What are the6 Momentsof HandHygiene?I feel safe speakingup in an individualis not practicingappropriate handhygiene and PPEetiquette?What isSALAD?Are StandardPrecautionsused for allpatients everytime care isperformed?What is theDwell timefor green topwipes?What is thecorrect wayto storeSterileInstruments?WhatdoesPASSstand for?FREE!!!What isDwell timefor greytop wipes?Where is theelectricalpanellocated?WhatareIFU's?What isproperlinentransport?What isRACE?It is the responsibilityof every staffmember to ensure allpeople within thepatient careenvironment arewearing their maskscorrectly.PPE that must beworn whenentering a roomwith EnhancedDropletprecautions inplace?Contactprecautions forpatients withactive orsuspected C.Diff?What is theCorrect way totransport dirtyinstruments fromthe exam room todirty supply?A patient presentswith a chief complaintor symptomassociated with pain,where and how doyou document it?Locations ofFireExtinguishers?Were can youfind the St.Luke’s COVID-19 PPEguidelines?Can you placea patient inisolationwithout anorder?Should handhygiene beperformed beforeentering a patient’sroom if you areputting on gloves?What isStandardPrecaution?What should beword whenperforming anaerosolgeneratingprocedure?Instrumentcleaningprocess inexam/processroom?Cleaning process ofitems being used bymultiple patients(glucometer, PT/INRmachine, IVpomp/Pole, etc)?What isPHI?What are the5 Right ofMedications?What is theExam RoomTurnoverProcess?What is theDwell timefor Orangecontainerwipes?What are thedifferencesbetween asingle dose vialand a multi-usevial?What are the6 Momentsof HandHygiene?I feel safe speakingup in an individualis not practicingappropriate handhygiene and PPEetiquette?What isSALAD?Are StandardPrecautionsused for allpatients everytime care isperformed?What is theDwell timefor green topwipes?What is thecorrect wayto storeSterileInstruments?WhatdoesPASSstand for?FREE!!!What isDwell timefor greytop wipes?Where is theelectricalpanellocated?WhatareIFU's?What isproperlinentransport?What isRACE?It is the responsibilityof every staffmember to ensure allpeople within thepatient careenvironment arewearing their maskscorrectly.PPE that must beworn whenentering a roomwith EnhancedDropletprecautions inplace?Contactprecautions forpatients withactive orsuspected C.Diff?What is theCorrect way totransport dirtyinstruments fromthe exam room todirty supply?A patient presentswith a chief complaintor symptomassociated with pain,where and how doyou document it?Locations ofFireExtinguishers?Were can youfind the St.Luke’s COVID-19 PPEguidelines?Can you placea patient inisolationwithout anorder?Should handhygiene beperformed beforeentering a patient’sroom if you areputting on gloves?What isStandardPrecaution?What should beword whenperforming anaerosolgeneratingprocedure?Instrumentcleaningprocess inexam/processroom?Cleaning process ofitems being used bymultiple patients(glucometer, PT/INRmachine, IVpomp/Pole, etc)?What isPHI?What are the5 Right ofMedications?What is theExam RoomTurnoverProcess?What is theDwell timefor Orangecontainerwipes?What are thedifferencesbetween asingle dose vialand a multi-usevial?

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. What are the 6 Moments of Hand Hygiene?
  2. I feel safe speaking up in an individual is not practicing appropriate hand hygiene and PPE etiquette?
  3. What is SALAD?
  4. Are Standard Precautions used for all patients every time care is performed?
  5. What is the Dwell time for green top wipes?
  6. What is the correct way to store Sterile Instruments?
  7. What does PASS stand for?
  8. FREE!!!
  9. What is Dwell time for grey top wipes?
  10. Where is the electrical panel located?
  11. What are IFU's?
  12. What is proper linen transport?
  13. What is RACE?
  14. It is the responsibility of every staff member to ensure all people within the patient care environment are wearing their masks correctly.
  15. PPE that must be worn when entering a room with Enhanced Droplet precautions in place?
  16. Contact precautions for patients with active or suspected C. Diff?
  17. What is the Correct way to transport dirty instruments from the exam room to dirty supply?
  18. A patient presents with a chief complaint or symptom associated with pain, where and how do you document it?
  19. Locations of Fire Extinguishers?
  20. Were can you find the St. Luke’s COVID-19 PPE guidelines?
  21. Can you place a patient in isolation without an order?
  22. Should hand hygiene be performed before entering a patient’s room if you are putting on gloves?
  23. What is Standard Precaution?
  24. What should be word when performing an aerosol generating procedure?
  25. Instrument cleaning process in exam/process room?
  26. Cleaning process of items being used by multiple patients (glucometer, PT/INR machine, IV pomp/Pole, etc)?
  27. What is PHI?
  28. What are the 5 Right of Medications?
  29. What is the Exam Room Turnover Process?
  30. What is the Dwell time for Orange container wipes?
  31. What are the differences between a single dose vial and a multi-use vial?