You have a 40hourworkweek? Irememberhaving a part-time job too.You can't fixcrazy. Youcan onlydocument it.Staying up lateto finishtomorrow's IEPand forgettingto hit SAVE.Wow! I wouldlove to seemy kids lessand do morepaperwork!You hear theschool psychstarts a sentencewith "Ohhoney"and youfeel yourself leanback a little.Hiding yourgranola bar inyour desk whenyou hear thedoor open.A parentcursed atyou in adifferentlanguage.Cursedat by astudentYou want anartic screenerfor "S" for akindergartner?!You can only sayWTF so manytimes before youthrow your handsup and startdrinkingBut I alreadysubmittedmycaseload.Twice!!I just wan'twait to takehome all mypaperworkthis weekend!Checkingyour emailand seeingone fromTHAT parent.Looks likesomeonedidn't gettheir pointstoday.Someonetakes yourfavoriteblue penPost-Its!Post-Itseverywhere!That momentyou realize youare ProgressMonitoring yourpet.Lockingyour doorso you caneat lunch.Wait, sincewhen isthere a formfor that?!I am notresponsible formy facialexpressionsduringmeetings.My IEP says I onlyhave to completework 3 out of 5days at 75%accuracy. I don'thave to worktoday.Yup, that'stotallyresearch-based.I'm notarguing. I'mexplainingwhy I'mcorrect.That's anaccommodation,not a goal.You have a 40hourworkweek? Irememberhaving a part-time job too.You can't fixcrazy. Youcan onlydocument it.Staying up lateto finishtomorrow's IEPand forgettingto hit SAVE.Wow! I wouldlove to seemy kids lessand do morepaperwork!You hear theschool psychstarts a sentencewith "Ohhoney"and youfeel yourself leanback a little.Hiding yourgranola bar inyour desk whenyou hear thedoor open.A parentcursed atyou in adifferentlanguage.Cursedat by astudentYou want anartic screenerfor "S" for akindergartner?!You can only sayWTF so manytimes before youthrow your handsup and startdrinkingBut I alreadysubmittedmycaseload.Twice!!I just wan'twait to takehome all mypaperworkthis weekend!Checkingyour emailand seeingone fromTHAT parent.Looks likesomeonedidn't gettheir pointstoday.Someonetakes yourfavoriteblue penPost-Its!Post-Itseverywhere!That momentyou realize youare ProgressMonitoring yourpet.Lockingyour doorso you caneat lunch.Wait, sincewhen isthere a formfor that?!I am notresponsible formy facialexpressionsduringmeetings.My IEP says I onlyhave to completework 3 out of 5days at 75%accuracy. I don'thave to worktoday.Yup, that'stotallyresearch-based.I'm notarguing. I'mexplainingwhy I'mcorrect.That's anaccommodation,not a goal.

SPED Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. You have a 40 hour workweek? I remember having a part-time job too.
  2. You can't fix crazy. You can only document it.
  3. Staying up late to finish tomorrow's IEP and forgetting to hit SAVE.
  4. Wow! I would love to see my kids less and do more paperwork!
  5. You hear the school psych starts a sentence with "Oh honey"and you feel yourself lean back a little.
  6. Hiding your granola bar in your desk when you hear the door open.
  7. A parent cursed at you in a different language.
  8. Cursed at by a student
  9. You want an artic screener for "S" for a kindergartner?!
  10. You can only say WTF so many times before you throw your hands up and start drinking
  11. But I already submitted my caseload. Twice!!
  12. I just wan't wait to take home all my paperwork this weekend!
  13. Checking your email and seeing one from THAT parent.
  14. Looks like someone didn't get their points today.
  15. Someone takes your favorite blue pen
  16. Post-Its! Post-Its everywhere!
  17. That moment you realize you are Progress Monitoring your pet.
  18. Locking your door so you can eat lunch.
  19. Wait, since when is there a form for that?!
  20. I am not responsible for my facial expressions during meetings.
  21. My IEP says I only have to complete work 3 out of 5 days at 75% accuracy. I don't have to work today.
  22. Yup, that's totally research-based.
  23. I'm not arguing. I'm explaining why I'm correct.
  24. That's an accommodation, not a goal.