The crowdcheers forsomething thatmakes you go“ummm what?”Bothcandidates arestumped by aquestion fromthe moderator.The EmolumentsClause of theConstitution nevercomes up, butaccusations ofcorruption are madeby both candidatesBiden hasa “SeniorMoment”Ivanka Trump/HunterBiden Pick one, if theycome up before theother you get thissquare.Someonesays“ManchurianCandidate”Trumpclaims thattax fraud isjust goodbusiness.Biden tellsa strangepersonalstorySomeoneactuallymakes agood point.Biden getsthe numberof Coviddeathswrong.TechnicaldifficultiesTrumpsays 401kmore than3 timesBoth candidatespander for theLatino vote andyou activelycringeTrump pulls out an“everyone’s beensaying/everyoneknows” for somethingno one has everheard aboutSomeoneclaims thatAmy ConeyBarrett hateswomenThe Trumpboatparade ismentionedTrumpchallengesBiden to theJoe Roganmid debateTrump is askedand refuses tocommit to apeacefultransition ofpower.Biden arguesthat it’s actuallyTrump whowants to “defundthe police”Bidensays “Thefact of thematter is”Netflix’sCutiescomes up.DrugDecriminalizationis not evenmentionedMikeBloomberg ismentionedfor somereasonBothcandidatescompete to seewho is morepro-fracking.The crowdcheers forsomething thatmakes you go“ummm what?”Bothcandidates arestumped by aquestion fromthe moderator.The EmolumentsClause of theConstitution nevercomes up, butaccusations ofcorruption are madeby both candidatesBiden hasa “SeniorMoment”Ivanka Trump/HunterBiden Pick one, if theycome up before theother you get thissquare.Someonesays“ManchurianCandidate”Trumpclaims thattax fraud isjust goodbusiness.Biden tellsa strangepersonalstorySomeoneactuallymakes agood point.Biden getsthe numberof Coviddeathswrong.TechnicaldifficultiesTrumpsays 401kmore than3 timesBoth candidatespander for theLatino vote andyou activelycringeTrump pulls out an“everyone’s beensaying/everyoneknows” for somethingno one has everheard aboutSomeoneclaims thatAmy ConeyBarrett hateswomenThe Trumpboatparade ismentionedTrumpchallengesBiden to theJoe Roganmid debateTrump is askedand refuses tocommit to apeacefultransition ofpower.Biden arguesthat it’s actuallyTrump whowants to “defundthe police”Bidensays “Thefact of thematter is”Netflix’sCutiescomes up.DrugDecriminalizationis not evenmentionedMikeBloomberg ismentionedfor somereasonBothcandidatescompete to seewho is morepro-fracking.

2020 Election September Debate - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. The crowd cheers for something that makes you go “ummm what?”
  2. Both candidates are stumped by a question from the moderator.
  3. The Emoluments Clause of the Constitution never comes up, but accusations of corruption are made by both candidates
  4. Biden has a “Senior Moment”
  5. Ivanka Trump/Hunter Biden Pick one, if they come up before the other you get this square.
  6. Someone says “Manchurian Candidate”
  7. Trump claims that tax fraud is just good business.
  8. Biden tells a strange personal story
  9. Someone actually makes a good point.
  10. Biden gets the number of Covid deaths wrong.
  11. Technical difficulties
  12. Trump says 401k more than 3 times
  13. Both candidates pander for the Latino vote and you actively cringe
  14. Trump pulls out an “everyone’s been saying/everyone knows” for something no one has ever heard about
  15. Someone claims that Amy Coney Barrett hates women
  16. The Trump boat parade is mentioned
  17. Trump challenges Biden to the Joe Rogan mid debate
  18. Trump is asked and refuses to commit to a peaceful transition of power.
  19. Biden argues that it’s actually Trump who wants to “defund the police”
  20. Biden says “The fact of the matter is”
  21. Netflix’s Cuties comes up.
  22. Drug Decriminalization is not even mentioned
  23. Mike Bloomberg is mentioned for some reason
  24. Both candidates compete to see who is more pro-fracking.