Check out thisYouTube videothat is not crediblein any way thatverifies my opinion*look at thispinterest teacher.Why can't all mystudent's teachersbe like this*If homedepot isessential, soare teachers!My child hasasthma/ahdh/otherand won't bewearing a maskWhat aboutthe socialneeds of ourchildren?!Teachers, here,buy theseplexiglassseparators onAmazon with yourown money!I see thoseteachers goingon vacation andgoing toWalMart!I should getmy taxmoney backfor doing theteacher's jobSee thenews? Kidsdon't spreadcovid!Studentshave to weara mask atrecess?!*rant to wholegroup abouta specificteacher orlesson*Let'sorganize aprotest oncentral officeproperty!They willjust haveto figure itoutMostteachers areyoung andwill be fineIf I can go towork (smalloffice with ppeprovided), socan you!We aresacrificing outchildren withthis virtuallearning!Board of educationmeets virtually todiscuss studentsand teachersreturning in personLifehas togo on*tHesuRviValRaTes*Kidsneedsports!The teachersare lazy andneed to getback towork!Privateschoolscan open,so can we!We don't closedown for the flu!Why should westay closed forthis?!The curvehas beenflattened. It'stime to goback.Check out thisYouTube videothat is not crediblein any way thatverifies my opinion*look at thispinterest teacher.Why can't all mystudent's teachersbe like this*If homedepot isessential, soare teachers!My child hasasthma/ahdh/otherand won't bewearing a maskWhat aboutthe socialneeds of ourchildren?!Teachers, here,buy theseplexiglassseparators onAmazon with yourown money!I see thoseteachers goingon vacation andgoing toWalMart!I should getmy taxmoney backfor doing theteacher's jobSee thenews? Kidsdon't spreadcovid!Studentshave to weara mask atrecess?!*rant to wholegroup abouta specificteacher orlesson*Let'sorganize aprotest oncentral officeproperty!They willjust haveto figure itoutMostteachers areyoung andwill be fineIf I can go towork (smalloffice with ppeprovided), socan you!We aresacrificing outchildren withthis virtuallearning!Board of educationmeets virtually todiscuss studentsand teachersreturning in personLifehas togo on*tHesuRviValRaTes*Kidsneedsports!The teachersare lazy andneed to getback towork!Privateschoolscan open,so can we!We don't closedown for the flu!Why should westay closed forthis?!The curvehas beenflattened. It'stime to goback.

Community facebook group covid bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Check out this YouTube video that is not credible in any way that verifies my opinion
  2. *look at this pinterest teacher. Why can't all my student's teachers be like this*
  3. If home depot is essential, so are teachers!
  4. My child has asthma/ahdh/other and won't be wearing a mask
  5. What about the social needs of our children?!
  6. Teachers, here, buy these plexiglass separators on Amazon with your own money!
  7. I see those teachers going on vacation and going to WalMart!
  8. I should get my tax money back for doing the teacher's job
  9. See the news? Kids don't spread covid!
  10. Students have to wear a mask at recess?!
  11. *rant to whole group about a specific teacher or lesson*
  12. Let's organize a protest on central office property!
  13. They will just have to figure it out
  14. Most teachers are young and will be fine
  15. If I can go to work (small office with ppe provided), so can you!
  16. We are sacrificing out children with this virtual learning!
  17. Board of education meets virtually to discuss students and teachers returning in person
  18. Life has to go on
  19. *tHe suRviVal RaTes*
  20. Kids need sports!
  21. The teachers are lazy and need to get back to work!
  22. Private schools can open, so can we!
  23. We don't close down for the flu! Why should we stay closed for this?!
  24. The curve has been flattened. It's time to go back.