21. Youhave to giveapresentation13. Yourfamilymemberhas died12. Yourfavorite shirtgot ruined inthe wash20. Youmissedthedirections10. Yoursister gets topick out themovie formovie night14. Yourfriend saidyou werecheating at agame2. Youscored thewinning shotin basketball8. Your siblingis coming intoyour roomwithoutpermission5. You spilledyour lunchwhen walkingback to class22. It israining onyour PEday25. Yourteacher tellsyou thereis a quiz 15. Yourdog ranaway lastnight7. Your friendcanceledyoursleepoverplans24. It isyourbirthday19. Yourschedulefor the daychanges16. Youhave asubstituteteacher28. Yourgrandma isat yourhouse afterschool26. A dogis runningtowardsyou1. Yougot 100%on a test27. Youforgot yourhomeworkat home3. Your momtells you sheisdisappointedin you18. Your bikegets aflat tire whenyou are outon a ride alone23. Youansweredwrong infront of theclass29. You feellike yourparents don'ttrust you11. Aclassmatekeepsblurting out4. It israining whenyou try to fallasleep6. You aremeeting yourclassmatesfor the firsttime9. Yourfriends aren'tletting yougo first17. Yourfriend liesto you21. Youhave to giveapresentation13. Yourfamilymemberhas died12. Yourfavorite shirtgot ruined inthe wash20. Youmissedthedirections10. Yoursister gets topick out themovie formovie night14. Yourfriend saidyou werecheating at agame2. Youscored thewinning shotin basketball8. Your siblingis coming intoyour roomwithoutpermission5. You spilledyour lunchwhen walkingback to class22. It israining onyour PEday25. Yourteacher tellsyou thereis a quiz 15. Yourdog ranaway lastnight7. Your friendcanceledyoursleepoverplans24. It isyourbirthday19. Yourschedulefor the daychanges16. Youhave asubstituteteacher28. Yourgrandma isat yourhouse afterschool26. A dogis runningtowardsyou1. Yougot 100%on a test27. Youforgot yourhomeworkat home3. Your momtells you sheisdisappointedin you18. Your bikegets aflat tire whenyou are outon a ride alone23. Youansweredwrong infront of theclass29. You feellike yourparents don'ttrust you11. Aclassmatekeepsblurting out4. It israining whenyou try to fallasleep6. You aremeeting yourclassmatesfor the firsttime9. Yourfriends aren'tletting yougo first17. Yourfriend liesto you

Feeling Triggers - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 21. You have to give a presentation
  2. 13. Your family member has died
  3. 12. Your favorite shirt got ruined in the wash
  4. 20. You missed the directions
  5. 10. Your sister gets to pick out the movie for movie night
  6. 14. Your friend said you were cheating at a game
  7. 2. You scored the winning shot in basketball
  8. 8. Your sibling is coming into your room without permission
  9. 5. You spilled your lunch when walking back to class
  10. 22. It is raining on your PE day
  11. 25. Your teacher tells you there is a quiz
  12. 15. Your dog ran away last night
  13. 7. Your friend canceled your sleepover plans
  14. 24. It is your birthday
  15. 19. Your schedule for the day changes
  16. 16. You have a substitute teacher
  17. 28. Your grandma is at your house after school
  18. 26. A dog is running towards you
  19. 1. You got 100% on a test
  20. 27. You forgot your homework at home
  21. 3. Your mom tells you she is disappointed in you
  22. 18. Your bike gets a flat tire when you are out on a ride alone
  23. 23. You answered wrong in front of the class
  24. 29. You feel like your parents don't trust you
  25. 11. A classmate keeps blurting out
  26. 4. It is raining when you try to fall asleep
  27. 6. You are meeting your classmates for the first time
  28. 9. Your friends aren't letting you go first
  29. 17. Your friend lies to you