Yoursignificantother mainsthe CreeYou will restart ifsomeone elsetakes thePyramids but eatyour controller if itwas ChinaYou were pleasedto learn thatCleopatra wouldfinally incentivize aspecific victory typewhen GS came outYou long for theglory days of Civ5, and as a resultyou probablyREALLY hateChinaYou have foughtHungary for control ofrivers and taken themonly to lose themagain when they gettheBlack ArmySeriouslywhat is yourproblem withChinaYou haverealized thatthere is no realincentive foryou to be in adesertYou will sometimesgo on earlyconquests with theChariot Archers butnever try forDominationYoursignificantother mainsthe CreeYou will restart ifsomeone elsetakes thePyramids but eatyour controller if itwas ChinaYou were pleasedto learn thatCleopatra wouldfinally incentivize aspecific victory typewhen GS came outYou long for theglory days of Civ5, and as a resultyou probablyREALLY hateChinaYou have foughtHungary for control ofrivers and taken themonly to lose themagain when they gettheBlack ArmySeriouslywhat is yourproblem withChinaYou haverealized thatthere is no realincentive foryou to be in adesertYou will sometimesgo on earlyconquests with theChariot Archers butnever try forDomination

Egypt Main Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Your significant other mains the Cree
  2. You will restart if someone else takes the Pyramids but eat your controller if it was China
  3. You were pleased to learn that Cleopatra would finally incentivize a specific victory type when GS came out
  4. You long for the glory days of Civ 5, and as a result you probably REALLY hate China
  5. You have fought Hungary for control of rivers and taken them only to lose them again when they get the Black Army
  6. Seriously what is your problem with China
  7. You have realized that there is no real incentive for you to be in a desert
  8. You will sometimes go on early conquests with the Chariot Archers but never try for Domination