People whoget a full 8 hrsof sleep havemore energyfor the day.1994 Rosa parkswas attacked inher home, but withquiet faith sheprayed for herattackerStrategyvideo gameshelp buildproblemsolving skills.Students wholisten to musicearned 10 pointsmore on their testthen those who didnot.Elephantstrunks canlift up to 250pounds.Onepufferfishhas enoughpoison to kill30 people.People showbetter focusand memoryafter having amidday nap.1763 GeorgeWashington ledsoldier tovictory in thebattle ofYorktownBlue can makeone feel calmbecausereleasescalmingchemicals.Increasedforest fireshave causemany animalsto loose theirhomes.Flowing lava is2200 degrees,burningeverything everyliving thing in itspath.NASA hasrecorded risingtemperaturescausing climatechange.InSwitzerland itis illegal toown only oneguinea pigs.Homeworkhas beenfound to helpstudentslearn easier.Animal Crossingis helpful inrelieving stressfor 60% ofplayers.Free!Workers whoswitched fromsitting tostanding desksreported moreenergy.The oldesttortoise is187 yrs old,born in 1832.About 1 in12 menarecolorblind.Frogs havebeen knownto jump ashigh as 10feet in the air.According to Dr.Minoa, "5% ofpeople who playsoccer injure theirankles whenkicking the ball".Many mothershave reportedthat gardeningrelaxes theirnerves.Many goodshave to beshipped by airor sea, so theyare expensive.A study of dogsbrains foundthat dogs oftenwill dream ofowners.People whoget a full 8 hrsof sleep havemore energyfor the day.1994 Rosa parkswas attacked inher home, but withquiet faith sheprayed for herattackerStrategyvideo gameshelp buildproblemsolving skills.Students wholisten to musicearned 10 pointsmore on their testthen those who didnot.Elephantstrunks canlift up to 250pounds.Onepufferfishhas enoughpoison to kill30 people.People showbetter focusand memoryafter having amidday nap.1763 GeorgeWashington ledsoldier tovictory in thebattle ofYorktownBlue can makeone feel calmbecausereleasescalmingchemicals.Increasedforest fireshave causemany animalsto loose theirhomes.Flowing lava is2200 degrees,burningeverything everyliving thing in itspath.NASA hasrecorded risingtemperaturescausing climatechange.InSwitzerland itis illegal toown only oneguinea pigs.Homeworkhas beenfound to helpstudentslearn easier.Animal Crossingis helpful inrelieving stressfor 60% ofplayers.Free!Workers whoswitched fromsitting tostanding desksreported moreenergy.The oldesttortoise is187 yrs old,born in 1832.About 1 in12 menarecolorblind.Frogs havebeen knownto jump ashigh as 10feet in the air.According to Dr.Minoa, "5% ofpeople who playsoccer injure theirankles whenkicking the ball".Many mothershave reportedthat gardeningrelaxes theirnerves.Many goodshave to beshipped by airor sea, so theyare expensive.A study of dogsbrains foundthat dogs oftenwill dream ofowners.

Evidence Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. People who get a full 8 hrs of sleep have more energy for the day.
  2. 1994 Rosa parks was attacked in her home, but with quiet faith she prayed for her attacker
  3. Strategy video games help build problem solving skills.
  4. Students who listen to music earned 10 points more on their test then those who did not.
  5. Elephants trunks can lift up to 250 pounds.
  6. One pufferfish has enough poison to kill 30 people.
  7. People show better focus and memory after having a midday nap.
  8. 1763 George Washington led soldier to victory in the battle of Yorktown
  9. Blue can make one feel calm because releases calming chemicals.
  10. Increased forest fires have cause many animals to loose their homes.
  11. Flowing lava is 2200 degrees, burning everything every living thing in its path.
  12. NASA has recorded rising temperatures causing climate change.
  13. In Switzerland it is illegal to own only one guinea pigs.
  14. Homework has been found to help students learn easier.
  15. Animal Crossing is helpful in relieving stress for 60% of players.
  16. Free!
  17. Workers who switched from sitting to standing desks reported more energy.
  18. The oldest tortoise is 187 yrs old, born in 1832.
  19. About 1 in 12 men are colorblind.
  20. Frogs have been known to jump as high as 10 feet in the air.
  21. According to Dr. Minoa, "5% of people who play soccer injure their ankles when kicking the ball".
  22. Many mothers have reported that gardening relaxes their nerves.
  23. Many goods have to be shipped by air or sea, so they are expensive.
  24. A study of dogs brains found that dogs often will dream of owners.