"AWESOME...!!Hope it rains tillWednesday....😂😂😂"" RAIN all day,why doesn'tNascarpostpone allthe events.""NASCAR is thenew CNN,FoxNews. RaceHub is now theBubba Report!""Ohwonderful!More air timefor Bubba!""Not watchingany more.Good luckwith your new'fans'""I wouldn’tworry aboutreschedulingthe sport is notimportantanymore""I hope everyrace getsrained outthis year.""“NASCARneeds toapologize”"BoycottingNASCAR instillthey officiallyapologize for therehandling of therope incident inTalladega.""Due to lack ofinterest in Nascar, allraces from here onout can just getcanceled...bunch ofpolitically correctcrybabies""Nope. Bringon the dragracesNHRA""Truckrace willKNOT beon today""Where is my$39 that youstole from me inticket fees fortickets I neverreceived???""Please babyproof the garageso Bubbadoesn’t get hisfeelings hurt""Richard Pettycan’t fire Bubbabecause thatwould beracist.""Why not just run iton Monday at 3:00you gotta to loveNascar good lucknext season onfinding sponsors""How does LordBubba feel about thepostponment of thetruck race? We areneeding to knowwhat the chosen onethinks of it.""I truly hatewhatNASCARhas done toNASCAR.""See youMonday andTuesday whenthis weekendgets rainedout!""What’s up withFS1. Find a wayfor us poorpeople withoutcable to watchit.""DoesPoconohavelights?""Lmao! Who cares! Iknow I will no longerwatch your newpoliticized NASCAR.Can’t wait until youfile bankruptcy!""AWESOME...!!Hope it rains tillWednesday....😂😂😂"" RAIN all day,why doesn'tNascarpostpone allthe events.""NASCAR is thenew CNN,FoxNews. RaceHub is now theBubba Report!""Ohwonderful!More air timefor Bubba!""Not watchingany more.Good luckwith your new'fans'""I wouldn’tworry aboutreschedulingthe sport is notimportantanymore""I hope everyrace getsrained outthis year.""“NASCARneeds toapologize”"BoycottingNASCAR instillthey officiallyapologize for therehandling of therope incident inTalladega.""Due to lack ofinterest in Nascar, allraces from here onout can just getcanceled...bunch ofpolitically correctcrybabies""Nope. Bringon the dragracesNHRA""Truckrace willKNOT beon today""Where is my$39 that youstole from me inticket fees fortickets I neverreceived???""Please babyproof the garageso Bubbadoesn’t get hisfeelings hurt""Richard Pettycan’t fire Bubbabecause thatwould beracist.""Why not just run iton Monday at 3:00you gotta to loveNascar good lucknext season onfinding sponsors""How does LordBubba feel about thepostponment of thetruck race? We areneeding to knowwhat the chosen onethinks of it.""I truly hatewhatNASCARhas done toNASCAR.""See youMonday andTuesday whenthis weekendgets rainedout!""What’s up withFS1. Find a wayfor us poorpeople withoutcable to watchit.""DoesPoconohavelights?""Lmao! Who cares! Iknow I will no longerwatch your newpoliticized NASCAR.Can’t wait until youfile bankruptcy!"

Angry NASCAR Comments on National Bingo Day @ji711 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. "AWESOME...!! Hope it rains till Wednesday....😂😂😂"
  2. " RAIN all day, why doesn't Nascar postpone all the events."
  3. "NASCAR is the new CNN,Fox News. Race Hub is now the Bubba Report!"
  4. "Oh wonderful! More air time for Bubba!"
  5. "Not watching any more. Good luck with your new 'fans'"
  6. "I wouldn’t worry about rescheduling the sport is not important anymore"
  7. "I hope every race gets rained out this year."
  8. "“NASCAR needs to apologize”
  9. "Boycotting NASCAR instill they officially apologize for there handling of the rope incident in Talladega."
  10. "Due to lack of interest in Nascar, all races from here on out can just get canceled...bunch of politically correct crybabies"
  11. "Nope. Bring on the drag races NHRA"
  12. "Truck race will KNOT be on today"
  13. "Where is my $39 that you stole from me in ticket fees for tickets I never received???"
  14. "Please baby proof the garage so Bubba doesn’t get his feelings hurt"
  15. "Richard Petty can’t fire Bubba because that would be racist."
  16. "Why not just run it on Monday at 3:00 you gotta to love Nascar good luck next season on finding sponsors"
  17. "How does Lord Bubba feel about the postponment of the truck race? We are needing to know what the chosen one thinks of it."
  18. "I truly hate what NASCAR has done to NASCAR."
  19. "See you Monday and Tuesday when this weekend gets rained out!"
  20. "What’s up with FS1. Find a way for us poor people without cable to watch it."
  21. "Does Pocono have lights?"
  22. "Lmao! Who cares! I know I will no longer watch your new politicized NASCAR. Can’t wait until you file bankruptcy!"