PushedIsrael to it’sgreatestextentTheSouthernKingdomfell to themHe led thechildrenout ofIsraelThe Persianruler whobuilt theRoyal RoadFirsthumanking ofIsraelThis king ofPersia allowedthe Jews toreturn to theirhomelandA large group offoot soldiersarmed withspears, trainedto charge as agroupIn Greek cities,the hilltopfortress that wasthe seat ofgovernment &religionHe led thebraveSpartans thethe Battle ofThermopylaeFirstOlympicGamesheldAfterNabololassarconqueredMesopotamia,he establishedwhat empireUnder the reignof Belshazzar,they fell to theMedes and thePersiansThe leaderwhom theAssyrianEmpirebegin underThe kingof allGreekgodsThe Greekcivilizationthat built thepalace atKnossosThe philosopherwho chose todrank poisoninstead of beingexcited fromAthensHe interpretedNebuchadnezzarsdream concerningprophetic empiresKilled on thebattlefield forhisdisobedienceAsked forwisdomto ruleHe warnedthe city ofNineveh ofGod’s comingjudgementStructurereflected infirst GreekcitygovernmentThe end of thePeloponnesianWarKing whodeported the10 tribes tothe NorthernKingdomThey spreadthe alphabetas they wenton tradingventuresPushedIsrael to it’sgreatestextentTheSouthernKingdomfell to themHe led thechildrenout ofIsraelThe Persianruler whobuilt theRoyal RoadFirsthumanking ofIsraelThis king ofPersia allowedthe Jews toreturn to theirhomelandA large group offoot soldiersarmed withspears, trainedto charge as agroupIn Greek cities,the hilltopfortress that wasthe seat ofgovernment &religionHe led thebraveSpartans thethe Battle ofThermopylaeFirstOlympicGamesheldAfterNabololassarconqueredMesopotamia,he establishedwhat empireUnder the reignof Belshazzar,they fell to theMedes and thePersiansThe leaderwhom theAssyrianEmpirebegin underThe kingof allGreekgodsThe Greekcivilizationthat built thepalace atKnossosThe philosopherwho chose todrank poisoninstead of beingexcited fromAthensHe interpretedNebuchadnezzarsdream concerningprophetic empiresKilled on thebattlefield forhisdisobedienceAsked forwisdomto ruleHe warnedthe city ofNineveh ofGod’s comingjudgementStructurereflected infirst GreekcitygovernmentThe end of thePeloponnesianWarKing whodeported the10 tribes tothe NorthernKingdomThey spreadthe alphabetas they wenton tradingventures

History BINGO - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Pushed Israel to it’s greatest extent
  2. The Southern Kingdom fell to them
  3. He led the children out of Israel
  4. The Persian ruler who built the Royal Road
  5. First human king of Israel
  6. This king of Persia allowed the Jews to return to their homeland
  7. A large group of foot soldiers armed with spears, trained to charge as a group
  8. In Greek cities, the hilltop fortress that was the seat of government & religion
  9. He led the brave Spartans the the Battle of Thermopylae
  10. First Olympic Games held
  11. After Nabololassar conquered Mesopotamia, he established what empire
  12. Under the reign of Belshazzar, they fell to the Medes and the Persians
  13. The leader whom the Assyrian Empire begin under
  14. The king of all Greek gods
  15. The Greek civilization that built the palace at Knossos
  16. The philosopher who chose to drank poison instead of being excited from Athens
  17. He interpreted Nebuchadnezzars dream concerning prophetic empires
  18. Killed on the battlefield for his disobedience
  19. Asked for wisdom to rule
  20. He warned the city of Nineveh of God’s coming judgement
  21. Structure reflected in first Greek city government
  22. The end of the Peloponnesian War
  23. King who deported the 10 tribes to the Northern Kingdom
  24. They spread the alphabet as they went on trading ventures