A podcast ismentioned, andmay be remotelyrelevant to thetopic at handYT personname dropsBlack activist ornotable figurefor credibilityYT person takescredit for an ideathat originatedfrom a Blackperson's brillianceYT personoffers up someresource aBlack persondid not ask forYT personmentions thecauses that theyare donating to, forwoke YT personpointsNon Blackpersonmentions aBlack 'friend'they haveNon Black POCcenters theirgroup's traumainstead of Blackissue at handYT personuses the term'anti-racist' todescribethemselvesYT personmentions aracist familymemberYT personreferences anarticle orresource thatthey have readYT personmentions a Blackartist that is givingthem 'comfort' or'peace' during thistimeYT personsays 'Iapologize' or'I'm sorry'Non Black POCshares theirdisappointment intheir community'sresponse during thistime, not owning anyof that faultYT personmentions theirstruggles withthe 'protests'and damage ofpropertyBlack person isinvited to sharetheir perspectives,which they clearlydo not want toshareA person in aleadership positionsays absolutelynothing, leaving us insuspense (Note:Silence is violence)YT personmakes anoffer toprotest withBlack personA Black person criesand then quickly getstheir sh*t together'cuz they not finnashow emotions infront of this mixedaudienceA POCmentions thatracism is not aspresent in theirculture as in theUSYT personparaphrases whata Black personsays withoutadding anythingnew to theconversationYT personstares intovirtual abyssawkwardlywithout much tosayBlack personexudes the look ofa personchanneling 'Don'tstart none, won'tbe none'YT persontears (notlimited to YTwomantears)FREE(Note: Isanythingtruly free?)A podcast ismentioned, andmay be remotelyrelevant to thetopic at handYT personname dropsBlack activist ornotable figurefor credibilityYT person takescredit for an ideathat originatedfrom a Blackperson's brillianceYT personoffers up someresource aBlack persondid not ask forYT personmentions thecauses that theyare donating to, forwoke YT personpointsNon Blackpersonmentions aBlack 'friend'they haveNon Black POCcenters theirgroup's traumainstead of Blackissue at handYT personuses the term'anti-racist' todescribethemselvesYT personmentions aracist familymemberYT personreferences anarticle orresource thatthey have readYT personmentions a Blackartist that is givingthem 'comfort' or'peace' during thistimeYT personsays 'Iapologize' or'I'm sorry'Non Black POCshares theirdisappointment intheir community'sresponse during thistime, not owning anyof that faultYT personmentions theirstruggles withthe 'protests'and damage ofpropertyBlack person isinvited to sharetheir perspectives,which they clearlydo not want toshareA person in aleadership positionsays absolutelynothing, leaving us insuspense (Note:Silence is violence)YT personmakes anoffer toprotest withBlack personA Black person criesand then quickly getstheir sh*t together'cuz they not finnashow emotions infront of this mixedaudienceA POCmentions thatracism is not aspresent in theirculture as in theUSYT personparaphrases whata Black personsays withoutadding anythingnew to theconversationYT personstares intovirtual abyssawkwardlywithout much tosayBlack personexudes the look ofa personchanneling 'Don'tstart none, won'tbe none'YT persontears (notlimited to YTwomantears)FREE(Note: Isanythingtruly free?)

'Woke at Work' Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A podcast is mentioned, and may be remotely relevant to the topic at hand
  2. YT person name drops Black activist or notable figure for credibility
  3. YT person takes credit for an idea that originated from a Black person's brilliance
  4. YT person offers up some resource a Black person did not ask for
  5. YT person mentions the causes that they are donating to, for woke YT person points
  6. Non Black person mentions a Black 'friend' they have
  7. Non Black POC centers their group's trauma instead of Black issue at hand
  8. YT person uses the term 'anti-racist' to describe themselves
  9. YT person mentions a racist family member
  10. YT person references an article or resource that they have read
  11. YT person mentions a Black artist that is giving them 'comfort' or 'peace' during this time
  12. YT person says 'I apologize' or 'I'm sorry'
  13. Non Black POC shares their disappointment in their community's response during this time, not owning any of that fault
  14. YT person mentions their struggles with the 'protests' and damage of property
  15. Black person is invited to share their perspectives, which they clearly do not want to share
  16. A person in a leadership position says absolutely nothing, leaving us in suspense (Note: Silence is violence)
  17. YT person makes an offer to protest with Black person
  18. A Black person cries and then quickly gets their sh*t together 'cuz they not finna show emotions in front of this mixed audience
  19. A POC mentions that racism is not as present in their culture as in the US
  20. YT person paraphrases what a Black person says without adding anything new to the conversation
  21. YT person stares into virtual abyss awkwardly without much to say
  22. Black person exudes the look of a person channeling 'Don't start none, won't be none'
  23. YT person tears (not limited to YT woman tears)
  24. FREE (Note: Is anything truly free?)