Finish abook that isnew andwrite reviewHow do yousay 'Hello' in3 differentlanguages?Runaroundthe house3x'sFind anew songto shareat home!Workout: Run tocorner of drive, do10 Jacks, 10squats, run backto house-1Burpee.Repeat 5 x's!Read a storyor chapterout loud tosomeoneWashYourBikesLearn tocount 0-10 inSpanish Design aBowlingBallPlay a mathgame-look upsomethingnew likeCribbageWatch amovie thatmakesyou laugh!MakeFather'sDayCards!Find 5 funfacts toshare-writethem down!Find a songthat ismotivatingand tell mewhyWrite a letterto teacher orrelative tomail thisweek.Research ananimal thatlives in theAtlantic Ocean-tell me 5 factsMemorizea shortpoem totell meResearch aplace youwant to visit.Why?Puttogethera puzzleMake amath testwith 10questionsResearch ananimalnative toNorthern MNWhat wouldbe an epicburger?Draw and listthe toppings!Make abirthdaycard forRoger!Call a friendor relative onthe phone tosay HI!Finish abook that isnew andwrite reviewHow do yousay 'Hello' in3 differentlanguages?Runaroundthe house3x'sFind anew songto shareat home!Workout: Run tocorner of drive, do10 Jacks, 10squats, run backto house-1Burpee.Repeat 5 x's!Read a storyor chapterout loud tosomeoneWashYourBikesLearn tocount 0-10 inSpanish Design aBowlingBallPlay a mathgame-look upsomethingnew likeCribbageWatch amovie thatmakesyou laugh!MakeFather'sDayCards!Find 5 funfacts toshare-writethem down!Find a songthat ismotivatingand tell mewhyWrite a letterto teacher orrelative tomail thisweek.Research ananimal thatlives in theAtlantic Ocean-tell me 5 factsMemorizea shortpoem totell meResearch aplace youwant to visit.Why?Puttogethera puzzleMake amath testwith 10questionsResearch ananimalnative toNorthern MNWhat wouldbe an epicburger?Draw and listthe toppings!Make abirthdaycard forRoger!Call a friendor relative onthe phone tosay HI!

Summer FUN - Round 2 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Finish a book that is new and write review
  2. How do you say 'Hello' in 3 different languages?
  3. Run around the house 3x's
  4. Find a new song to share at home!
  5. Workout: Run to corner of drive, do 10 Jacks, 10 squats, run back to house-1 Burpee. Repeat 5 x's!
  6. Read a story or chapter out loud to someone
  7. Wash Your Bikes
  8. Learn to count 0-10 in Spanish
  9. Design a Bowling Ball
  10. Play a math game-look up something new like Cribbage
  11. Watch a movie that makes you laugh!
  12. Make Father's Day Cards!
  13. Find 5 fun facts to share-write them down!
  14. Find a song that is motivating and tell me why
  15. Write a letter to teacher or relative to mail this week.
  16. Research an animal that lives in the Atlantic Ocean-tell me 5 facts
  17. Memorize a short poem to tell me
  18. Research a place you want to visit. Why?
  19. Put together a puzzle
  20. Make a math test with 10 questions
  21. Research an animal native to Northern MN
  22. What would be an epic burger? Draw and list the toppings!
  23. Make a birthday card for Roger!
  24. Call a friend or relative on the phone to say HI!