Computerscreens usemillions of tinypixels to makepictures.Footballsused to bemade frompig bladders.Makingproducts fromrecycledmaterials saveselectricity.Blind cave fishdo not haveeyes becausethey live indarkness.The Mexicanholiday of ElDia de losMuertos honorsthe dead.Mangrovetrees haveroots that helpthem survivein estuaries.Sharks havethousands ofteeth thatgrow in rowsSnakes canopen theirmouths verywide to swallowtheir foodwhole.Mars is asmall, coldplanet withpoisonousair.Mickey Mousefirst appearedin a black andwhite cartoonin 1928.Galapagospenguins swimin the ocean tostay coolduring the day.A snowleopard hasthick fur andlarge lungs forcold weather.Bones giveyour bodystructure andprotect yourinternal organs.Seahorsesattachthemselves tosea grass orcoral instead ofswimming.Police dogshave beentrained to solvecrimes byfollowingscents.Bats are theonly mammalsnative to NewZealand.Redwood treesin NorthernCalifornia arethe tallest treesin the world.Many desertanimals staycool byburrowingundergroundduring the day.Louis Brailleinvented asystem tohelp blindpeople read.Many peopledied whileconstructingthe Great Wallof China.On the moon,there is no airto make afeather float.The beaverpopulation isout of controlon Tierra delFuego.The semi-aquaticcapybara is thelargest rodentin the world.The NileRiver inAfrica is over4,000 mileslong.Computerscreens usemillions of tinypixels to makepictures.Footballsused to bemade frompig bladders.Makingproducts fromrecycledmaterials saveselectricity.Blind cave fishdo not haveeyes becausethey live indarkness.The Mexicanholiday of ElDia de losMuertos honorsthe dead.Mangrovetrees haveroots that helpthem survivein estuaries.Sharks havethousands ofteeth thatgrow in rowsSnakes canopen theirmouths verywide to swallowtheir foodwhole.Mars is asmall, coldplanet withpoisonousair.Mickey Mousefirst appearedin a black andwhite cartoonin 1928.Galapagospenguins swimin the ocean tostay coolduring the day.A snowleopard hasthick fur andlarge lungs forcold weather.Bones giveyour bodystructure andprotect yourinternal organs.Seahorsesattachthemselves tosea grass orcoral instead ofswimming.Police dogshave beentrained to solvecrimes byfollowingscents.Bats are theonly mammalsnative to NewZealand.Redwood treesin NorthernCalifornia arethe tallest treesin the world.Many desertanimals staycool byburrowingundergroundduring the day.Louis Brailleinvented asystem tohelp blindpeople read.Many peopledied whileconstructingthe Great Wallof China.On the moon,there is no airto make afeather float.The beaverpopulation isout of controlon Tierra delFuego.The semi-aquaticcapybara is thelargest rodentin the world.The NileRiver inAfrica is over4,000 mileslong.

Summary Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Computer screens use millions of tiny pixels to make pictures.
  2. Footballs used to be made from pig bladders.
  3. Making products from recycled materials saves electricity.
  4. Blind cave fish do not have eyes because they live in darkness.
  5. The Mexican holiday of El Dia de los Muertos honors the dead.
  6. Mangrove trees have roots that help them survive in estuaries.
  7. Sharks have thousands of teeth that grow in rows
  8. Snakes can open their mouths very wide to swallow their food whole.
  9. Mars is a small, cold planet with poisonous air.
  10. Mickey Mouse first appeared in a black and white cartoon in 1928.
  11. Galapagos penguins swim in the ocean to stay cool during the day.
  12. A snow leopard has thick fur and large lungs for cold weather.
  13. Bones give your body structure and protect your internal organs.
  14. Seahorses attach themselves to sea grass or coral instead of swimming.
  15. Police dogs have been trained to solve crimes by following scents.
  16. Bats are the only mammals native to New Zealand.
  17. Redwood trees in Northern California are the tallest trees in the world.
  18. Many desert animals stay cool by burrowing underground during the day.
  19. Louis Braille invented a system to help blind people read.
  20. Many people died while constructing the Great Wall of China.
  21. On the moon, there is no air to make a feather float.
  22. The beaver population is out of control on Tierra del Fuego.
  23. The semi-aquatic capybara is the largest rodent in the world.
  24. The Nile River in Africa is over 4,000 miles long.