Suggests thatthe severity ofthe pandemic isoverblown as apoliticalmaneuverClaims thatwashing yourhands couldincrease yourrisk of infecitonIncludesphotos ofDolphins in"Venice"Claims thatthe virus wasa deliberateact ofbioterrorismSuggests thatanti-contagionmeasures areineffective atslowing thediseaseSuggests thatconsumingalcohol helpsto kill thevirusSuggeststhat the viruswas createdor spread by5G networksEquates theseverity ofthe diseaseto theseasonal fluSuggests that thevirus can only surviveat cold temperaturesand thereforeCarribean vacationsare totally safeSuggests thatwearing a maskcould increaseyour risk ofinfectionClaims that thevirus wasreleased todrive sales of apre-existingvaccineReferencesstudies thathave beenretractedSuggests thatthere is nopublic healthrisk to largegatheringsClaims thatthe virus wasa labexperimentgone awryClaims that thevirus is nowcompletely gonefrom South Koreadue to effectivelockdownsClaims thatantibacterial soapsare more effectiveat killing the virusthan regular soapsClaims thatvegetariansare immuneto COVID-19Claims thatmosquitoscan transmitthe virusClaims thatwearing shoesin the housespread thevirus in ItalySuggests thatthe initialspillover wasdue to bat soupconsumption inChinaSuggeststhat BillGates wasbehind thevirusCites#Plandemicas a crediblesourceSuggests thatconsumingLysol helpscontrol thevirusUses "COVID"to refer to theSARS-CoV-2virus instead ofthe diseaseSuggests thatthe severity ofthe pandemic isoverblown as apoliticalmaneuverClaims thatwashing yourhands couldincrease yourrisk of infecitonIncludesphotos ofDolphins in"Venice"Claims thatthe virus wasa deliberateact ofbioterrorismSuggests thatanti-contagionmeasures areineffective atslowing thediseaseSuggests thatconsumingalcohol helpsto kill thevirusSuggeststhat the viruswas createdor spread by5G networksEquates theseverity ofthe diseaseto theseasonal fluSuggests that thevirus can only surviveat cold temperaturesand thereforeCarribean vacationsare totally safeSuggests thatwearing a maskcould increaseyour risk ofinfectionClaims that thevirus wasreleased todrive sales of apre-existingvaccineReferencesstudies thathave beenretractedSuggests thatthere is nopublic healthrisk to largegatheringsClaims thatthe virus wasa labexperimentgone awryClaims that thevirus is nowcompletely gonefrom South Koreadue to effectivelockdownsClaims thatantibacterial soapsare more effectiveat killing the virusthan regular soapsClaims thatvegetariansare immuneto COVID-19Claims thatmosquitoscan transmitthe virusClaims thatwearing shoesin the housespread thevirus in ItalySuggests thatthe initialspillover wasdue to bat soupconsumption inChinaSuggeststhat BillGates wasbehind thevirusCites#Plandemicas a crediblesourceSuggests thatconsumingLysol helpscontrol thevirusUses "COVID"to refer to theSARS-CoV-2virus instead ofthe disease

COVID-19 & SARS CoV-2 Fake News BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Suggests that the severity of the pandemic is overblown as a political maneuver
  2. Claims that washing your hands could increase your risk of infeciton
  3. Includes photos of Dolphins in "Venice"
  4. Claims that the virus was a deliberate act of bioterrorism
  5. Suggests that anti-contagion measures are ineffective at slowing the disease
  6. Suggests that consuming alcohol helps to kill the virus
  7. Suggests that the virus was created or spread by 5G networks
  8. Equates the severity of the disease to the seasonal flu
  9. Suggests that the virus can only survive at cold temperatures and therefore Carribean vacations are totally safe
  10. Suggests that wearing a mask could increase your risk of infection
  11. Claims that the virus was released to drive sales of a pre-existing vaccine
  12. References studies that have been retracted
  13. Suggests that there is no public health risk to large gatherings
  14. Claims that the virus was a lab experiment gone awry
  15. Claims that the virus is now completely gone from South Korea due to effective lockdowns
  16. Claims that antibacterial soaps are more effective at killing the virus than regular soaps
  17. Claims that vegetarians are immune to COVID-19
  18. Claims that mosquitos can transmit the virus
  19. Claims that wearing shoes in the house spread the virus in Italy
  20. Suggests that the initial spillover was due to bat soup consumption in China
  21. Suggests that Bill Gates was behind the virus
  22. Cites #Plandemic as a credible source
  23. Suggests that consuming Lysol helps control the virus
  24. Uses "COVID" to refer to the SARS-CoV-2 virus instead of the disease