You need to give theball back to yourbrother. Would youlike me to hand it tohim, OR would youlike to do it byyourself?You've triedeverything, but the 3-year-old takes herbrother's toys. Youhave her take abreak for 5 minutesand then STARTOVER. Do you want topick up yourtoys by yourselfOR do you wantme to help you?Let's play aGAME to seewho can singthe loudest onthe way to thebathroom.You've tried to getthem to stop, but the4-year-old keepspushing buttons onthe remote. You stopthe show for 4minutes, then STARTOVER.The child is gettingupset. YouDISTRACT themby offering to playtheir favoritegame.Do you want toplay with the bigdoll taking turns,OR do you want toplay a boardgame?You need to give theball back to yourbrother. Would youlike me to hand it tohim, OR would youlike to do it byyourself? The child is gettingfrustrated by a toy.You DISTRACTthem by offering towalk in the yard.When yourshoes areon, THENwe can go tothe park.The child is irritablebecause they had anearly dinner and isnow hungry again.You PROVIDECOMFORT by givingthem an ageappropriate snack. WHEN youput yourpajamas on,THEN we'llread a book.WHEN youput yourpajamas on,THEN we'llread a book. The child woke upfrom a nightmare,you PROVIDECOMFORT bysinging it a lullaby.The child woke upfrom a nightmare,you PROVIDECOMFORT bysinging it a lullabyYou've tried to getthem to stop, but the4-year-old keepspushing buttons onthe remote. You stopthe show for 4minutes, then STARTOVER.The child is irritablebecause they had anearly dinner and isnow hungry again.You PROVIDECOMFORT by givingthem an ageappropriate snack.Let's play aGAME to seewho can singthe loudest onthe way to thebathroom.The child is gettingupset. YouDISTRACT themby offering to playtheir favoritegame. When yourshoes areon, THENwe can go tothe park. Do you want topick up yourtoys by yourselfOR do you wantme to help you? Do you wantto read thisbook OR thatbook beforeyour nap?WHEN youwash yourhands,THEN we'llhave lunch. Let's play aGAME to seewho can singthe loudest onthe way to thebathroom.You need to give theball back to yourbrother. Would youlike me to hand it tohim, OR would youlike to do it byyourself?You've triedeverything, but the 3-year-old takes herbrother's toys. Youhave her take abreak for 5 minutesand then STARTOVER. Do you want topick up yourtoys by yourselfOR do you wantme to help you?Let's play aGAME to seewho can singthe loudest onthe way to thebathroom.You've tried to getthem to stop, but the4-year-old keepspushing buttons onthe remote. You stopthe show for 4minutes, then STARTOVER.The child is gettingupset. YouDISTRACT themby offering to playtheir favoritegame.Do you want toplay with the bigdoll taking turns,OR do you want toplay a boardgame?You need to give theball back to yourbrother. Would youlike me to hand it tohim, OR would youlike to do it byyourself? The child is gettingfrustrated by a toy.You DISTRACTthem by offering towalk in the yard.When yourshoes areon, THENwe can go tothe park.The child is irritablebecause they had anearly dinner and isnow hungry again.You PROVIDECOMFORT by givingthem an ageappropriate snack. WHEN youput yourpajamas on,THEN we'llread a book.WHEN youput yourpajamas on,THEN we'llread a book. The child woke upfrom a nightmare,you PROVIDECOMFORT bysinging it a lullaby.The child woke upfrom a nightmare,you PROVIDECOMFORT bysinging it a lullabyYou've tried to getthem to stop, but the4-year-old keepspushing buttons onthe remote. You stopthe show for 4minutes, then STARTOVER.The child is irritablebecause they had anearly dinner and isnow hungry again.You PROVIDECOMFORT by givingthem an ageappropriate snack.Let's play aGAME to seewho can singthe loudest onthe way to thebathroom.The child is gettingupset. YouDISTRACT themby offering to playtheir favoritegame. When yourshoes areon, THENwe can go tothe park. Do you want topick up yourtoys by yourselfOR do you wantme to help you? Do you wantto read thisbook OR thatbook beforeyour nap?WHEN youwash yourhands,THEN we'llhave lunch. Let's play aGAME to seewho can singthe loudest onthe way to thebathroom.

Behavior Management BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. You need to give the ball back to your brother. Would you like me to hand it to him, OR would you like to do it by yourself?
  2. You've tried everything, but the 3-year-old takes her brother's toys. You have her take a break for 5 minutes and then START OVER.
  3. Do you want to pick up your toys by yourself OR do you want me to help you?
  4. Let's play a GAME to see who can sing the loudest on the way to the bathroom.
  5. You've tried to get them to stop, but the 4-year-old keeps pushing buttons on the remote. You stop the show for 4 minutes, then START OVER.
  6. The child is getting upset. You DISTRACT them by offering to play their favorite game.
  7. Do you want to play with the big doll taking turns, OR do you want to play a board game?
  8. You need to give the ball back to your brother. Would you like me to hand it to him, OR would you like to do it by yourself?
  9. The child is getting frustrated by a toy. You DISTRACT them by offering to walk in the yard.
  10. When your shoes are on, THEN we can go to the park.
  11. The child is irritable because they had an early dinner and is now hungry again. You PROVIDE COMFORT by giving them an age appropriate snack.
  12. WHEN you put your pajamas on, THEN we'll read a book.
  13. WHEN you put your pajamas on, THEN we'll read a book.
  14. The child woke up from a nightmare, you PROVIDE COMFORT by singing it a lullaby.
  15. The child woke up from a nightmare, you PROVIDE COMFORT by singing it a lullaby
  16. You've tried to get them to stop, but the 4-year-old keeps pushing buttons on the remote. You stop the show for 4 minutes, then START OVER.
  17. The child is irritable because they had an early dinner and is now hungry again. You PROVIDE COMFORT by giving them an age appropriate snack.
  18. Let's play a GAME to see who can sing the loudest on the way to the bathroom.
  19. The child is getting upset. You DISTRACT them by offering to play their favorite game.
  20. When your shoes are on, THEN we can go to the park.
  21. Do you want to pick up your toys by yourself OR do you want me to help you?
  22. Do you want to read this book OR that book before your nap?
  23. WHEN you wash your hands, THEN we'll have lunch.
  24. Let's play a GAME to see who can sing the loudest on the way to the bathroom.