Trump explicitlyasks forassistance fromanother foreigncountry A member ofeithercampaign’sseniorleadership getsCOVID-19Sean Hannity ORTucker Carlsonappears at aTrump campaigneventThe lead in theFlorida votecount flips ATLEAST 3 times TikTok starscredited forgiving BidenAT LEAST 1swing statePelosi,Schumer, Biden,OR Harrisexplicitly call forpacking thecourt Bidenthreatensto beatTrump upTikTok starsblamed byGOP reps forgiving Biden ATLEAST 1 swingstateThe leader ofa G20 countryendorsesTrump orBidenPelosi,Schumer, Biden,OR Harrisexplicitly call forPR OR DCstatehoodA member ofthe Senategets COVID-19Trumpdisparages aveteran/veteran’sfamilyAnOctobersurprise!A member ofthe BushfamendorsesBidenThe Houseopens animpeachmentinquiry intoBarrThe Houseopens animpeachmentinquiry intoTrump“The Kingdomof God”becomes animportantphrase in thenewsLast minutecampaigning byTaylor Swiftcredited for givingBiden AT LEAST 1swing statePence walksout in themiddle of theVP debate Another sexualmisconductallegationagainst TrumpemergesAn old photoof anycandidate inblackfaceemergesA member ofthe Trumpfamily getsCOVID-19Dem leadershipcaughtdiscussingBiden as a one-term presidentAn Americanyou knowseriouslylooks intoemigratingFauciOR Birxgets firedKanye actsas a spoilerin AT LEAST1 statePutincongratulatesTrump on hisvictory beforethe vote countis completeAnothersignificantdrop in thestock marketAmy ConeyBarrett getsconfirmed tothe SupremeCourtFederalauthorities usetear gas to clearanother area fora Trump photoopTrumpclaims avaccine isready beforeElection DayTrumpawkwardlyposes witha BibleThe ghost ofHerman Caininterrupts adebate ORspeechKanyeendorsesTrumpagainJames Comeytries to makehimselfrelevant againAmy ConeyBarret doesn’tget confirmedto the SupremeCourtTrump bragsabout acinga caninecognitiontestMartial law isdeclared inany singlejurisdictionGOP leadershipcaught discussingsending rivalslates of electorsTrump walksout in themiddle of adebateTrump explicitlyasks forassistance fromanother foreigncountry A member ofeithercampaign’sseniorleadership getsCOVID-19Sean Hannity ORTucker Carlsonappears at aTrump campaigneventThe lead in theFlorida votecount flips ATLEAST 3 times TikTok starscredited forgiving BidenAT LEAST 1swing statePelosi,Schumer, Biden,OR Harrisexplicitly call forpacking thecourt Bidenthreatensto beatTrump upTikTok starsblamed byGOP reps forgiving Biden ATLEAST 1 swingstateThe leader ofa G20 countryendorsesTrump orBidenPelosi,Schumer, Biden,OR Harrisexplicitly call forPR OR DCstatehoodA member ofthe Senategets COVID-19Trumpdisparages aveteran/veteran’sfamilyAnOctobersurprise!A member ofthe BushfamendorsesBidenThe Houseopens animpeachmentinquiry intoBarrThe Houseopens animpeachmentinquiry intoTrump“The Kingdomof God”becomes animportantphrase in thenewsLast minutecampaigning byTaylor Swiftcredited for givingBiden AT LEAST 1swing statePence walksout in themiddle of theVP debate Another sexualmisconductallegationagainst TrumpemergesAn old photoof anycandidate inblackfaceemergesA member ofthe Trumpfamily getsCOVID-19Dem leadershipcaughtdiscussingBiden as a one-term presidentAn Americanyou knowseriouslylooks intoemigratingFauciOR Birxgets firedKanye actsas a spoilerin AT LEAST1 statePutincongratulatesTrump on hisvictory beforethe vote countis completeAnothersignificantdrop in thestock marketAmy ConeyBarrett getsconfirmed tothe SupremeCourtFederalauthorities usetear gas to clearanother area fora Trump photoopTrumpclaims avaccine isready beforeElection DayTrumpawkwardlyposes witha BibleThe ghost ofHerman Caininterrupts adebate ORspeechKanyeendorsesTrumpagainJames Comeytries to makehimselfrelevant againAmy ConeyBarret doesn’tget confirmedto the SupremeCourtTrump bragsabout acinga caninecognitiontestMartial law isdeclared inany singlejurisdictionGOP leadershipcaught discussingsending rivalslates of electorsTrump walksout in themiddle of adebate

US Election Banana Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Trump explicitly asks for assistance from another foreign country
  2. A member of either campaign’s senior leadership gets COVID-19
  3. Sean Hannity OR Tucker Carlson appears at a Trump campaign event
  4. The lead in the Florida vote count flips AT LEAST 3 times
  5. TikTok stars credited for giving Biden AT LEAST 1 swing state
  6. Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, OR Harris explicitly call for packing the court
  7. Biden threatens to beat Trump up
  8. TikTok stars blamed by GOP reps for giving Biden AT LEAST 1 swing state
  9. The leader of a G20 country endorses Trump or Biden
  10. Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, OR Harris explicitly call for PR OR DC statehood
  11. A member of the Senate gets COVID-19
  12. Trump disparages a veteran/veteran’s family
  13. An October surprise!
  14. A member of the Bush fam endorses Biden
  15. The House opens an impeachment inquiry into Barr
  16. The House opens an impeachment inquiry into Trump
  17. “The Kingdom of God” becomes an important phrase in the news
  18. Last minute campaigning by Taylor Swift credited for giving Biden AT LEAST 1 swing state
  19. Pence walks out in the middle of the VP debate
  20. Another sexual misconduct allegation against Trump emerges
  21. An old photo of any candidate in blackface emerges
  22. A member of the Trump family gets COVID-19
  23. Dem leadership caught discussing Biden as a one-term president
  24. An American you know seriously looks into emigrating
  25. Fauci OR Birx gets fired
  26. Kanye acts as a spoiler in AT LEAST 1 state
  27. Putin congratulates Trump on his victory before the vote count is complete
  28. Another significant drop in the stock market
  29. Amy Coney Barrett gets confirmed to the Supreme Court
  30. Federal authorities use tear gas to clear another area for a Trump photo op
  31. Trump claims a vaccine is ready before Election Day
  32. Trump awkwardly poses with a Bible
  33. The ghost of Herman Cain interrupts a debate OR speech
  34. Kanye endorses Trump again
  35. James Comey tries to make himself relevant again
  36. Amy Coney Barret doesn’t get confirmed to the Supreme Court
  37. Trump brags about acing a canine cognition test
  38. Martial law is declared in any single jurisdiction
  39. GOP leadership caught discussing sending rival slates of electors
  40. Trump walks out in the middle of a debate