Senda deckCompletean SUOMreport chat a #winfrom a case orunderstandingin main PS QGet a casefrom thepending queueand solve forclosure Get a C/Randforward toProvidercheckhistoricalcases relatedto the currentcase to solve Obtain anupdatedcontact Close casedue toSUOM/IUOM Receive aresponse from aprovider stating,"Made updates,corrected,resolved"Send PurchaseOrder throughcase to supplier  ESRupdated withadditionalexceptions Send originalemail withoutusing anyemailtemplates receive a responsefrom the providerstating "go back towork with the supplieron the pricing" for aprovider case Compare price filefrom supplier tothe contractcausingdiscrepancies andload into CCXpert Get a C/Randforward toProviderJoin aprovidercallLoad acontractReceive asupplierresponse afterfirst email yousend after FSemails Contactsales repover thephone Get 30casecommentsin a day checkPurchaseOrder Historyreport in MEX Solve an100> dayold case send launchcommunicationto the supplier Close casedue to 810beinginvoicedcorrectlySenda deckCompletean SUOMreport chat a #winfrom a case orunderstandingin main PS QGet a casefrom thepending queueand solve forclosure Get a C/Randforward toProvidercheckhistoricalcases relatedto the currentcase to solve Obtain anupdatedcontact Close casedue toSUOM/IUOM Receive aresponse from aprovider stating,"Made updates,corrected,resolved"Send PurchaseOrder throughcase to supplier  ESRupdated withadditionalexceptions Send originalemail withoutusing anyemailtemplates receive a responsefrom the providerstating "go back towork with the supplieron the pricing" for aprovider case Compare price filefrom supplier tothe contractcausingdiscrepancies andload into CCXpert Get a C/Randforward toProviderJoin aprovidercallLoad acontractReceive asupplierresponse afterfirst email yousend after FSemails Contactsales repover thephone Get 30casecommentsin a day checkPurchaseOrder Historyreport in MEX Solve an100> dayold case send launchcommunicationto the supplier Close casedue to 810beinginvoicedcorrectly

Managed Services Price Sync Bingo! - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Send a deck
  2. Complete an SUOM report
  3. chat a #win from a case or understanding in main PS Q
  4. Get a case from the pending queue and solve for closure
  5. Get a C/R and forward to Provider
  6. check historical cases related to the current case to solve
  7. Obtain an updated contact
  8. Close case due to SUOM/IUOM
  9. Receive a response from a provider stating, "Made updates, corrected, resolved"
  10. Send Purchase Order through case to supplier
  11. ESR updated with additional exceptions
  12. Send original email without using any email templates
  13. receive a response from the provider stating "go back to work with the supplier on the pricing" for a provider case
  14. Compare price file from supplier to the contract causing discrepancies and load into CCXpert
  15. Get a C/R and forward to Provider
  16. Join a provider call
  17. Load a contract
  18. Receive a supplier response after first email you send after FS emails
  19. Contact sales rep over the phone
  20. Get 30 case comments in a day
  21. check Purchase Order History report in MEX
  22. Solve an 100> day old case
  23. send launch communication to the supplier
  24. Close case due to 810 being invoiced correctly