I have livedin morethan threestatesI have/hadred cardcertificationI have beento a unit ofthe NPS inan urbanareaI have workedin 2 or morecareer fieldswith the NPSI have beento SERoffices inAtlantaI am/havebeen avolunteerfor the NPSI haveworked forthe NPS lessthan oneyearI havelived inNPS parkhousingI am acatpersonI havewatched ALLof the KenBurns NPSseriesI haveworked forthe NPS for15 or moreyearsI have sixor moresiblingsI have been toNPSheadquartersin Washington,DCI have beenup theWashingtonMonumentI have arelative thatworks/workedfor the NPSI am agoodcookI worked asa seasonalemployeefor the NPSI completedNPSFundamentalsI have beento an NPSregionaloffice otherthan SERI havevisited morethan 30 unitsof the NPSI collectNPSPassportStampsI was/ama studentemployeewith NPSI have visited aunit of anothercountry'snational parksystemI grewup on afarmI have livedin morethan threestatesI have/hadred cardcertificationI have beento a unit ofthe NPS inan urbanareaI have workedin 2 or morecareer fieldswith the NPSI have beento SERoffices inAtlantaI am/havebeen avolunteerfor the NPSI haveworked forthe NPS lessthan oneyearI havelived inNPS parkhousingI am acatpersonI havewatched ALLof the KenBurns NPSseriesI haveworked forthe NPS for15 or moreyearsI have sixor moresiblingsI have been toNPSheadquartersin Washington,DCI have beenup theWashingtonMonumentI have arelative thatworks/workedfor the NPSI am agoodcookI worked asa seasonalemployeefor the NPSI completedNPSFundamentalsI have beento an NPSregionaloffice otherthan SERI havevisited morethan 30 unitsof the NPSI collectNPSPassportStampsI was/ama studentemployeewith NPSI have visited aunit of anothercountry'snational parksystemI grewup on afarm

NPS Bingo NATC Thanksgiving Lunch Fun - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I have lived in more than three states
  2. I have/had red card certification
  3. I have been to a unit of the NPS in an urban area
  4. I have worked in 2 or more career fields with the NPS
  5. I have been to SER offices in Atlanta
  6. I am/have been a volunteer for the NPS
  7. I have worked for the NPS less than one year
  8. I have lived in NPS park housing
  9. I am a cat person
  10. I have watched ALL of the Ken Burns NPS series
  11. I have worked for the NPS for 15 or more years
  12. I have six or more siblings
  13. I have been to NPS headquarters in Washington, DC
  14. I have been up the Washington Monument
  15. I have a relative that works/worked for the NPS
  16. I am a good cook
  17. I worked as a seasonal employee for the NPS
  18. I completed NPS Fundamentals
  19. I have been to an NPS regional office other than SER
  20. I have visited more than 30 units of the NPS
  21. I collect NPS Passport Stamps
  22. I was/am a student employee with NPS
  23. I have visited a unit of another country's national park system
  24. I grew up on a farm