Try traininga REALworkingdog +R !+R is forfurmommies,balancedtraining is forREAL trainersFlat collarscausemoredamage+R doesn'tteachboundariesCertificationsfor dogtrainers don'tmatterEducateyourselfon thequadrantsTrain the dog infront of you*Proceeds to putprong/e-collaron every dogthey train*+Rtrainersjust drugdogsEvidencebased andpositivereinforcementare mutuallyexclusiveMy dogLOVES hise-collar/prongcollar!Well cookieswork forpuppies, butnot REALtrainingIf you don't usean e-collar yourdog will NEVERbe solid off leashand DIEE-collarssavelives!+R wouldrather KILL adog than useaversives"my relationship withmy dog is built onmutual respect"*ignores everydisplay of discomfortfrom dog, sets themup to fail, then zapsthem*"I don't want tohave to carrytreats for the restof dog's life! "*proceeds to carryremote dog'sentire life*Tool bansare aslipperyslope!+Rmakesdogs fatIt doesn'tshock, itfeels like aTENS unitIts how theirmotherwouldcorrect them!You're justa cookiepusherPurelypositivetrainingdoesn't existI've used thetool onmyself and itdidn't hurtHarnessesencouragepullingTry traininga REALworkingdog +R !+R is forfurmommies,balancedtraining is forREAL trainersFlat collarscausemoredamage+R doesn'tteachboundariesCertificationsfor dogtrainers don'tmatterEducateyourselfon thequadrantsTrain the dog infront of you*Proceeds to putprong/e-collaron every dogthey train*+Rtrainersjust drugdogsEvidencebased andpositivereinforcementare mutuallyexclusiveMy dogLOVES hise-collar/prongcollar!Well cookieswork forpuppies, butnot REALtrainingIf you don't usean e-collar yourdog will NEVERbe solid off leashand DIEE-collarssavelives!+R wouldrather KILL adog than useaversives"my relationship withmy dog is built onmutual respect"*ignores everydisplay of discomfortfrom dog, sets themup to fail, then zapsthem*"I don't want tohave to carrytreats for the restof dog's life! "*proceeds to carryremote dog'sentire life*Tool bansare aslipperyslope!+Rmakesdogs fatIt doesn'tshock, itfeels like aTENS unitIts how theirmotherwouldcorrect them!You're justa cookiepusherPurelypositivetrainingdoesn't existI've used thetool onmyself and itdidn't hurtHarnessesencouragepulling

Balanced Trainer Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Try training a REAL working dog +R !
  2. +R is for furmommies, balanced training is for REAL trainers
  3. Flat collars cause more damage
  4. +R doesn't teach boundaries
  5. Certifications for dog trainers don't matter
  6. Educate yourself on the quadrants
  7. Train the dog in front of you *Proceeds to put prong/e-collar on every dog they train*
  8. +R trainers just drug dogs
  9. Evidence based and positive reinforcement are mutually exclusive
  10. My dog LOVES his e-collar/prong collar!
  11. Well cookies work for puppies, but not REAL training
  12. If you don't use an e-collar your dog will NEVER be solid off leash and DIE
  13. E-collars save lives!
  14. +R would rather KILL a dog than use aversives
  15. "my relationship with my dog is built on mutual respect" *ignores every display of discomfort from dog, sets them up to fail, then zaps them*
  16. "I don't want to have to carry treats for the rest of dog's life! " *proceeds to carry remote dog's entire life*
  17. Tool bans are a slippery slope!
  18. +R makes dogs fat
  19. It doesn't shock, it feels like a TENS unit
  20. Its how their mother would correct them!
  21. You're just a cookie pusher
  22. Purely positive training doesn't exist
  23. I've used the tool on myself and it didn't hurt
  24. Harnesses encourage pulling