23.)4 first timetouched locatesin 1 day(note accounts) 10.) 2+locates lasthour of shift(note date) 13.) Locatesomeone with aDOB inSeptember(Note account)1.) 1 weekwith hourvariance 8%and below(Note week)19.) 5+ locatesfor the monthfrom speaking tothe cust(note accounts)9.) Tie down 5partials for themonth w/o TLassistance(note accounts)2.) 8+ Dailylocates 3days in arow(note days)6.) 3+ locatesfrom the specialrequest workgroup in 1 day(Note accounts)15.) 10+locates by1 PM(note date)14.) 45+locates forthe week(note week)17.)No disputesin a day(disputing yourown account isfine)(note date)21.) 4+ schoollocates for themonth(noteaccounts)5.) 6+ locatesfrom new socialmedia leads forthe month(note accounts)18.) Get a locateby asking oldPOE where custwent to work(note account)11.) 6+Cavalrylocates for themonth (noteaccounts)3.) 5+ followup locates in1 day(noteaccounts)12.) 3+ locatesfrom chainPOEsfor the month(note accounts)7.) 5+ locatesfrom any 2012-2015 reportPOE lead for themonth(note accounts)8.) 4+ selflocates forthe month(noteaccounts)22.) Maintain alocate percentof 16%+ for aweek(note week) 24.)End theday with 14+locates (notedate)20.) 7+ locatesfor the monthfrom speakingto payroll (noteaccounts)16.) 3+locates firsthour of shift(note date)4.) 3+ locates forthe month fromusing TVP/SRscripting with HR(Note accounts)23.)4 first timetouched locatesin 1 day(note accounts) 10.) 2+locates lasthour of shift(note date) 13.) Locatesomeone with aDOB inSeptember(Note account)1.) 1 weekwith hourvariance 8%and below(Note week)19.) 5+ locatesfor the monthfrom speaking tothe cust(note accounts)9.) Tie down 5partials for themonth w/o TLassistance(note accounts)2.) 8+ Dailylocates 3days in arow(note days)6.) 3+ locatesfrom the specialrequest workgroup in 1 day(Note accounts)15.) 10+locates by1 PM(note date)14.) 45+locates forthe week(note week)17.)No disputesin a day(disputing yourown account isfine)(note date)21.) 4+ schoollocates for themonth(noteaccounts)5.) 6+ locatesfrom new socialmedia leads forthe month(note accounts)18.) Get a locateby asking oldPOE where custwent to work(note account)11.) 6+Cavalrylocates for themonth (noteaccounts)3.) 5+ followup locates in1 day(noteaccounts)12.) 3+ locatesfrom chainPOEsfor the month(note accounts)7.) 5+ locatesfrom any 2012-2015 reportPOE lead for themonth(note accounts)8.) 4+ selflocates forthe month(noteaccounts)22.) Maintain alocate percentof 16%+ for aweek(note week) 24.)End theday with 14+locates (notedate)20.) 7+ locatesfor the monthfrom speakingto payroll (noteaccounts)16.) 3+locates firsthour of shift(note date)4.) 3+ locates forthe month fromusing TVP/SRscripting with HR(Note accounts)

September Bingo Contest - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 23.)4 first time touched locates in 1 day (note accounts)
  2. 10.) 2+ locates last hour of shift (note date)
  3. 13.) Locate someone with a DOB in September (Note account)
  4. 1.) 1 week with hour variance 8% and below (Note week)
  5. 19.) 5+ locates for the month from speaking to the cust (note accounts)
  6. 9.) Tie down 5 partials for the month w/o TL assistance (note accounts)
  7. 2.) 8+ Daily locates 3 days in a row (note days)
  8. 6.) 3+ locates from the special request work group in 1 day (Note accounts)
  9. 15.) 10+ locates by 1 PM (note date)
  10. 14.) 45+ locates for the week (note week)
  11. 17.)No disputes in a day (disputing your own account is fine) (note date)
  12. 21.) 4+ school locates for the month (note accounts)
  13. 5.) 6+ locates from new social media leads for the month (note accounts)
  14. 18.) Get a locate by asking old POE where cust went to work (note account)
  15. 11.) 6+ Cavalry locates for the month (note accounts)
  16. 3.) 5+ follow up locates in 1 day (note accounts)
  17. 12.) 3+ locates from chain POEs for the month (note accounts)
  18. 7.) 5+ locates from any 2012-2015 report POE lead for the month (note accounts)
  19. 8.) 4+ self locates for the month (note accounts)
  20. 22.) Maintain a locate percent of 16%+ for a week (note week)
  21. 24.)End the day with 14+ locates (note date)
  22. 20.) 7+ locates for the month from speaking to payroll (note accounts)
  23. 16.) 3+ locates first hour of shift (note date)
  24. 4.) 3+ locates for the month from using TVP/SR scripting with HR (Note accounts)