Iron GuardRomanianitpicking(justified),based onlegacyExtremelybrigadedcomments,completeshitshowOverestimatesthe importanceof Arab Revoltbecause pophistoryVery poorunderstandingof BlackMonday as awholeBulgaria isforgottendespite beingone of 4Central PowersLe Sick Man spiel,expressesdisbelief on howthe Ottomans andAustria didn'tcollapse justbecauseGetting thingsabout Chinavery wrong,with maybesome legacystuff mixed in"Some ofit is good,some of itis less so"Legacy Loreand straightup false stucfinerwined in atangled messExtremenitpicking ofthe BritishRevolutionloreClaims Canadajs a Kingdombecause theKing lives there"It's a mod forHearts of IronIV"No mention ofKRDh or AOTRHe somehowdoesnt find anymassive issueswith LegacyIndia anf CentralAsiaMention ofOttomanAtrocities, butnone of theGermancolonial onesJackshitabout SouthAmerica andprobs Africaas well"AUS areneo-confederates"spiel"I mean atleast it's notSykes PicotMiddle East"quipMittleafrika isbrieflymentioned, butjust because ofHermannCompletelyignore thehistorical fact ofItalianRegionalism in20sPickingsides inthe ACWMuch of thevideo runtimewasted on"Whathappened to Xperson"Nitpickingthe PODin 1917Stressinghow weirdEternalKerensky is(justified tbh)A jab at Wilsonand his generalpolicies despitehim not beingrelevantIron GuardRomanianitpicking(justified),based onlegacyExtremelybrigadedcomments,completeshitshowOverestimatesthe importanceof Arab Revoltbecause pophistoryVery poorunderstandingof BlackMonday as awholeBulgaria isforgottendespite beingone of 4Central PowersLe Sick Man spiel,expressesdisbelief on howthe Ottomans andAustria didn'tcollapse justbecauseGetting thingsabout Chinavery wrong,with maybesome legacystuff mixed in"Some ofit is good,some of itis less so"Legacy Loreand straightup false stucfinerwined in atangled messExtremenitpicking ofthe BritishRevolutionloreClaims Canadajs a Kingdombecause theKing lives there"It's a mod forHearts of IronIV"No mention ofKRDh or AOTRHe somehowdoesnt find anymassive issueswith LegacyIndia anf CentralAsiaMention ofOttomanAtrocities, butnone of theGermancolonial onesJackshitabout SouthAmerica andprobs Africaas well"AUS areneo-confederates"spiel"I mean atleast it's notSykes PicotMiddle East"quipMittleafrika isbrieflymentioned, butjust because ofHermannCompletelyignore thehistorical fact ofItalianRegionalism in20sPickingsides inthe ACWMuch of thevideo runtimewasted on"Whathappened to Xperson"Nitpickingthe PODin 1917Stressinghow weirdEternalKerensky is(justified tbh)A jab at Wilsonand his generalpolicies despitehim not beingrelevant

Alternate History Hub Kaiserreich Video - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Iron Guard Romania nitpicking (justified), based on legacy
  2. Extremely brigaded comments, complete shitshow
  3. Overestimates the importance of Arab Revolt because pop history
  4. Very poor understanding of Black Monday as a whole
  5. Bulgaria is forgotten despite being one of 4 Central Powers
  6. Le Sick Man spiel, expresses disbelief on how the Ottomans and Austria didn't collapse just because
  7. Getting things about China very wrong, with maybe some legacy stuff mixed in
  8. "Some of it is good, some of it is less so"
  9. Legacy Lore and straight up false stucf inerwined in a tangled mess
  10. Extreme nitpicking of the British Revolution lore
  11. Claims Canada js a Kingdom because the King lives there
  12. "It's a mod for Hearts of Iron IV" No mention of KRDh or AOTR
  13. He somehow doesnt find any massive issues with Legacy India anf Central Asia
  14. Mention of Ottoman Atrocities, but none of the German colonial ones
  15. Jackshit about South America and probs Africa as well
  16. "AUS are neo-confederates" spiel
  17. "I mean at least it's not Sykes Picot Middle East" quip
  18. Mittleafrika is briefly mentioned, but just because of Hermann
  19. Completely ignore the historical fact of Italian Regionalism in 20s
  20. Picking sides in the ACW
  21. Much of the video runtime wasted on "What happened to X person"
  22. Nitpicking the POD in 1917
  23. Stressing how weird Eternal Kerensky is (justified tbh)
  24. A jab at Wilson and his general policies despite him not being relevant