mountainslocated inSouthernEurope anddivide Italy andSwitzerlandIberianPeninsulaEast of France, inCentral Europe; thecontinent’s mostpotent economy;Both the U.K. andGermany share acommon linguisticheritageItalyone of the continent’sleading economies;Northeast of Spain,on the other side ofthe PyreneesEnglishChannelIn southwesternEurope, makingup the largestpart of theIberianPeninsulacombination ofthe Europeancontinent andthe Asiancontinent  Free!MediterraneanSeaPyreneeslows eastward fromsouthwestern Germany,through Central andEastern Europe, beforeemptying into the BlackSea off the coast ofUkraine; it is the secondlongest river in Europeafter the Volga in Russiamountainslocated inSouthernEurope anddivide Italy andSwitzerlandIberianPeninsulaEast of France, inCentral Europe; thecontinent’s mostpotent economy;Both the U.K. andGermany share acommon linguisticheritageItalyone of the continent’sleading economies;Northeast of Spain,on the other side ofthe PyreneesEnglishChannelIn southwesternEurope, makingup the largestpart of theIberianPeninsulacombination ofthe Europeancontinent andthe Asiancontinent  Free!MediterraneanSeaPyreneeslows eastward fromsouthwestern Germany,through Central andEastern Europe, beforeemptying into the BlackSea off the coast ofUkraine; it is the secondlongest river in Europeafter the Volga in Russia

G7 Vocabulary BINGO Activity - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. mountains located in Southern Europe and divide Italy and Switzerland
  2. Iberian Peninsula
  3. East of France, in Central Europe; the continent’s most potent economy; Both the U.K. and Germany share a common linguistic heritage
  4. Italy
  5. one of the continent’s leading economies; Northeast of Spain, on the other side of the Pyrenees
  6. English Channel
  7. In southwestern Europe, making up the largest part of the Iberian Peninsula
  8. combination of the European continent and the Asian continent
  9. Free!
  10. Mediterranean Sea
  11. Pyrenees
  12. lows eastward from southwestern Germany, through Central and Eastern Europe, before emptying into the Black Sea off the coast of Ukraine; it is the second longest river in Europe after the Volga in Russia