Five minutes afterfacing the toy aislesomeone bringstheir four children inand let's them runwild through thestore.An extremecouponerwalks in fiveminutesbefore close.You're offered apizza party or ajeans day if youmanage to hitthe metric of themonthYou report a serioushealth or safety issueto storecare+. Theytell you it's a p5 andthey'll have to wait forestimates beforethey'll approve it."If itdoesn'tring up it'sfree right?"You get robbed atgunpoint or the storegets broken into.Loss Preventionwants to know whyno one did a bagcheck when you leftfor the day.You pick up an ic3 inphoto or cosmeticsand none of thecustomers are willingto walk 10 feet to theother register.Intercomplus is instoremode only.The pharmacy isclosed for aholiday/early for theweekend. A customerinsists you go backand get theirprescription for them.A customer tries toreturn an item withouta receipt that they"definitely boughthere." It's acompetitor's storebrand.A customer wantsyou to help them finda product. They don'tknow what it's calledor what it's for but it'sin a blue box andpossibly starts withthe letter "m"The call center tells apatient theirprescription will beready in half an hour.They have no refillson it and it isn't duefor two more weeks.A customer tells youthat "manager B saidthat they could do Xwhen they called."Manager B hasn'tworked for the storefor 3 years.Someone inthe drive thrucomplainsthat they needto show IDA patient yells at youfor 20+ minutesbecause they need aprior authorization ontheir prescription andthat's your fault.A customer claimsthat "they've done ithere before" forsomething that iseither a) illegal or b)impossible to do inour systemCorporate wantsyou to ask thecustomer for 4 ormore things whenchecking out.Customer tells youit's a shame you haveto lock a product upwhen you'reunlocking it. Theythen proceed to try tosteal it.You ask a photocustomer whatkind of phone theyhave and theyanswer "I don'tknow, Boost?""If it was asnake itwould havebit me!"You work 10+ daysstraight and areexcited to finally havea day off. Yourcoworker calls offbecause they have ahangover.Homelesspeople throwall the trash inyour dumpsteron the groundAn old lady whohasn't brushed herhair or bathed inweeks wants you tohelp her pick outlipstick for over anhour.Old lady decidesyou're her best friend.You spend half anhour hearing abouther yeast infection,her grandkids, andher four dogs.A mid-twentieswhite guy accusesyou of profiling himwhen you watchhim stuff Tidedown his pants.Your dm tells you to dothing X, which you tell themis probably illegal andgenerally a bad idea. Theyinsist on it. A month laterthey send an email that"they have become awarethat thing X is happening instores and it needs to stopimmediateYou're finally fullystaffed for oneweek. Your mostreliable co-workersuddenly decidesto stop coming towork.A customer tries tocome in the storewearing nothing but abra and underwear,or a t-shirt withnothing else under it(no bottoms of anykind)A customer usesthe store phone tomake a drug dealfor the prescriptionthey're about topick up.You have 100+ pricechanges. None ofthem actually changeanything. Yourmanager insists youput them upanyways.A photo customerdoesn't understandthe differencebetween being ableto see pictures onFacebook and havingthem on their phone.District managementinsists on havingpulse meetings evenwhen you have nostaff. You're the onlyperson in the store soyou hold one withyourself.A doctor who doesn'tbelieve in e-prescription or faxescalls in 40+prescriptions for thesame patient. Thatpatient is angry thatthey're not all done 20minutes later."I've never donethis before!" "Isthat your name onthe checkoutscreen?" "Yes..."You have 100+ pricechanges. They're allchanging the priceback to what youchanged it from twodays previously.The manager has tospend over an houron a conference callabout the correctplacement of signageon the front doorManagementsays"Teamworkmakes thedream work!"A revisioncomes down toadd back in anitem youdeleted in thelast reset.Open up a toteof hair needsand everythingis covered insomethingsticky.Western Unioncustomer staresblankly at the screenand asks you what todo. You say, "Type inyour name in the boxthat says name..."Five minutes afterfacing the toy aislesomeone bringstheir four children inand let's them runwild through thestore.An extremecouponerwalks in fiveminutesbefore close.You're offered apizza party or ajeans day if youmanage to hitthe metric of themonthYou report a serioushealth or safety issueto storecare+. Theytell you it's a p5 andthey'll have to wait forestimates beforethey'll approve it."If itdoesn'tring up it'sfree right?"You get robbed atgunpoint or the storegets broken into.Loss Preventionwants to know whyno one did a bagcheck when you leftfor the day.You pick up an ic3 inphoto or cosmeticsand none of thecustomers are willingto walk 10 feet to theother register.Intercomplus is instoremode only.The pharmacy isclosed for aholiday/early for theweekend. A customerinsists you go backand get theirprescription for them.A customer tries toreturn an item withouta receipt that they"definitely boughthere." It's acompetitor's storebrand.A customer wantsyou to help them finda product. They don'tknow what it's calledor what it's for but it'sin a blue box andpossibly starts withthe letter "m"The call center tells apatient theirprescription will beready in half an hour.They have no refillson it and it isn't duefor two more weeks.A customer tells youthat "manager B saidthat they could do Xwhen they called."Manager B hasn'tworked for the storefor 3 years.Someone inthe drive thrucomplainsthat they needto show IDA patient yells at youfor 20+ minutesbecause they need aprior authorization ontheir prescription andthat's your fault.A customer claimsthat "they've done ithere before" forsomething that iseither a) illegal or b)impossible to do inour systemCorporate wantsyou to ask thecustomer for 4 ormore things whenchecking out.Customer tells youit's a shame you haveto lock a product upwhen you'reunlocking it. Theythen proceed to try tosteal it.You ask a photocustomer whatkind of phone theyhave and theyanswer "I don'tknow, Boost?""If it was asnake itwould havebit me!"You work 10+ daysstraight and areexcited to finally havea day off. Yourcoworker calls offbecause they have ahangover.Homelesspeople throwall the trash inyour dumpsteron the groundAn old lady whohasn't brushed herhair or bathed inweeks wants you tohelp her pick outlipstick for over anhour.Old lady decidesyou're her best friend.You spend half anhour hearing abouther yeast infection,her grandkids, andher four dogs.A mid-twentieswhite guy accusesyou of profiling himwhen you watchhim stuff Tidedown his pants.Your dm tells you to dothing X, which you tell themis probably illegal andgenerally a bad idea. Theyinsist on it. A month laterthey send an email that"they have become awarethat thing X is happening instores and it needs to stopimmediateYou're finally fullystaffed for oneweek. Your mostreliable co-workersuddenly decidesto stop coming towork.A customer tries tocome in the storewearing nothing but abra and underwear,or a t-shirt withnothing else under it(no bottoms of anykind)A customer usesthe store phone tomake a drug dealfor the prescriptionthey're about topick up.You have 100+ pricechanges. None ofthem actually changeanything. Yourmanager insists youput them upanyways.A photo customerdoesn't understandthe differencebetween being ableto see pictures onFacebook and havingthem on their phone.District managementinsists on havingpulse meetings evenwhen you have nostaff. You're the onlyperson in the store soyou hold one withyourself.A doctor who doesn'tbelieve in e-prescription or faxescalls in 40+prescriptions for thesame patient. Thatpatient is angry thatthey're not all done 20minutes later."I've never donethis before!" "Isthat your name onthe checkoutscreen?" "Yes..."You have 100+ pricechanges. They're allchanging the priceback to what youchanged it from twodays previously.The manager has tospend over an houron a conference callabout the correctplacement of signageon the front doorManagementsays"Teamworkmakes thedream work!"A revisioncomes down toadd back in anitem youdeleted in thelast reset.Open up a toteof hair needsand everythingis covered insomethingsticky.Western Unioncustomer staresblankly at the screenand asks you what todo. You say, "Type inyour name in the boxthat says name..."

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Five minutes after facing the toy aisle someone brings their four children in and let's them run wild through the store.
  2. An extreme couponer walks in five minutes before close.
  3. You're offered a pizza party or a jeans day if you manage to hit the metric of the month
  4. You report a serious health or safety issue to storecare+. They tell you it's a p5 and they'll have to wait for estimates before they'll approve it.
  5. "If it doesn't ring up it's free right?"
  6. You get robbed at gunpoint or the store gets broken into. Loss Prevention wants to know why no one did a bag check when you left for the day.
  7. You pick up an ic3 in photo or cosmetics and none of the customers are willing to walk 10 feet to the other register.
  8. Intercom plus is in store mode only.
  9. The pharmacy is closed for a holiday/early for the weekend. A customer insists you go back and get their prescription for them.
  10. A customer tries to return an item without a receipt that they "definitely bought here." It's a competitor's store brand.
  11. A customer wants you to help them find a product. They don't know what it's called or what it's for but it's in a blue box and possibly starts with the letter "m"
  12. The call center tells a patient their prescription will be ready in half an hour. They have no refills on it and it isn't due for two more weeks.
  13. A customer tells you that "manager B said that they could do X when they called." Manager B hasn't worked for the store for 3 years.
  14. Someone in the drive thru complains that they need to show ID
  15. A patient yells at you for 20+ minutes because they need a prior authorization on their prescription and that's your fault.
  16. A customer claims that "they've done it here before" for something that is either a) illegal or b) impossible to do in our system
  17. Corporate wants you to ask the customer for 4 or more things when checking out.
  18. Customer tells you it's a shame you have to lock a product up when you're unlocking it. They then proceed to try to steal it.
  19. You ask a photo customer what kind of phone they have and they answer "I don't know, Boost?"
  20. "If it was a snake it would have bit me!"
  21. You work 10+ days straight and are excited to finally have a day off. Your coworker calls off because they have a hangover.
  22. Homeless people throw all the trash in your dumpster on the ground
  23. An old lady who hasn't brushed her hair or bathed in weeks wants you to help her pick out lipstick for over an hour.
  24. Old lady decides you're her best friend. You spend half an hour hearing about her yeast infection, her grandkids, and her four dogs.
  25. A mid-twenties white guy accuses you of profiling him when you watch him stuff Tide down his pants.
  26. Your dm tells you to do thing X, which you tell them is probably illegal and generally a bad idea. They insist on it. A month later they send an email that "they have become aware that thing X is happening in stores and it needs to stop immediate
  27. You're finally fully staffed for one week. Your most reliable co-worker suddenly decides to stop coming to work.
  28. A customer tries to come in the store wearing nothing but a bra and underwear, or a t-shirt with nothing else under it (no bottoms of any kind)
  29. A customer uses the store phone to make a drug deal for the prescription they're about to pick up.
  30. You have 100+ price changes. None of them actually change anything. Your manager insists you put them up anyways.
  31. A photo customer doesn't understand the difference between being able to see pictures on Facebook and having them on their phone.
  32. District management insists on having pulse meetings even when you have no staff. You're the only person in the store so you hold one with yourself.
  33. A doctor who doesn't believe in e-prescription or faxes calls in 40+ prescriptions for the same patient. That patient is angry that they're not all done 20 minutes later.
  34. "I've never done this before!" "Is that your name on the checkout screen?" "Yes..."
  35. You have 100+ price changes. They're all changing the price back to what you changed it from two days previously.
  36. The manager has to spend over an hour on a conference call about the correct placement of signage on the front door
  37. Management says "Teamwork makes the dream work!"
  38. A revision comes down to add back in an item you deleted in the last reset.
  39. Open up a tote of hair needs and everything is covered in something sticky.
  40. Western Union customer stares blankly at the screen and asks you what to do. You say, "Type in your name in the box that says name..."