While depression is acontributory factor inmost suicides, it neednot be present for aperson to attempt ordie by suicide.While contemplatingsuicide,young people mayhave a distortedperception of theiractual life situation andwhat solutions areappropriate for them totake. Nobody is suicidal atall times. The risk ofsuicide for anyindividual variesacross time, ascircumstanceschange. Suicide canbeprecipitatedby the loss ofa relationship.All people whointeract withadolescents in crisiscan help them byways of emotionalsupport andencouragement.Evidence showsthat they oftentell their schoolpeers of theirthoughts andplans.While it is common foryoung people to bedefensive and resisthelp at first, thesebehaviors are oftenbarriers imposed totest how much peoplecare and are preparedto help.The problem is thatwe lack a completeunderstanding ofyouth suicide andknow more aboutwhat is not knownthan what is fact. No matter how wellintentioned, alert anddiligent people'sefforts may be, thereis no way ofpreventing allsuicides fromoccurring. A suicide attempt isregarded as anindicator of furtherattempts.It is likely that the levelof dangerwill increase with eachfurther suicide attempt.Many suicidemethods are verypainful. Fictionalportrayals of suicidedo not usually includethe reality of the pain. While depression is acontributory factor inmost suicides, it neednot be present for aperson to attempt ordie by suicide.While contemplatingsuicide,young people mayhave a distortedperception of theiractual life situation andwhat solutions areappropriate for them totake. Nobody is suicidal atall times. The risk ofsuicide for anyindividual variesacross time, ascircumstanceschange. Suicide canbeprecipitatedby the loss ofa relationship.All people whointeract withadolescents in crisiscan help them byways of emotionalsupport andencouragement.Evidence showsthat they oftentell their schoolpeers of theirthoughts andplans.While it is common foryoung people to bedefensive and resisthelp at first, thesebehaviors are oftenbarriers imposed totest how much peoplecare and are preparedto help.The problem is thatwe lack a completeunderstanding ofyouth suicide andknow more aboutwhat is not knownthan what is fact. No matter how wellintentioned, alert anddiligent people'sefforts may be, thereis no way ofpreventing allsuicides fromoccurring. A suicide attempt isregarded as anindicator of furtherattempts.It is likely that the levelof dangerwill increase with eachfurther suicide attempt.Many suicidemethods are verypainful. Fictionalportrayals of suicidedo not usually includethe reality of the pain. 

Suicide Awareness: Facts & Myths - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. While depression is a contributory factor in most suicides, it need not be present for a person to attempt or die by suicide.
  2. While contemplating suicide, young people may have a distorted perception of their actual life situation and what solutions are appropriate for them to take.
  3. Nobody is suicidal at all times. The risk of suicide for any individual varies across time, as circumstances change.
  4. Suicide can be precipitated by the loss of a relationship.
  5. All people who interact with adolescents in crisis can help them by ways of emotional support and encouragement.
  6. Evidence shows that they often tell their school peers of their thoughts and plans.
  7. While it is common for young people to be defensive and resist help at first, these behaviors are often barriers imposed to test how much people care and are prepared to help.
  8. The problem is that we lack a complete understanding of youth suicide and know more about what is not known than what is fact.
  9. No matter how well intentioned, alert and diligent people's efforts may be, there is no way of preventing all suicides from occurring.
  10. A suicide attempt is regarded as an indicator of further attempts. It is likely that the level of danger will increase with each further suicide attempt.
  11. Many suicide methods are very painful. Fictional portrayals of suicide do not usually include the reality of the pain.