I canclose anapp fromthe dockI can viewmy tabs inSafarioverviewI can usespotlight searchto locate adocumentquicklyI can set atimerusing SIRII ca forcequit anappI canairdropwith afriendI can use ReaderView in Safaribit.ly/numberofpeopleI can addan eventto mycalendarI can addan app tothe dockI can createa newdesktop toshow SafariI can createa new folderin myDocumentsfolderI can useshare fromSafari tocreate a newNoteI can usedictation toenter textand use textto speechI cancustomizeright clickI can workin fullscreenI can savean imagefromSafariI canhide mydockI can add awebsite tomy ReaderListI can nestfolders inFinderwindowI canzoom inon a URLin SafariI can takeascreenshotI can accesslaunchpadfrom mykeyboardI can use splitscreen to useNotes andSafari at thesame timeI can add abook to myMac fromADECollectionI canclose anapp fromthe dockI can viewmy tabs inSafarioverviewI can usespotlight searchto locate adocumentquicklyI can set atimerusing SIRII ca forcequit anappI canairdropwith afriendI can use ReaderView in Safaribit.ly/numberofpeopleI can addan eventto mycalendarI can addan app tothe dockI can createa newdesktop toshow SafariI can createa new folderin myDocumentsfolderI can useshare fromSafari tocreate a newNoteI can usedictation toenter textand use textto speechI cancustomizeright clickI can workin fullscreenI can savean imagefromSafariI canhide mydockI can add awebsite tomy ReaderListI can nestfolders inFinderwindowI canzoom inon a URLin SafariI can takeascreenshotI can accesslaunchpadfrom mykeyboardI can use splitscreen to useNotes andSafari at thesame timeI can add abook to myMac fromADECollection

MacBook Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I can close an app from the dock
  2. I can view my tabs in Safari overview
  3. I can use spotlight search to locate a document quickly
  4. I can set a timer using SIRI
  5. I ca force quit an app
  6. I can airdrop with a friend
  7. I can use Reader View in Safari bit.ly/numberofpeople
  8. I can add an event to my calendar
  9. I can add an app to the dock
  10. I can create a new desktop to show Safari
  11. I can create a new folder in my Documents folder
  12. I can use share from Safari to create a new Note
  13. I can use dictation to enter text and use text to speech
  14. I can customize right click
  15. I can work in full screen
  16. I can save an image from Safari
  17. I can hide my dock
  18. I can add a website to my Reader List
  19. I can nest folders in Finder window
  20. I can zoom in on a URL in Safari
  21. I can take a screenshot
  22. I can access launchpad from my keyboard
  23. I can use split screen to use Notes and Safari at the same time
  24. I can add a book to my Mac from ADE Collection