I picked up rollerskating (quad skates)over the summerbecause of TikTok.I shaved my hairtwice (aang vibes~~).Last year, when wewere sharing our fullnames, I found outthat I was related toAnna, the previouscultural president.I’m currently growinga bonsai tree.I own fish slippers andmy girlfriend absolutelyhates them.When I was younger,my older brotherlegitimately thought myparents bought mefrom aisle 13 of mylocal supermarket lolMy uncle is CEOof the group thatowns RobinsonsMalls.I own Hershey.Filipino myth: if you step ona mound, a dwarf will put acurse on you to stopgrowing. So I don’t step ona mound. Ever.During my HS freshmanyear, I told people I had anidentical twin namedHanna in PH. Theybelieved me til senior year.“You don’t have to beFilipino to be in FSA! Someof our members, ~includingme~ are not!”I peed myself in ballet classonce because I was tooscared of my ballet teacherto ask to go to thebathroom.I did half of mypiercings myself.I’ve only evergotten sunburnedin the motherland😌I fade (cut) my ownhair now, I appreciatebarbers now lol.All time favoriteFilipino snacks wouldbe Cheese Piatosand Rollercoasters.I trained in balletdancing for 10years.I attended an allboys Catholic HighSchool in LA.I lived in thePhilippines for 3years.I’m related (bymarriage) to formerPhilippine PresidentGloria MacapagalArroyo.My right thumb isdouble jointed.The first time I drankalcohol was at age 2(they gave me avodka sprite insteadof a sprite lol).I wore earrings for 3+years straight becausemy mom never told meto take them off.I have had only 5.5haircuts in my entirelife (also because ofmy mom ~ she likesmy hair long :’))I make homemadebubble tea!I have lowkeySpotify clout (topplaylist has 500+followers).My left thumb isdouble jointed.Favorite meal isan Illongo dishcalled batchoy.I legitimately playrecorder. Yes, theelementary schoolone.I spent one wholesummer in highschool with twosprained ankles.I like to eat food >:DI’m in the process oflearning how to doacrylic nails (I have anail drill andeverything… All Ineed is the talentLOL).I picked up rollerskating (quad skates)over the summerbecause of TikTok.I shaved my hairtwice (aang vibes~~).Last year, when wewere sharing our fullnames, I found outthat I was related toAnna, the previouscultural president.I’m currently growinga bonsai tree.I own fish slippers andmy girlfriend absolutelyhates them.When I was younger,my older brotherlegitimately thought myparents bought mefrom aisle 13 of mylocal supermarket lolMy uncle is CEOof the group thatowns RobinsonsMalls.I own Hershey.Filipino myth: if you step ona mound, a dwarf will put acurse on you to stopgrowing. So I don’t step ona mound. Ever.During my HS freshmanyear, I told people I had anidentical twin namedHanna in PH. Theybelieved me til senior year.“You don’t have to beFilipino to be in FSA! Someof our members, ~includingme~ are not!”I peed myself in ballet classonce because I was tooscared of my ballet teacherto ask to go to thebathroom.I did half of mypiercings myself.I’ve only evergotten sunburnedin the motherland😌I fade (cut) my ownhair now, I appreciatebarbers now lol.All time favoriteFilipino snacks wouldbe Cheese Piatosand Rollercoasters.I trained in balletdancing for 10years.I attended an allboys Catholic HighSchool in LA.I lived in thePhilippines for 3years.I’m related (bymarriage) to formerPhilippine PresidentGloria MacapagalArroyo.My right thumb isdouble jointed.The first time I drankalcohol was at age 2(they gave me avodka sprite insteadof a sprite lol).I wore earrings for 3+years straight becausemy mom never told meto take them off.I have had only 5.5haircuts in my entirelife (also because ofmy mom ~ she likesmy hair long :’))I make homemadebubble tea!I have lowkeySpotify clout (topplaylist has 500+followers).My left thumb isdouble jointed.Favorite meal isan Illongo dishcalled batchoy.I legitimately playrecorder. Yes, theelementary schoolone.I spent one wholesummer in highschool with twosprained ankles.I like to eat food >:DI’m in the process oflearning how to doacrylic nails (I have anail drill andeverything… All Ineed is the talentLOL).

FSAMILY love - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. I picked up roller skating (quad skates) over the summer because of TikTok. I shaved my hair twice (aang vibes~~).
  2. Last year, when we were sharing our full names, I found out that I was related to Anna, the previous cultural president. I’m currently growing a bonsai tree.
  3. I own fish slippers and my girlfriend absolutely hates them. When I was younger, my older brother legitimately thought my parents bought me from aisle 13 of my local supermarket lol
  4. My uncle is CEO of the group that owns Robinsons Malls. I own Hershey.
  5. Filipino myth: if you step on a mound, a dwarf will put a curse on you to stop growing. So I don’t step on a mound. Ever. During my HS freshman year, I told people I had an identical twin named Hanna in PH. They believed me til senior year.
  6. “You don’t have to be Filipino to be in FSA! Some of our members, ~including me~ are not!” I peed myself in ballet class once because I was too scared of my ballet teacher to ask to go to the bathroom.
  7. I did half of my piercings myself. I’ve only ever gotten sunburned in the motherland 😌
  8. I fade (cut) my own hair now, I appreciate barbers now lol. All time favorite Filipino snacks would be Cheese Piatos and Rollercoasters.
  9. I trained in ballet dancing for 10 years. I attended an all boys Catholic High School in LA.
  10. I lived in the Philippines for 3 years. I’m related (by marriage) to former Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.
  11. My right thumb is double jointed. The first time I drank alcohol was at age 2 (they gave me a vodka sprite instead of a sprite lol).
  12. I wore earrings for 3+ years straight because my mom never told me to take them off. I have had only 5.5 haircuts in my entire life (also because of my mom ~ she likes my hair long :’))
  13. I make homemade bubble tea! I have lowkey Spotify clout (top playlist has 500+ followers).
  14. My left thumb is double jointed. Favorite meal is an Illongo dish called batchoy.
  15. I legitimately play recorder. Yes, the elementary school one. I spent one whole summer in high school with two sprained ankles.
  16. I like to eat food >:D I’m in the process of learning how to do acrylic nails (I have a nail drill and everything… All I need is the talent LOL).