Who celebratedHua Yi's 60thAnniversary?_____________How manyCCAs doesHua Yihave? __Which year didthe Sec Oneclasses start totake care ofbonsai plants?_____Which secondaryschool did MrsCatherine Chan(Vice-Principal)graduate from?________Free!Whichteacher usedto be an airstewardess?___________Which year didHarry andYisabelle maketheir debut in?______Which year didthe StudentLeadershiproom open?____Which sportsCCA used tohave afemale team?______Whichsecondaryschool did MdmTan Hoe Kenggraduate from?__________Whatinstrumentdoes MsWee play?_____When wasHua Yifounded?________Other than theStudent council,Class leaders andOne advocates, whatis the name of thelast studentleadership group?____________Where did MrKelvin Ng obtainhis undergraduate& master’s degreein history from?_______________Which sportsCCA used tohave a maleteam?_______When did HuaYi participatein the NDPperformance?____What colourwas Hua Yi’sschool skirtin the past?_____What was theStudent Councilknown as in thepast?______________What level isthe studentleader'sroom locatedon? _____Which teacherruns theHangout@huayi?__________Which CCA didthe guitarensemble andchoir merge tobe? _________WhatUniformedGroup CCA didHua Yi used tohave?_________Where wasHua Yi's oldcampus?________What band is Mr.Ian Leong part of?_______________Who celebratedHua Yi's 60thAnniversary?_____________How manyCCAs doesHua Yihave? __Which year didthe Sec Oneclasses start totake care ofbonsai plants?_____Which secondaryschool did MrsCatherine Chan(Vice-Principal)graduate from?________Free!Whichteacher usedto be an airstewardess?___________Which year didHarry andYisabelle maketheir debut in?______Which year didthe StudentLeadershiproom open?____Which sportsCCA used tohave afemale team?______Whichsecondaryschool did MdmTan Hoe Kenggraduate from?__________Whatinstrumentdoes MsWee play?_____When wasHua Yifounded?________Other than theStudent council,Class leaders andOne advocates, whatis the name of thelast studentleadership group?____________Where did MrKelvin Ng obtainhis undergraduate& master’s degreein history from?_______________Which sportsCCA used tohave a maleteam?_______When did HuaYi participatein the NDPperformance?____What colourwas Hua Yi’sschool skirtin the past?_____What was theStudent Councilknown as in thepast?______________What level isthe studentleader'sroom locatedon? _____Which teacherruns theHangout@huayi?__________Which CCA didthe guitarensemble andchoir merge tobe? _________WhatUniformedGroup CCA didHua Yi used tohave?_________Where wasHua Yi's oldcampus?________What band is Mr.Ian Leong part of?_______________

HuaYi's Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Who celebrated Hua Yi's 60th Anniversary? _____________
  2. How many CCAs does Hua Yi have? __
  3. Which year did the Sec One classes start to take care of bonsai plants? _____
  4. Which secondary school did Mrs Catherine Chan (Vice-Principal) graduate from? ________
  5. Free!
  6. Which teacher used to be an air stewardess? ___________
  7. Which year did Harry and Yisabelle make their debut in? ______
  8. Which year did the Student Leadership room open? ____
  9. Which sports CCA used to have a female team? ______
  10. Which secondary school did Mdm Tan Hoe Keng graduate from? __________
  11. What instrument does Ms Wee play? _____
  12. When was Hua Yi founded? ________
  13. Other than the Student council, Class leaders and One advocates, what is the name of the last student leadership group? ____________
  14. Where did Mr Kelvin Ng obtain his undergraduate & master’s degree in history from? _______________
  15. Which sports CCA used to have a male team? _______
  16. When did Hua Yi participate in the NDP performance? ____
  17. What colour was Hua Yi’s school skirt in the past? _____
  18. What was the Student Council known as in the past? ______________
  19. What level is the student leader's room located on? _____
  20. Which teacher runs the Hangout@huayi? __________
  21. Which CCA did the guitar ensemble and choir merge to be? _________
  22. What Uniformed Group CCA did Hua Yi used to have? _________
  23. Where was Hua Yi's old campus? ________
  24. What band is Mr. Ian Leong part of? _______________