why did you pick that spot?
  10. Tell your family you love them.
  11. Create outdoor art with things found in nature. Take a picture & share.
  12. Pick up trash on your street (be careful of traffic!)
  13. Make toast art! Draw or take a picture of your creation. Eat it!
  14. Research campgrounds in WA. What campground would you like to go to and why?
  15. Find zoo animals to watch virtually. Pick 1 animal & list some facts. Where does it live? What does it eat?
  16. Make a musical instrument with things from around the house (morracco, drum). Dance!
  17. Have an indoor picnic
  18. Sing a Girl Scout song while washing your hands.