"I'm sure he neverhad covid.Noosecar musthave paid him wellto make that falseclaim""Too bad BrianFrance madehut chase evenbroken andworse""Jimmiemust havehad CoronaLite!!""Broken formatand Playoffsdon’t belong inMotorsports,only ball sports.""No way hehad it andwas over it inless than aweek!""Poor baby didn'tget enoughattention. So hegonna return todrive around incircles.""Never had thevirus likethousands ofothers! We’rebeing lied to aboutthe virus!""So whathappened to a 14Day quarantinethen 2 NegativeTests beforesafe?""I thought he hadto stay home for 2weeks? Or is thatjust for the bluecollar people?""And wow!! Lookwhere Smollettis at..becareful,he mightprotest..""That maskdoesn’t helpspit, & isn’tprotectinganyone from u""A false positive,just anothernumber they canadd to the totalsjust like DaleJarrett at the startof all this""Somethingsmellsfishy""Just anotherway to getnascarattention""NASCARisbankruptwith me""Oh look turnleft... he isjust like hisbro Bubba""Eric joneswont be aroundmuch longer.Who's going totake his place?""Poor Jimmy isn'tgetting a real sendoff this season dueto the great andpowerful Bubba!""NASCAR isa racingseries, not astick and ballsports.""NASCARthis is whyyou are thedumbestsport ever""Anotherpublicitystunt? Whathappened toquarantine?""Actually itsupposed to be 16days. 14 inquarantine and 2negative tests in48 hours. Howtime flies!""GoLogano""Washed uphas been.He lied likebubba""I'm sure he neverhad covid.Noosecar musthave paid him wellto make that falseclaim""Too bad BrianFrance madehut chase evenbroken andworse""Jimmiemust havehad CoronaLite!!""Broken formatand Playoffsdon’t belong inMotorsports,only ball sports.""No way hehad it andwas over it inless than aweek!""Poor baby didn'tget enoughattention. So hegonna return todrive around incircles.""Never had thevirus likethousands ofothers! We’rebeing lied to aboutthe virus!""So whathappened to a 14Day quarantinethen 2 NegativeTests beforesafe?""I thought he hadto stay home for 2weeks? Or is thatjust for the bluecollar people?""And wow!! Lookwhere Smollettis at..becareful,he mightprotest..""That maskdoesn’t helpspit, & isn’tprotectinganyone from u""A false positive,just anothernumber they canadd to the totalsjust like DaleJarrett at the startof all this""Somethingsmellsfishy""Just anotherway to getnascarattention""NASCARisbankruptwith me""Oh look turnleft... he isjust like hisbro Bubba""Eric joneswont be aroundmuch longer.Who's going totake his place?""Poor Jimmy isn'tgetting a real sendoff this season dueto the great andpowerful Bubba!""NASCAR isa racingseries, not astick and ballsports.""NASCARthis is whyyou are thedumbestsport ever""Anotherpublicitystunt? Whathappened toquarantine?""Actually itsupposed to be 16days. 14 inquarantine and 2negative tests in48 hours. Howtime flies!""GoLogano""Washed uphas been.He lied likebubba"

Jimmie Johnson Return NASCAR Boomer Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. "I'm sure he never had covid. Noosecar must have paid him well to make that false claim"
  2. "Too bad Brian France made hut chase even broken and worse"
  3. "Jimmie must have had Corona Lite!!"
  4. "Broken format and Playoffs don’t belong in Motorsports, only ball sports."
  5. "No way he had it and was over it in less than a week!"
  6. "Poor baby didn't get enough attention. So he gonna return to drive around in circles."
  7. "Never had the virus like thousands of others! We’re being lied to about the virus!"
  8. "So what happened to a 14 Day quarantine then 2 Negative Tests before safe?"
  9. "I thought he had to stay home for 2 weeks? Or is that just for the blue collar people?"
  10. "And wow!! Look where Smollett is at..be careful,he might protest.."
  11. "That mask doesn’t help spit, & isn’t protecting anyone from u"
  12. "A false positive, just another number they can add to the totals just like Dale Jarrett at the start of all this"
  13. "Something smells fishy"
  14. "Just another way to get nascar attention"
  15. "NASCAR is bankrupt with me"
  16. "Oh look turn left... he is just like his bro Bubba"
  17. "Eric jones wont be around much longer. Who's going to take his place?"
  18. "Poor Jimmy isn't getting a real send off this season due to the great and powerful Bubba!"
  19. "NASCAR is a racing series, not a stick and ball sports."
  20. "NASCAR this is why you are the dumbest sport ever"
  21. "Another publicity stunt? What happened to quarantine?"
  22. "Actually it supposed to be 16 days. 14 in quarantine and 2 negative tests in 48 hours. How time flies!"
  23. "Go Logano"
  24. "Washed up has been. He lied like bubba"