Visited orlived in morethan onestate duringquarantineBrokequarantine Read atleast twobooksStill has atleast adozen rollsof toiletpaperPlayedUpstartTriviaNightNot wearingsweatpantstoday (mustprove it)Did at least oneactivity with akid (under 18;bonus ifoutdoors)Watched all8 episodesThe LastDanceOrder lunch ordinner more thanthree times a week(update on favoriterestaurant)FREE SPACEif willing to talkabout yourguiltyquarantinesnackHad a non-lawyer explainlegal conceptsto you duringzoom/slackmeetingMet an Upstartco-worker in reallife (but sociallydistanced, ofcourse)Participate invirtual happyhours (updatefun stories -work doesn’tcount!)Yelled atchild/partner/petduring a meetingthis weekConfusedthe monthat leastonceAttended ameeting thatREALLY couldhave been anemail (and maybenot even neededat all)Watched at leastonedocumentary(bonus if noother teammatehas heard of it)Mony a micklemaks a muckle!(mark this spot ifyou know whatthis means)Fought someonefor space at thebeach/park (eventhough they areclosed)Ordered acocktailonline/through adelivery app(divulge whereyou got it)Spent moretime this weekon non-legalwork thanlegal work Purchasedpainting kit(e.g., wine andpaint; paint bynumber)Did a Tik Tokwith yourchild (orsomeoneelse’s child)FREE SPACEIf willing to divulgeyour mostembarrassingquarantinemomentVisited orlived in morethan onestate duringquarantineBrokequarantine Read atleast twobooksStill has atleast adozen rollsof toiletpaperPlayedUpstartTriviaNightNot wearingsweatpantstoday (mustprove it)Did at least oneactivity with akid (under 18;bonus ifoutdoors)Watched all8 episodesThe LastDanceOrder lunch ordinner more thanthree times a week(update on favoriterestaurant)FREE SPACEif willing to talkabout yourguiltyquarantinesnackHad a non-lawyer explainlegal conceptsto you duringzoom/slackmeetingMet an Upstartco-worker in reallife (but sociallydistanced, ofcourse)Participate invirtual happyhours (updatefun stories -work doesn’tcount!)Yelled atchild/partner/petduring a meetingthis weekConfusedthe monthat leastonceAttended ameeting thatREALLY couldhave been anemail (and maybenot even neededat all)Watched at leastonedocumentary(bonus if noother teammatehas heard of it)Mony a micklemaks a muckle!(mark this spot ifyou know whatthis means)Fought someonefor space at thebeach/park (eventhough they areclosed)Ordered acocktailonline/through adelivery app(divulge whereyou got it)Spent moretime this weekon non-legalwork thanlegal work Purchasedpainting kit(e.g., wine andpaint; paint bynumber)Did a Tik Tokwith yourchild (orsomeoneelse’s child)FREE SPACEIf willing to divulgeyour mostembarrassingquarantinemoment

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Visited or lived in more than one state during quarantine
  2. Broke quarantine
  3. Read at least two books
  4. Still has at least a dozen rolls of toilet paper
  5. Played Upstart Trivia Night
  6. Not wearing sweatpants today (must prove it)
  7. Did at least one activity with a kid (under 18; bonus if outdoors)
  8. Watched all 8 episodes The Last Dance
  9. Order lunch or dinner more than three times a week (update on favorite restaurant)
  10. FREE SPACE if willing to talk about your guilty quarantine snack
  11. Had a non-lawyer explain legal concepts to you during zoom/slack meeting
  12. Met an Upstart co-worker in real life (but socially distanced, of course)
  13. Participate in virtual happy hours (update fun stories - work doesn’t count!)
  14. Yelled at child/partner/pet during a meeting this week
  15. Confused the month at least once
  16. Attended a meeting that REALLY could have been an email (and maybe not even needed at all)
  17. Watched at least one documentary (bonus if no other teammate has heard of it)
  18. Mony a mickle maks a muckle! (mark this spot if you know what this means)
  19. Fought someone for space at the beach/park (even though they are closed)
  20. Ordered a cocktail online/through a delivery app (divulge where you got it)
  21. Spent more time this week on non-legal work than legal work
  22. Purchased painting kit (e.g., wine and paint; paint by number)
  23. Did a Tik Tok with your child (or someone else’s child)
  24. FREE SPACE If willing to divulge your most embarrassing quarantine moment