YouhavediarrheaYoushoveledsnow off aco-workerscar  When all staffare presentandaccounted for You ask ifthe hallsare clear  You needed toradio refocusto check onGo Guardian  You see astudentwithout aprogram staff  A studentrefuses to dotemp checks  A staffforgets tomask up inthe hallway  You needed togo back andre-take yourtemperature  You were toldto shut yourclassroomdoor for safety  You hear astudent’svoice on thewalkie  You hear astaff membertell a dirtyjoke  You sworeunder yourbreath at astudent You walkedat least 10flights ofstairs in theday  You tell a fellowstaff somethingyou like aboutthem. Kid forgot toexcusethemselvesbefore breakingwind   You went toGenos for1….but had2 or 3 or 4….  You ate morethan 3 piecesof chocolatein the day You find dirtydishes in theworkroom  You madeyour stepgoal in theday  Someonecomplimentsyou on yourmask  Garrett doesn’tunderstand amovie referenceyou tell himabout  Someoneplans animpromptuChoir Practice You think it’sThursday butreally it’sonlyTuesdayThe tempcheck pendidn’twork YouhavediarrheaYoushoveledsnow off aco-workerscar  When all staffare presentandaccounted for You ask ifthe hallsare clear  You needed toradio refocusto check onGo Guardian  You see astudentwithout aprogram staff  A studentrefuses to dotemp checks  A staffforgets tomask up inthe hallway  You needed togo back andre-take yourtemperature  You were toldto shut yourclassroomdoor for safety  You hear astudent’svoice on thewalkie  You hear astaff membertell a dirtyjoke  You sworeunder yourbreath at astudent You walkedat least 10flights ofstairs in theday  You tell a fellowstaff somethingyou like aboutthem. Kid forgot toexcusethemselvesbefore breakingwind   You went toGenos for1….but had2 or 3 or 4….  You ate morethan 3 piecesof chocolatein the day You find dirtydishes in theworkroom  You madeyour stepgoal in theday  Someonecomplimentsyou on yourmask  Garrett doesn’tunderstand amovie referenceyou tell himabout  Someoneplans animpromptuChoir Practice You think it’sThursday butreally it’sonlyTuesdayThe tempcheck pendidn’twork 

OA Staff Bingo Part 2 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. You have diarrhea
  2. You shoveled snow off a co-workers car
  3. When all staff are present and accounted for
  4. You ask if the halls are clear
  5. You needed to radio refocus to check on Go Guardian
  6. You see a student without a program staff
  7. A student refuses to do temp checks
  8. A staff forgets to mask up in the hallway
  9. You needed to go back and re-take your temperature
  10. You were told to shut your classroom door for safety
  11. You hear a student’s voice on the walkie
  12. You hear a staff member tell a dirty joke
  13. You swore under your breath at a student
  14. You walked at least 10 flights of stairs in the day
  15. You tell a fellow staff something you like about them.
  16. Kid forgot to excuse themselves before breaking wind
  17. You went to Genos for 1….but had 2 or 3 or 4….
  18. You ate more than 3 pieces of chocolate in the day
  19. You find dirty dishes in the workroom
  20. You made your step goal in the day
  21. Someone compliments you on your mask
  22. Garrett doesn’t understand a movie reference you tell him about
  23. Someone plans an impromptu Choir Practice
  24. You think it’s Thursday but really it’s only Tuesday
  25. The temp check pen didn’t work