Design a treehouse for youand your friends.Draw it on paperor use foundobjects!Make a journal foryou to write downyour favoritememories from thissummer andupcoming schoolyear.Found ObjectChandelierUse found objectsto create achandelier likeBink in the storyCreate you and yourbest friend as royalty.Think about the landyou would rule, theclothes you wouldwear, and what youwould do to benefityour kingdom.TwisterUsing colored papercreate your owntwister mat withspinner. To add anadditional challengeuse various shapes.Write a newspaperarticle about you anda friend breaking arecord. Explain whatrecord you broke indetail including howlong it took.Compare andcontrast Bink &Gollie. How are theysimilar? How are theydifferent? Next, dothe same with one ofyour best friends.Ruler of the LandYou just becameroyalty! What rulesdo you make foryour land?Found ObjectInventionThink of a problemthat you would like tosolve. Create yourown invention andbuild it using foundobjectsThink of a problemthat bothers you.Make anadvertisement for anitem that would solvethis problem.Friendship ScrapbookThink of some of yourfavorite memories withfriends. Using realphotos or hand drawn,create a scrapbook ofthese memories.Write a list of10+characteristicsof a goodfriend.Write yourown jokeand share itwith a friend. Paint a photo ofyou and your bestfriend doing one ofyour favoriteactivities togetherPutt Putt Createyour own golf clubout of foundobjects. Create amini golf course.Challenge yourfamily.Design yourown royalcrown. Usefound objectsor draw it onpaper.Bake OffSharpen yourbaking skills withyour family andbake yourfavorite recipe.Design a treehouse for youand your friends.Draw it on paperor use foundobjects!Make a journal foryou to write downyour favoritememories from thissummer andupcoming schoolyear.Found ObjectChandelierUse found objectsto create achandelier likeBink in the storyCreate you and yourbest friend as royalty.Think about the landyou would rule, theclothes you wouldwear, and what youwould do to benefityour kingdom.TwisterUsing colored papercreate your owntwister mat withspinner. To add anadditional challengeuse various shapes.Write a newspaperarticle about you anda friend breaking arecord. Explain whatrecord you broke indetail including howlong it took.Compare andcontrast Bink &Gollie. How are theysimilar? How are theydifferent? Next, dothe same with one ofyour best friends.Ruler of the LandYou just becameroyalty! What rulesdo you make foryour land?Found ObjectInventionThink of a problemthat you would like tosolve. Create yourown invention andbuild it using foundobjectsThink of a problemthat bothers you.Make anadvertisement for anitem that would solvethis problem.Friendship ScrapbookThink of some of yourfavorite memories withfriends. Using realphotos or hand drawn,create a scrapbook ofthese memories.Write a list of10+characteristicsof a goodfriend.Write yourown jokeand share itwith a friend. Paint a photo ofyou and your bestfriend doing one ofyour favoriteactivities togetherPutt Putt Createyour own golf clubout of foundobjects. Create amini golf course.Challenge yourfamily.Design yourown royalcrown. Usefound objectsor draw it onpaper.Bake OffSharpen yourbaking skills withyour family andbake yourfavorite recipe.

Bink & Gollie- Best Friends Forever - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Design a tree house for you and your friends. Draw it on paper or use found objects!
  2. Make a journal for you to write down your favorite memories from this summer and upcoming school year.
  3. Found Object Chandelier Use found objects to create a chandelier like Bink in the story
  4. Create you and your best friend as royalty. Think about the land you would rule, the clothes you would wear, and what you would do to benefit your kingdom.
  5. Twister Using colored paper create your own twister mat with spinner. To add an additional challenge use various shapes.
  6. Write a newspaper article about you and a friend breaking a record. Explain what record you broke in detail including how long it took.
  7. Compare and contrast Bink & Gollie. How are they similar? How are they different? Next, do the same with one of your best friends.
  8. Ruler of the Land You just became royalty! What rules do you make for your land?
  9. Found Object Invention Think of a problem that you would like to solve. Create your own invention and build it using found objects
  10. Think of a problem that bothers you. Make an advertisement for an item that would solve this problem.
  11. Friendship Scrapbook Think of some of your favorite memories with friends. Using real photos or hand drawn, create a scrapbook of these memories.
  12. Write a list of 10+ characteristics of a good friend.
  13. Write your own joke and share it with a friend.
  14. Paint a photo of you and your best friend doing one of your favorite activities together
  15. Putt Putt Create your own golf club out of found objects. Create a mini golf course. Challenge your family.
  16. Design your own royal crown. Use found objects or draw it on paper.
  17. Bake Off Sharpen your baking skills with your family and bake your favorite recipe.