Live within your means Create passive income stream Register for rewards programs Stick to a budget Save for retirement Track your spending Avoid late payments Make large down payments Save for a rainy day Pay off a small bill Budget fun activities Maximize employer match Save for retirement Save money for a disaster Review your credit report Review your beneficiaries Read billing statements carefully Consolidate debt Sell items that you no longer use Don't carry a balance on credit cards Shop insurance plans for rates Comparison shop for big ticket items Develop a budget Save for big expenses Live within your means Create passive income stream Register for rewards programs Stick to a budget Save for retirement Track your spending Avoid late payments Make large down payments Save for a rainy day Pay off a small bill Budget fun activities Maximize employer match Save for retirement Save money for a disaster Review your credit report Review your beneficiaries Read billing statements carefully Consolidate debt Sell items that you no longer use Don't carry a balance on credit cards Shop insurance plans for rates Comparison shop for big ticket items Develop a budget Save for big expenses
(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.
Live within your means
Create passive income stream
Register for rewards programs
Stick to a budget
Save for retirement
Track your spending
Avoid late payments
Make large down payments
Save for a rainy day
Pay off a small bill
Budget fun activities
Maximize employer match
Save for retirement
Save money
for a disaster
Review your credit report
Review your beneficiaries
Read billing statements carefully
Consolidate debt
Sell items that you no longer use
Don't carry a balance on credit cards
Shop insurance plans for rates
Comparison shop for big ticket items
Develop a budget
Save for big expenses