Beat fivelevels inExpertEndlessBeat anyRyukahr levelthat isn't aMultiplayerlevelBeat 25levels inEndlessEasyBeat a waterlevel with aclear rate below2 % (No Firstclears)Beat two ofthis weeksTop 10 levelsin SuperExpertBeat a DarkGhost Houselevel with a clearrate below 2 %(No First Clears)Get a 3-winstreak inMultiplayerVersusBeat five ofthis weeksTop 10 levelsin ExpertBeat either2 Gooey or2 TygerChallengesSteal fiverecords fromthe Maker withthe most WorldRecordsBeat 20levels inEndlessNormalBeat anytroll levelbyKingBlingSteal 5 worldrecords fromLogan or anyof hisviewersBeat anycom_poserlevelBeat any fivelevels fromour viewersyou haven'tcleared beforeBeat an UnoMas level, a nonsuspicious setuplevel and an antitroll levelTravel the worldand beat a levelfrom each MarioMaker Region (NoFirst Clears!)Get fivefirstclearsCreate andupload twolevels. Theyneed to have aFirst Clear to getthis squareBeat anysyun_n levelthat isn't aMultiplayerlevelPlay andfinish anyworld whichhas at least5 levelsBeat a levelwith "#DGR"in either titleordescriptionBeat twolevels by thecreator fromCelesteBeat a One-Screen Puzzlewith a clear ratebelow 2% (NoFirst Clears)Beat fivelevels inExpertEndlessBeat anyRyukahr levelthat isn't aMultiplayerlevelBeat 25levels inEndlessEasyBeat a waterlevel with aclear rate below2 % (No Firstclears)Beat two ofthis weeksTop 10 levelsin SuperExpertBeat a DarkGhost Houselevel with a clearrate below 2 %(No First Clears)Get a 3-winstreak inMultiplayerVersusBeat five ofthis weeksTop 10 levelsin ExpertBeat either2 Gooey or2 TygerChallengesSteal fiverecords fromthe Maker withthe most WorldRecordsBeat 20levels inEndlessNormalBeat anytroll levelbyKingBlingSteal 5 worldrecords fromLogan or anyof hisviewersBeat anycom_poserlevelBeat any fivelevels fromour viewersyou haven'tcleared beforeBeat an UnoMas level, a nonsuspicious setuplevel and an antitroll levelTravel the worldand beat a levelfrom each MarioMaker Region (NoFirst Clears!)Get fivefirstclearsCreate andupload twolevels. Theyneed to have aFirst Clear to getthis squareBeat anysyun_n levelthat isn't aMultiplayerlevelPlay andfinish anyworld whichhas at least5 levelsBeat a levelwith "#DGR"in either titleordescriptionBeat twolevels by thecreator fromCelesteBeat a One-Screen Puzzlewith a clear ratebelow 2% (NoFirst Clears)

Logan's Streamversery Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Beat five levels in Expert Endless
  2. Beat any Ryukahr level that isn't a Multiplayer level
  3. Beat 25 levels in Endless Easy
  4. Beat a water level with a clear rate below 2 % (No First clears)
  5. Beat two of this weeks Top 10 levels in Super Expert
  6. Beat a Dark Ghost House level with a clear rate below 2 % (No First Clears)
  7. Get a 3-win streak in Multiplayer Versus
  8. Beat five of this weeks Top 10 levels in Expert
  9. Beat either 2 Gooey or 2 Tyger Challenges
  10. Steal five records from the Maker with the most World Records
  11. Beat 20 levels in Endless Normal
  12. Beat any troll level by KingBling
  13. Steal 5 world records from Logan or any of his viewers
  14. Beat any com_poser level
  15. Beat any five levels from our viewers you haven't cleared before
  16. Beat an Uno Mas level, a non suspicious setup level and an anti troll level
  17. Travel the world and beat a level from each Mario Maker Region (No First Clears!)
  18. Get five first clears
  19. Create and upload two levels. They need to have a First Clear to get this square
  20. Beat any syun_n level that isn't a Multiplayer level
  21. Play and finish any world which has at least 5 levels
  22. Beat a level with "#DGR" in either title or description
  23. Beat two levels by the creator from Celeste
  24. Beat a One-Screen Puzzle with a clear rate below 2% (No First Clears)