I heardtheShofarI heard adrash orteaching thatresonatedwith meI attendeda servicein mypajamasI "chatted"with a friendduring aZoom serviceor classI had anewinsightI called amember of thecommunity Ihaven't seen ina while to sayShana TovaI madesomeonefeel welcomein ourcommunityI fasted on YomKippur/or I'mnot allowed tofast on YomKippur forhealth reasonsI had amoment offeeling closeto the DivineI did teshuvawith a friend orfamily memberand apologizedfor hurting themI participated in adiscussion aboutone of the Torahportions for RoshHashana or YomKippur, either onZoom or in personI missedsingingtogether butsang anywayI committed toa specific waythat I will takeactionregardingclimate changeI liked nothaving to finda seat or aparking spacethis yearI read a bookto help meprepare forthe holidaysI took part inan Elulintrospectiongroup onlineor in personI sawsomeone'spet duringservicesI created aspecial placeto pray athome oroutdoorsI attended anantiracismreflectiongroup onlineor in personI gavetzedakahI attended anonline studysession to helpme prepare forthe High HolyDaysI worewhite athomeI listened toa recordingof ahaftarahI ateapplesandhoneyI baked orcookedsomethingspecial forRosh HashanaI heardtheShofarI heard adrash orteaching thatresonatedwith meI attendeda servicein mypajamasI "chatted"with a friendduring aZoom serviceor classI had anewinsightI called amember of thecommunity Ihaven't seen ina while to sayShana TovaI madesomeonefeel welcomein ourcommunityI fasted on YomKippur/or I'mnot allowed tofast on YomKippur forhealth reasonsI had amoment offeeling closeto the DivineI did teshuvawith a friend orfamily memberand apologizedfor hurting themI participated in adiscussion aboutone of the Torahportions for RoshHashana or YomKippur, either onZoom or in personI missedsingingtogether butsang anywayI committed toa specific waythat I will takeactionregardingclimate changeI liked nothaving to finda seat or aparking spacethis yearI read a bookto help meprepare forthe holidaysI took part inan Elulintrospectiongroup onlineor in personI sawsomeone'spet duringservicesI created aspecial placeto pray athome oroutdoorsI attended anantiracismreflectiongroup onlineor in personI gavetzedakahI attended anonline studysession to helpme prepare forthe High HolyDaysI worewhite athomeI listened toa recordingof ahaftarahI ateapplesandhoneyI baked orcookedsomethingspecial forRosh Hashana


(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I heard the Shofar
  2. I heard a drash or teaching that resonated with me
  3. I attended a service in my pajamas
  4. I "chatted" with a friend during a Zoom service or class
  5. I had a new insight
  6. I called a member of the community I haven't seen in a while to say Shana Tova
  7. I made someone feel welcome in our community
  8. I fasted on Yom Kippur/or I'm not allowed to fast on Yom Kippur for health reasons
  9. I had a moment of feeling close to the Divine
  10. I did teshuva with a friend or family member and apologized for hurting them
  11. I participated in a discussion about one of the Torah portions for Rosh Hashana or Yom Kippur, either on Zoom or in person
  12. I missed singing together but sang anyway
  13. I committed to a specific way that I will take action regarding climate change
  14. I liked not having to find a seat or a parking space this year
  15. I read a book to help me prepare for the holidays
  16. I took part in an Elul introspection group online or in person
  17. I saw someone's pet during services
  18. I created a special place to pray at home or outdoors
  19. I attended an antiracism reflection group online or in person
  20. I gave tzedakah
  21. I attended an online study session to help me prepare for the High Holy Days
  22. I wore white at home
  23. I listened to a recording of a haftarah
  24. I ate apples and honey
  25. I baked or cooked something special for Rosh Hashana