Has rode ahorse formore than 1mile. Providedetails.Can nameall sevendwarfs.Haslistened toBohemianRhapsody.Has read oneHarry Potterbook. Mustname the titleof the book!Would eat abug for$100. Whatbug is a no-go?Has a doglarger than60 lbs. Whatbreed?Cooked orbakedsomethingfor the 1sttime.Made a newyearsresolutionand has keptit!Has anoutrageousplan for theirfuture. (mustexplain)LikesPlanktonmore than Mr.Krabs. Justifyyour answer.Can name all 9planets. HINTPluto willalways be aplanet to me.Went tothe beachthissummer.Has leftthe Mid-AtlanticRegion.Wishes theycould live ina pineappleunder thesea.Likes to lookat the stars atnight.Favoriteconstellation?At somepoint thissummer,forgot whatday it was.Has sweetdancemoves.(must showthem)Can mentallymultiple 2digitnumbers.Must prove it.Googled"Things todo duringquarantine".Is currentlyplaying videogame orlooking at theirphone while inclassFavorite season iswinter, but doesn’tlike sledding. Whatdo you like aboutwinter?Has neverseen astar warsmovie.Has a sibling.Must explainwhat they likeand dislikeabout them.Applaudedthe EaglesSuperbowlvictory overthe Patriots.Has rode ahorse formore than 1mile. Providedetails.Can nameall sevendwarfs.Haslistened toBohemianRhapsody.Has read oneHarry Potterbook. Mustname the titleof the book!Would eat abug for$100. Whatbug is a no-go?Has a doglarger than60 lbs. Whatbreed?Cooked orbakedsomethingfor the 1sttime.Made a newyearsresolutionand has keptit!Has anoutrageousplan for theirfuture. (mustexplain)LikesPlanktonmore than Mr.Krabs. Justifyyour answer.Can name all 9planets. HINTPluto willalways be aplanet to me.Went tothe beachthissummer.Has leftthe Mid-AtlanticRegion.Wishes theycould live ina pineappleunder thesea.Likes to lookat the stars atnight.Favoriteconstellation?At somepoint thissummer,forgot whatday it was.Has sweetdancemoves.(must showthem)Can mentallymultiple 2digitnumbers.Must prove it.Googled"Things todo duringquarantine".Is currentlyplaying videogame orlooking at theirphone while inclassFavorite season iswinter, but doesn’tlike sledding. Whatdo you like aboutwinter?Has neverseen astar warsmovie.Has a sibling.Must explainwhat they likeand dislikeabout them.Applaudedthe EaglesSuperbowlvictory overthe Patriots.

Back To School Bingo - 2020 Edition - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Has rode a horse for more than 1 mile. Provide details.
  2. Can name all seven dwarfs.
  3. Has listened to Bohemian Rhapsody.
  4. Has read one Harry Potter book. Must name the title of the book!
  5. Would eat a bug for $100. What bug is a no-go?
  6. Has a dog larger than 60 lbs. What breed?
  7. Cooked or baked something for the 1st time.
  8. Made a new years resolution and has kept it!
  9. Has an outrageous plan for their future. (must explain)
  10. Likes Plankton more than Mr. Krabs. Justify your answer.
  11. Can name all 9 planets. HINT Pluto will always be a planet to me.
  12. Went to the beach this summer.
  13. Has left the Mid-Atlantic Region.
  14. Wishes they could live in a pineapple under the sea.
  15. Likes to look at the stars at night. Favorite constellation?
  16. At some point this summer, forgot what day it was.
  17. Has sweet dance moves. (must show them)
  18. Can mentally multiple 2 digit numbers. Must prove it.
  19. Googled "Things to do during quarantine".
  20. Is currently playing video game or looking at their phone while in class
  21. Favorite season is winter, but doesn’t like sledding. What do you like about winter?
  22. Has never seen a star wars movie.
  23. Has a sibling. Must explain what they like and dislike about them.
  24. Applauded the Eagles Superbowl victory over the Patriots.