I read extramaterial inthe margin ofthe mahzor.I sangalong.Loudly.I learned anewsong/melodyfromNachum.Someoneforgot tounmute/mute.I thoughtabout howRoshHashanah waswhen Iwas a child.I sawsomeonein theirpajamas.I discovereda new RoshHashanahtradition.Someone'spet walkedacross theirscreen.I still talkedthroughthe Torahreading.I thought therabbi'ssermonwas just theright length.I amwearingcomfortableshoes.I bowed downall the wayto the floorfor theGrand Aleinu.The story ofHannah in theHaftorah reallyresonated withme.I dancedtoNachum'ssinging!I know whatyear it ison theJewishCalendar.I know Tekiyah,Shevarim,Teruah, andTekiya Gedolahand I heardthem all.I reached out tosomeone Ihadn't been intouch with tosay ShanaTova.I thought aboutways I wantto livedifferentlythis year.I held my petor playedwith my kidduringservices.I made aholy space inmy home forservices.I waved tothe zoomcrowd.I lost myplace inthemahzor.Despite being inmy home,the temperaturewas stilltoo hot/too cold.I know whatthe sayingover our arkmeans.I read extramaterial inthe margin ofthe mahzor.I sangalong.Loudly.I learned anewsong/melodyfromNachum.Someoneforgot tounmute/mute.I thoughtabout howRoshHashanah waswhen Iwas a child.I sawsomeonein theirpajamas.I discovereda new RoshHashanahtradition.Someone'spet walkedacross theirscreen.I still talkedthroughthe Torahreading.I thought therabbi'ssermonwas just theright length.I amwearingcomfortableshoes.I bowed downall the wayto the floorfor theGrand Aleinu.The story ofHannah in theHaftorah reallyresonated withme.I dancedtoNachum'ssinging!I know whatyear it ison theJewishCalendar.I know Tekiyah,Shevarim,Teruah, andTekiya Gedolahand I heardthem all.I reached out tosomeone Ihadn't been intouch with tosay ShanaTova.I thought aboutways I wantto livedifferentlythis year.I held my petor playedwith my kidduringservices.I made aholy space inmy home forservices.I waved tothe zoomcrowd.I lost myplace inthemahzor.Despite being inmy home,the temperaturewas stilltoo hot/too cold.I know whatthe sayingover our arkmeans.

High Holidays at Home Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I read extra material in the margin of the mahzor.
  2. I sang along. Loudly.
  3. I learned a new song/melody from Nachum.
  4. Someone forgot to unmute/mute.
  5. I thought about how Rosh Hashanah was when I was a child.
  6. I saw someone in their pajamas.
  7. I discovered a new Rosh Hashanah tradition.
  8. Someone's pet walked across their screen.
  9. I still talked through the Torah reading.
  10. I thought the rabbi's sermon was just the right length.
  11. I am wearing comfortable shoes.
  12. I bowed down all the way to the floor for the Grand Aleinu.
  13. The story of Hannah in the Haftorah really resonated with me.
  14. I danced to Nachum's singing!
  15. I know what year it is on the Jewish Calendar.
  16. I know Tekiyah, Shevarim, Teruah, and Tekiya Gedolah and I heard them all.
  17. I reached out to someone I hadn't been in touch with to say Shana Tova.
  18. I thought about ways I want to live differently this year.
  19. I held my pet or played with my kid during services.
  20. I made a holy space in my home for services.
  21. I waved to the zoom crowd.
  22. I lost my place in the mahzor.
  23. Despite being in my home, the temperature was still too hot/too cold.
  24. I know what the saying over our ark means.