36. Based onDanny “chokingback a smile,”what can weconclude aboutDanny’s feelingstoward Frankie?22. Why doesBen originallysay hecannot go toRyan’s party?Class:c. Mrs. Turnerturns toward hersister in law andmanages a smile.“That’s a goodidea.” Pg. 217Night oftheSpadefootToadsc. He wisheshe was theone thatstood up toFrankieEvaluateand MakeLogicalInferences35. Whichcharacter traitbestdescribes Mr.Nickelby?Ben's box islost, hemisses Tobyand Arizonac. Toevaporateinto theairb. He spokedisrespectfullyto histeachers25. Mrs. Kutcher givesBen an extension withthe understanding hewill lose points. Whatdoes she suggest hedo to help him becomemore motivated andfinish?d. Botha and cRyan isexcitablea. He wants tohear everyone’sside of the storyto make a fairdecisionb. He fellbehind onhis reportand needs tofinish itMrs.Tibbets31.Even though Bendid not feel supportfrom anyone, hecontinued to try andsave the spadefoots.This showed….d. Noneof theaboveb.Movementof thehandd. Forfriendships todevelop, peopleneed to havethe samefriendsKnows andAppliesGrade LevelVocabularya. She is notas mean asshe firstseemsa.MakingfriendsRyan lovesnature andanimalslike Benc. A make believecharacter of thevernal pool thatTabitha andThomas made upas kidsHe lied toher abouttouching thesnake cageShe wassick andneededtreatment12. Why doesBen’s motherseem to “take iteasy on him” whenhe behaves sorudely?Theyhaveyellowspots6. What is sounique abouttheSpadefoottoads?30. At the end of thenovel, Mrs. Tibbetssays that she hopesBen feels at home.He says he does.What do you thinkhas made him feel athome?c. To turnaroundslowlya. Benshows up atTabitha’sdoorTabithablames Mrs.Tibbets forher brother’sdeathc. She doesactuallylisten andconsider heroptionsMrs. Tibbetsowes TabithamoneyAll oftheabovemishandlesDannyd. He writes a reportabout all the livingthings there andshares the story ofthe Overtoad with apicture from herchildhoodb. Alwaystell thetruthThesamefriends27. Whois theOvertoad?18. The author createsinternal conflicts forboth Ben and Mrs.Tibbets. Which choicebelow identifies one ofBen’s internal conflictsand one of Mrs.Tibbets’ internalconflicts?28. Even thoughToby was Ben’s bestfriend, their friendshipis weakening. Why istheir friendship not asstrong as it oncewas?ReadingAssessmentc. Self-centeredand self-seekingDannywas rudeto him atlunchb.FindinginterestsAssessesthe Pointof View ofthe Author11. Why isRyan so hurtby Benmaking funof the frog?a. She realizedhow meanshe’s been toBen and shouldact nicerd. He is sadFrankie ismovingbecause he hasno other friendsa.Swayabruptlyc.AnnoyedShe isunderstandingBen-cheating,Mrs. Tibbets-being a badteacherBen- having nofriends, Mrs.Tibbets- havingnowhere to livec. She knowsRyan has nofriends and isglad Bensacrificed to benice to Ryanb. He isembarrassedand afraid. Hedoesn’t wantFrankie to seeb. Funnyandlighthearted42. On pg. 168 Ben’smom tells him “Youcan’t interfere inother people’sbusiness.” What is asynonym (word thatmeans the samething) for interfere?Chapter13-18He failshissciencetesta.understandinga.Confusedd.Practicaland frugalc. Changeisinevitabled. Noneof theaboved. All oftheabovea. Change histopic to anecosystem ofMassachusettsb. Hedisapproves ofBen hangingout with Frankieand Dannyd. All oftheaboved. He wantsBen’s parentsto have theirtime to speaka. He thinks heis a bully and isglad someonefinally stood upto Frankiec. For friendshipsto develop, peopleneed to worktogether or go toschool together43. On pg. 199 theauthor writes “Mrs.Tibbets blows out ashort, exasperatedburst of air out of hermouth.” The wordexasperated mostlikely meansShe knows hemisses Arizonaand wishes hecould movebackThey onlycome outonce a yearto lay theireggsHisfatherb.cleverAll oftheaboveRyanb. Theking of thevernalpoolThey bothenjoynature andanimalsWhy did Ben’sfamily movefrom Arizona toMassachusetts?c. He has hisclassmatessign apetitionRyanwears apatch overhis eyea. He finallygot in troublefor bullyingBen andRyana. He justcan’t take hishyperbehaviorsanymored. Mr. Nickelbywants to ask himquestions aboutMrs. Tibbets’snakesBend. Lifeis notfairRyanwears apatch overhis eyeA stroll orleisure walk-the waybees flyrudea. To sinkinto thegroundRyan isshortc. Ben stoodup to him onthe bus andDanny chokedback a smile21. Why doesBen getcalled intothe principal’soffice?b. She is notintelligent becauseshe does notunderstand whathe is saying40. Consideringthe relationships inthe book, whatwould youconsider arelevant theme forthis book?Name:Date:Mrs.TibbetsA crazy path-like whensomeoneruns from abeeMeanRyanb. Continueworking onthe desert,but get moreresourcesHe doesn’tdo hishomework?d. All oftheabove39. Most bookswith a theme of“making adifference” aregoing to haveantagonists (badguys) who areThenarrator26. What does Bendo that causesTabitha to changeher mind aboutselling the vernalpool to thedevelopers?empathetic5. What doesBen do thatcauses himto avoid Mrs.Tibbets?She traveledto differentstates to saveSpadefoottoadsb. “One morething Ben, ifyou see theOvertoad,thank her forme.” Pg. 217They only likedryenvironments16. On the bottom of pg.62, the author writes aboutBen’s response to learningwhy Mrs. Tibbets has takena leave of absence. Theauthor writes, “He fumblesfor something to say butMrs. Tibbets keeps talking.”The word fumbles mostlikely meansd. Noneof theaboveb. To skimalong thesurfaceb. Mrs. Tibbetsheard himcalling her Mrs.Ribbets and hegot detentionRealizesa. Frankieis afraidof BenForbetterschoolsMishandlesd. Botha and b15. On the bottom of pg. 40the author writes, “Mrs.Tibbets looks around at theclass and a mischievoussmile spreads across herface. She kisses the frog.”The word mischievousmost likely means…Read Closelyto DetermineWhat the TextSaysExplicitlyMrs. Tibbetsand Benboth lostsomeonethey loved37. The climax of a storytells the reader whatthey’ve been waiting to findout the entire book. This isthe part when you knowhow the book will end.Which event could beconsidered the exactmoment of the climax?b. Ben iscompetitive andalways wants towin, no matterwhat the contestintelligentc. He didnot do hisgeographyreportMrs.Tibbets10. When youexamine thefriendship betweenBen and Toby andalso between Benand Mrs. Tibbets, areader realizesfriends often share…d. Tabithasee thepictures andlooks up atthe ceilingCommoninterestsThey bothjust movedto a newplaceteasinga. Callsthe NatureHeritageProgramShe lostherhusbandRyan hasrottenteethb. She finallyunderstandshow sad he isabout missingToby and wantsto help himCommoninterestsHis parentstold him tostay awayfrom her7. What is theconflictbetweenTabitha andMrs. Tibbets?They onlycome outonce a yearto lay theireggsTeasingc. Ryan’smom is poorand alreadypaid for thepizzaTripping andfalling (infear) becausea bee isattacking himRyan lovesfrogs andthought Bendid alsob. Heproves avernal poolexistsShe lostherhusbandThe only live inMassachusettsShe wantedto take anextendedvacation tothe rainforestJennyBen- havingmeanparents, Mrs.Tibbets-being messyRetells CentralIdeas inInformationaland LiteraryTextsHe misses hisfriend Toby andis having adifficult timemaking newoneshyperBena.Interact9. Even though Benknows it is a littleunconventional(unusual), whomdoes he consider hisonly friend inMassachusetts?c. Aplan ofactionA straightpath- in aquick,purposefulmanner13. Based on Mrs.Tibbets’ reactions toBen’s variousmistakes and badchoices, what can weinfer about hercharacter?b. Tostand upquicklyc. Learningabout hissurroundingsc. He has tohelp Mrs.Tibetts withher yardworkTabithawants to sellthe land andMrs. Tibbetsdoes notHe saw Benas a friend,not someonewho thinks helooks weirdd. Noneof theaboveHe sawBen asa friendBen3. Why did Benchoose to go toMrs. Tibet’shouse instead ofDanny’s birthdayparty?a. HepushedFrankie onthe bus?38. Which choiceproves that althoughthe central (main)conflict has been fullyresolved, Mrs.Tibbets’ personalconflict with Tabithais beginning to mend4. What aboutRyan’sappearancecauses Frankieto call himCaptain Kidd?a. Agathawould bethereThey bothjust “lost”someonethey lovedFor anewjobPlayingc. Ben doesnot play bythe rules,consequencesdon’t matterd.manipulative45. On pg. 203, theauthor writes “Ryandrops the plasticcontainers he’scarrying, and theyskitter across thetrail.” The word skittermost likely meansTabithawants to sellthe land andMrs. Tibbetsdoes notd. Ben has aproblem thathe needshelp fromother to solveRyand. Jennypunched him inthe face andembarrassedhimFor achang44. On Pg. 176 the authorwrites “the bus driver pullsthe bus over to the curband lurches down theaisle.” “You boys settledown or you’ll be walking toschool for the next month.”The word lurches mostlikely meansa. The maletoad whotakes chargeof the packBen lying-Mrs. Tibbetsmissing herhusbandTo becloser tofamilya. Ben wasdetermined anddidn’t care whatothers thoughtabout himBen-lying,Mrs. Tibbets-missing herhusbandd. Ask hisparents orMrs. Tibbetsfor helpMrs.Tibbets19. Whois tellingthe story?33. Why doesBen’s sister mostlikely act out ofcharacter anddefend Ben on pg.186?b. For friendshipsto develop, peopleneed to live neareach other andplay together daily8. Even though Benand Mrs. Tibbets aredifferent in manyways, they are alsoconnected in manyways, such as…playfulc. Use theinternetinstead ofbooksc. He onlywants to heardetails thatmake Mrs.Tibbets soundirresponsiblePlayfulThesameproblems2. Why didMrs. Tibbetstake a yearoff fromteaching?Frankie neveractuallycrossed hiseyes when heteased RyanYellingBen isn’tgood atroller-skatingShe isfoolishDannywas rudeto him atlunchTeaching34. What can weconclude aboutTabitha based on herreaction to Bencoming to her houseto show her hisreport?c. Hissister willbe proudof hima. Quiet andindependentThenarratorShe isstrict29. Why doesBen getinvolved whenFrankie pickson Ryan on thebus?d. It’s hisaunt’sbirthdaypartyd. All oftheabovea.Friendshiphas no agerestraints23. What causesFrankie to changefrom being a“loudmouth” to barelyspeaking or makingeye contact?17. In the middle ofpg.99, the authorsays, “Ben makes abeeline for thedoor.” The wordbeeline means….Tabitha wantedMrs. Tibbets toget rid of thesnakes whenher husbanddiedc.MeddleStrugglesa. For friendshipsto develop, peopleneed to spendtime together andhave similarinterestsCaring24. What informationmade Ben changehis mind and sacrificegetting hid reportdone to go to Ryan’sparty?20. Whoseperspectiveis the storybeing toldfrom?She isdeterminedShe isunderstandingDecidesc.fairHe lied toher abouttouching thesnake cageThe movingcompany lost hisfavorite thingsand she keepsforgetting to callb. Ryanonlyinvited Benand JennyFor anewjobSweetStraightquick,purposefulpathb.Pleased32. Based on the wayMr. Nickelbyinterrupts Ben on thetop of pg.159 and themiddle of 161, whatcan you concludeabout Mr. Nickelby’smotivation?b. Mr. Lindsaysays the pool isnot largeenough and hecannot doanything41. On pg. 156 theauthor writes,“Mr.Nickelbygestures for them tocome into hisoffice.” Gesturesmost likely meansc. Tabitha statesthat she will breakup the land andsell the vernal poolto theconservationgroupd. Noneof theaboveb. Ben knowsRyan doesn’tstand up forhimself andneeds supportAbackyardBen wantedto see thefrogs in thewoods withMrs. Tibbets14. On pg. 17 theauthor writes, “Frankieand his buddies arealready ragging on thefourth graders.” Whatdo you think the wordragging most likelymeans?b.Causea.SpeakloudlyBoth Band Ca. Tabitha nodsher head. “Yes,someone mademe change mymind.” Pg. 216d. Theanimal thatappears inBen’sdreams36. Based onDanny “chokingback a smile,”what can weconclude aboutDanny’s feelingstoward Frankie?22. Why doesBen originallysay hecannot go toRyan’s party?Class:c. Mrs. Turnerturns toward hersister in law andmanages a smile.“That’s a goodidea.” Pg. 217Night oftheSpadefootToadsc. He wisheshe was theone thatstood up toFrankieEvaluateand MakeLogicalInferences35. Whichcharacter traitbestdescribes Mr.Nickelby?Ben's box islost, hemisses Tobyand Arizonac. Toevaporateinto theairb. He spokedisrespectfullyto histeachers25. Mrs. Kutcher givesBen an extension withthe understanding hewill lose points. Whatdoes she suggest hedo to help him becomemore motivated andfinish?d. Botha and cRyan isexcitablea. He wants tohear everyone’sside of the storyto make a fairdecisionb. He fellbehind onhis reportand needs tofinish itMrs.Tibbets31.Even though Bendid not feel supportfrom anyone, hecontinued to try andsave the spadefoots.This showed….d. Noneof theaboveb.Movementof thehandd. Forfriendships todevelop, peopleneed to havethe samefriendsKnows andAppliesGrade LevelVocabularya. She is notas mean asshe firstseemsa.MakingfriendsRyan lovesnature andanimalslike Benc. A make believecharacter of thevernal pool thatTabitha andThomas made upas kidsHe lied toher abouttouching thesnake cageShe wassick andneededtreatment12. Why doesBen’s motherseem to “take iteasy on him” whenhe behaves sorudely?Theyhaveyellowspots6. What is sounique abouttheSpadefoottoads?30. At the end of thenovel, Mrs. Tibbetssays that she hopesBen feels at home.He says he does.What do you thinkhas made him feel athome?c. To turnaroundslowlya. Benshows up atTabitha’sdoorTabithablames Mrs.Tibbets forher brother’sdeathc. She doesactuallylisten andconsider heroptionsMrs. Tibbetsowes TabithamoneyAll oftheabovemishandlesDannyd. He writes a reportabout all the livingthings there andshares the story ofthe Overtoad with apicture from herchildhoodb. Alwaystell thetruthThesamefriends27. Whois theOvertoad?18. The author createsinternal conflicts forboth Ben and Mrs.Tibbets. Which choicebelow identifies one ofBen’s internal conflictsand one of Mrs.Tibbets’ internalconflicts?28. Even thoughToby was Ben’s bestfriend, their friendshipis weakening. Why istheir friendship not asstrong as it oncewas?ReadingAssessmentc. Self-centeredand self-seekingDannywas rudeto him atlunchb.FindinginterestsAssessesthe Pointof View ofthe Author11. Why isRyan so hurtby Benmaking funof the frog?a. She realizedhow meanshe’s been toBen and shouldact nicerd. He is sadFrankie ismovingbecause he hasno other friendsa.Swayabruptlyc.AnnoyedShe isunderstandingBen-cheating,Mrs. Tibbets-being a badteacherBen- having nofriends, Mrs.Tibbets- havingnowhere to livec. She knowsRyan has nofriends and isglad Bensacrificed to benice to Ryanb. He isembarrassedand afraid. Hedoesn’t wantFrankie to seeb. Funnyandlighthearted42. On pg. 168 Ben’smom tells him “Youcan’t interfere inother people’sbusiness.” What is asynonym (word thatmeans the samething) for interfere?Chapter13-18He failshissciencetesta.understandinga.Confusedd.Practicaland frugalc. Changeisinevitabled. Noneof theaboved. All oftheabovea. Change histopic to anecosystem ofMassachusettsb. Hedisapproves ofBen hangingout with Frankieand Dannyd. All oftheaboved. He wantsBen’s parentsto have theirtime to speaka. He thinks heis a bully and isglad someonefinally stood upto Frankiec. For friendshipsto develop, peopleneed to worktogether or go toschool together43. On pg. 199 theauthor writes “Mrs.Tibbets blows out ashort, exasperatedburst of air out of hermouth.” The wordexasperated mostlikely meansShe knows hemisses Arizonaand wishes hecould movebackThey onlycome outonce a yearto lay theireggsHisfatherb.cleverAll oftheaboveRyanb. Theking of thevernalpoolThey bothenjoynature andanimalsWhy did Ben’sfamily movefrom Arizona toMassachusetts?c. He has hisclassmatessign apetitionRyanwears apatch overhis eyea. He finallygot in troublefor bullyingBen andRyana. He justcan’t take hishyperbehaviorsanymored. Mr. Nickelbywants to ask himquestions aboutMrs. Tibbets’snakesBend. Lifeis notfairRyanwears apatch overhis eyeA stroll orleisure walk-the waybees flyrudea. To sinkinto thegroundRyan isshortc. Ben stoodup to him onthe bus andDanny chokedback a smile21. Why doesBen getcalled intothe principal’soffice?b. She is notintelligent becauseshe does notunderstand whathe is saying40. Consideringthe relationships inthe book, whatwould youconsider arelevant theme forthis book?Name:Date:Mrs.TibbetsA crazy path-like whensomeoneruns from abeeMeanRyanb. Continueworking onthe desert,but get moreresourcesHe doesn’tdo hishomework?d. All oftheabove39. Most bookswith a theme of“making adifference” aregoing to haveantagonists (badguys) who areThenarrator26. What does Bendo that causesTabitha to changeher mind aboutselling the vernalpool to thedevelopers?empathetic5. What doesBen do thatcauses himto avoid Mrs.Tibbets?She traveledto differentstates to saveSpadefoottoadsb. “One morething Ben, ifyou see theOvertoad,thank her forme.” Pg. 217They only likedryenvironments16. On the bottom of pg.62, the author writes aboutBen’s response to learningwhy Mrs. Tibbets has takena leave of absence. Theauthor writes, “He fumblesfor something to say butMrs. Tibbets keeps talking.”The word fumbles mostlikely meansd. Noneof theaboveb. To skimalong thesurfaceb. Mrs. Tibbetsheard himcalling her Mrs.Ribbets and hegot detentionRealizesa. Frankieis afraidof BenForbetterschoolsMishandlesd. Botha and b15. On the bottom of pg. 40the author writes, “Mrs.Tibbets looks around at theclass and a mischievoussmile spreads across herface. She kisses the frog.”The word mischievousmost likely means…Read Closelyto DetermineWhat the TextSaysExplicitlyMrs. Tibbetsand Benboth lostsomeonethey loved37. The climax of a storytells the reader whatthey’ve been waiting to findout the entire book. This isthe part when you knowhow the book will end.Which event could beconsidered the exactmoment of the climax?b. Ben iscompetitive andalways wants towin, no matterwhat the contestintelligentc. He didnot do hisgeographyreportMrs.Tibbets10. When youexamine thefriendship betweenBen and Toby andalso between Benand Mrs. Tibbets, areader realizesfriends often share…d. Tabithasee thepictures andlooks up atthe ceilingCommoninterestsThey bothjust movedto a newplaceteasinga. Callsthe NatureHeritageProgramShe lostherhusbandRyan hasrottenteethb. She finallyunderstandshow sad he isabout missingToby and wantsto help himCommoninterestsHis parentstold him tostay awayfrom her7. What is theconflictbetweenTabitha andMrs. Tibbets?They onlycome outonce a yearto lay theireggsTeasingc. Ryan’smom is poorand alreadypaid for thepizzaTripping andfalling (infear) becausea bee isattacking himRyan lovesfrogs andthought Bendid alsob. Heproves avernal poolexistsShe lostherhusbandThe only live inMassachusettsShe wantedto take anextendedvacation tothe rainforestJennyBen- havingmeanparents, Mrs.Tibbets-being messyRetells CentralIdeas inInformationaland LiteraryTextsHe misses hisfriend Toby andis having adifficult timemaking newoneshyperBena.Interact9. Even though Benknows it is a littleunconventional(unusual), whomdoes he consider hisonly friend inMassachusetts?c. Aplan ofactionA straightpath- in aquick,purposefulmanner13. Based on Mrs.Tibbets’ reactions toBen’s variousmistakes and badchoices, what can weinfer about hercharacter?b. Tostand upquicklyc. Learningabout hissurroundingsc. He has tohelp Mrs.Tibetts withher yardworkTabithawants to sellthe land andMrs. Tibbetsdoes notHe saw Benas a friend,not someonewho thinks helooks weirdd. Noneof theaboveHe sawBen asa friendBen3. Why did Benchoose to go toMrs. Tibet’shouse instead ofDanny’s birthdayparty?a. HepushedFrankie onthe bus?38. Which choiceproves that althoughthe central (main)conflict has been fullyresolved, Mrs.Tibbets’ personalconflict with Tabithais beginning to mend4. What aboutRyan’sappearancecauses Frankieto call himCaptain Kidd?a. Agathawould bethereThey bothjust “lost”someonethey lovedFor anewjobPlayingc. Ben doesnot play bythe rules,consequencesdon’t matterd.manipulative45. On pg. 203, theauthor writes “Ryandrops the plasticcontainers he’scarrying, and theyskitter across thetrail.” The word skittermost likely meansTabithawants to sellthe land andMrs. Tibbetsdoes notd. Ben has aproblem thathe needshelp fromother to solveRyand. Jennypunched him inthe face andembarrassedhimFor achang44. On Pg. 176 the authorwrites “the bus driver pullsthe bus over to the curband lurches down theaisle.” “You boys settledown or you’ll be walking toschool for the next month.”The word lurches mostlikely meansa. The maletoad whotakes chargeof the packBen lying-Mrs. Tibbetsmissing herhusbandTo becloser tofamilya. Ben wasdetermined anddidn’t care whatothers thoughtabout himBen-lying,Mrs. Tibbets-missing herhusbandd. Ask hisparents orMrs. Tibbetsfor helpMrs.Tibbets19. Whois tellingthe story?33. Why doesBen’s sister mostlikely act out ofcharacter anddefend Ben on pg.186?b. For friendshipsto develop, peopleneed to live neareach other andplay together daily8. Even though Benand Mrs. Tibbets aredifferent in manyways, they are alsoconnected in manyways, such as…playfulc. Use theinternetinstead ofbooksc. He onlywants to heardetails thatmake Mrs.Tibbets soundirresponsiblePlayfulThesameproblems2. Why didMrs. Tibbetstake a yearoff fromteaching?Frankie neveractuallycrossed hiseyes when heteased RyanYellingBen isn’tgood atroller-skatingShe isfoolishDannywas rudeto him atlunchTeaching34. What can weconclude aboutTabitha based on herreaction to Bencoming to her houseto show her hisreport?c. Hissister willbe proudof hima. Quiet andindependentThenarratorShe isstrict29. Why doesBen getinvolved whenFrankie pickson Ryan on thebus?d. It’s hisaunt’sbirthdaypartyd. All oftheabovea.Friendshiphas no agerestraints23. What causesFrankie to changefrom being a“loudmouth” to barelyspeaking or makingeye contact?17. In the middle ofpg.99, the authorsays, “Ben makes abeeline for thedoor.” The wordbeeline means….Tabitha wantedMrs. Tibbets toget rid of thesnakes whenher husbanddiedc.MeddleStrugglesa. For friendshipsto develop, peopleneed to spendtime together andhave similarinterestsCaring24. What informationmade Ben changehis mind and sacrificegetting hid reportdone to go to Ryan’sparty?20. Whoseperspectiveis the storybeing toldfrom?She isdeterminedShe isunderstandingDecidesc.fairHe lied toher abouttouching thesnake cageThe movingcompany lost hisfavorite thingsand she keepsforgetting to callb. Ryanonlyinvited Benand JennyFor anewjobSweetStraightquick,purposefulpathb.Pleased32. Based on the wayMr. Nickelbyinterrupts Ben on thetop of pg.159 and themiddle of 161, whatcan you concludeabout Mr. Nickelby’smotivation?b. Mr. Lindsaysays the pool isnot largeenough and hecannot doanything41. On pg. 156 theauthor writes,“Mr.Nickelbygestures for them tocome into hisoffice.” Gesturesmost likely meansc. Tabitha statesthat she will breakup the land andsell the vernal poolto theconservationgroupd. Noneof theaboveb. Ben knowsRyan doesn’tstand up forhimself andneeds supportAbackyardBen wantedto see thefrogs in thewoods withMrs. Tibbets14. On pg. 17 theauthor writes, “Frankieand his buddies arealready ragging on thefourth graders.” Whatdo you think the wordragging most likelymeans?b.Causea.SpeakloudlyBoth Band Ca. Tabitha nodsher head. “Yes,someone mademe change mymind.” Pg. 216d. Theanimal thatappears inBen’sdreams

Spadefoot Bingo Review Chapters 1-12 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. 36. Based on Danny “choking back a smile,” what can we conclude about Danny’s feelings toward Frankie?
  2. 22. Why does Ben originally say he cannot go to Ryan’s party?
  3. Class:
  4. c. Mrs. Turner turns toward her sister in law and manages a smile. “That’s a good idea.” Pg. 217
  5. Night of the Spadefoot Toads
  6. c. He wishes he was the one that stood up to Frankie
  7. Evaluate and Make Logical Inferences
  8. 35. Which character trait best describes Mr. Nickelby?
  9. Ben's box is lost, he misses Toby and Arizona
  10. c. To evaporate into the air
  11. b. He spoke disrespectfully to his teachers
  12. 25. Mrs. Kutcher gives Ben an extension with the understanding he will lose points. What does she suggest he do to help him become more motivated and finish?
  13. d. Both a and c
  14. Ryan is excitable
  15. a. He wants to hear everyone’s side of the story to make a fair decision
  16. b. He fell behind on his report and needs to finish it
  17. Mrs. Tibbets
  18. 31.Even though Ben did not feel support from anyone, he continued to try and save the spadefoots. This showed….
  19. d. None of the above
  20. b. Movement of the hand
  21. d. For friendships to develop, people need to have the same friends
  22. Knows and Applies Grade Level Vocabulary
  23. a. She is not as mean as she first seems
  24. a. Making friends
  25. Ryan loves nature and animals like Ben
  26. c. A make believe character of the vernal pool that Tabitha and Thomas made up as kids
  27. He lied to her about touching the snake cage
  28. She was sick and needed treatment
  29. 12. Why does Ben’s mother seem to “take it easy on him” when he behaves so rudely?
  30. They have yellow spots
  31. 6. What is so unique about the Spadefoot toads?
  32. 30. At the end of the novel, Mrs. Tibbets says that she hopes Ben feels at home. He says he does. What do you think has made him feel at home?
  33. c. To turn around slowly
  34. a. Ben shows up at Tabitha’s door
  35. Tabitha blames Mrs. Tibbets for her brother’s death
  36. c. She does actually listen and consider her options
  37. Mrs. Tibbets owes Tabitha money
  38. All of the above
  39. mishandles
  40. Danny
  41. d. He writes a report about all the living things there and shares the story of the Overtoad with a picture from her childhood
  42. b. Always tell the truth
  43. The same friends
  44. 27. Who is the Overtoad?
  45. 18. The author creates internal conflicts for both Ben and Mrs. Tibbets. Which choice below identifies one of Ben’s internal conflicts and one of Mrs. Tibbets’ internal conflicts?
  46. 28. Even though Toby was Ben’s best friend, their friendship is weakening. Why is their friendship not as strong as it once was?
  47. Reading Assessment
  48. c. Self-centered and self-seeking
  49. Danny was rude to him at lunch
  50. b. Finding interests
  51. Assesses the Point of View of the Author
  52. 11. Why is Ryan so hurt by Ben making fun of the frog?
  53. a. She realized how mean she’s been to Ben and should act nicer
  54. d. He is sad Frankie is moving because he has no other friends
  55. a. Sway abruptly
  56. c. Annoyed
  57. She is understanding
  58. Ben-cheating, Mrs. Tibbets- being a bad teacher
  59. Ben- having no friends, Mrs. Tibbets- having nowhere to live
  60. c. She knows Ryan has no friends and is glad Ben sacrificed to be nice to Ryan
  61. b. He is embarrassed and afraid. He doesn’t want Frankie to see
  62. b. Funny and lighthearted
  63. 42. On pg. 168 Ben’s mom tells him “You can’t interfere in other people’s business.” What is a synonym (word that means the same thing) for interfere?
  64. Chapter 13-18
  65. He fails his science test
  66. a. understanding
  67. a. Confused
  68. d. Practical and frugal
  69. c. Change is inevitable
  70. d. None of the above
  71. d. All of the above
  72. a. Change his topic to an ecosystem of Massachusetts
  73. b. He disapproves of Ben hanging out with Frankie and Danny
  74. d. All of the above
  75. d. He wants Ben’s parents to have their time to speak
  76. a. He thinks he is a bully and is glad someone finally stood up to Frankie
  77. c. For friendships to develop, people need to work together or go to school together
  78. 43. On pg. 199 the author writes “Mrs. Tibbets blows out a short, exasperated burst of air out of her mouth.” The word exasperated most likely means
  79. She knows he misses Arizona and wishes he could move back
  80. They only come out once a year to lay their eggs
  81. His father
  82. b. clever
  83. All of the above
  84. Ryan
  85. b. The king of the vernal pool
  86. They both enjoy nature and animals
  87. Why did Ben’s family move from Arizona to Massachusetts?
  88. c. He has his classmates sign a petition
  89. Ryan wears a patch over his eye
  90. a. He finally got in trouble for bullying Ben and Ryan
  91. a. He just can’t take his hyper behaviors anymore
  92. d. Mr. Nickelby wants to ask him questions about Mrs. Tibbets’ snakes
  93. Ben
  94. d. Life is not fair
  95. Ryan wears a patch over his eye
  96. A stroll or leisure walk- the way bees fly
  97. rude
  98. a. To sink into the ground
  99. Ryan is short
  100. c. Ben stood up to him on the bus and Danny choked back a smile
  101. 21. Why does Ben get called into the principal’s office?
  102. b. She is not intelligent because she does not understand what he is saying
  103. 40. Considering the relationships in the book, what would you consider a relevant theme for this book?
  104. Name: Date:
  105. Mrs. Tibbets
  106. A crazy path- like when someone runs from a bee
  107. Mean
  108. Ryan
  109. b. Continue working on the desert, but get more resources
  110. He doesn’t do his homework?
  111. d. All of the above
  112. 39. Most books with a theme of “making a difference” are going to have antagonists (bad guys) who are
  113. The narrator
  114. 26. What does Ben do that causes Tabitha to change her mind about selling the vernal pool to the developers?
  115. empathetic
  116. 5. What does Ben do that causes him to avoid Mrs. Tibbets?
  117. She traveled to different states to save Spadefoot toads
  118. b. “One more thing Ben, if you see the Overtoad, thank her for me.” Pg. 217
  119. They only like dry environments
  120. 16. On the bottom of pg. 62, the author writes about Ben’s response to learning why Mrs. Tibbets has taken a leave of absence. The author writes, “He fumbles for something to say but Mrs. Tibbets keeps talking.” The word fumbles most likely means
  121. d. None of the above
  122. b. To skim along the surface
  123. b. Mrs. Tibbets heard him calling her Mrs. Ribbets and he got detention
  124. Realizes
  125. a. Frankie is afraid of Ben
  126. For better schools
  127. Mishandles
  128. d. Both a and b
  129. 15. On the bottom of pg. 40 the author writes, “Mrs. Tibbets looks around at the class and a mischievous smile spreads across her face. She kisses the frog.” The word mischievous most likely means…
  130. Read Closely to Determine What the Text Says Explicitly
  131. Mrs. Tibbets and Ben both lost someone they loved
  132. 37. The climax of a story tells the reader what they’ve been waiting to find out the entire book. This is the part when you know how the book will end. Which event could be considered the exact moment of the climax?
  133. b. Ben is competitive and always wants to win, no matter what the contest
  134. intelligent
  135. c. He did not do his geography report
  136. Mrs. Tibbets
  137. 10. When you examine the friendship between Ben and Toby and also between Ben and Mrs. Tibbets, a reader realizes friends often share…
  138. d. Tabitha see the pictures and looks up at the ceiling
  139. Common interests
  140. They both just moved to a new place
  141. teasing
  142. a. Calls the Nature Heritage Program
  143. She lost her husband
  144. Ryan has rotten teeth
  145. b. She finally understands how sad he is about missing Toby and wants to help him
  146. Common interests
  147. His parents told him to stay away from her
  148. 7. What is the conflict between Tabitha and Mrs. Tibbets?
  149. They only come out once a year to lay their eggs
  150. Teasing
  151. c. Ryan’s mom is poor and already paid for the pizza
  152. Tripping and falling (in fear) because a bee is attacking him
  153. Ryan loves frogs and thought Ben did also
  154. b. He proves a vernal pool exists
  155. She lost her husband
  156. The only live in Massachusetts
  157. She wanted to take an extended vacation to the rainforest
  158. Jenny
  159. Ben- having mean parents, Mrs. Tibbets- being messy
  160. Retells Central Ideas in Informational and Literary Texts
  161. He misses his friend Toby and is having a difficult time making new ones
  162. hyper
  163. Ben
  164. a. Interact
  165. 9. Even though Ben knows it is a little unconventional (unusual), whom does he consider his only friend in Massachusetts?
  166. c. A plan of action
  167. A straight path- in a quick, purposeful manner
  168. 13. Based on Mrs. Tibbets’ reactions to Ben’s various mistakes and bad choices, what can we infer about her character?
  169. b. To stand up quickly
  170. c. Learning about his surroundings
  171. c. He has to help Mrs. Tibetts with her yard work
  172. Tabitha wants to sell the land and Mrs. Tibbets does not
  173. He saw Ben as a friend, not someone who thinks he looks weird
  174. d. None of the above
  175. He saw Ben as a friend
  176. Ben
  177. 3. Why did Ben choose to go to Mrs. Tibet’s house instead of Danny’s birthday party?
  178. a. He pushed Frankie on the bus?
  179. 38. Which choice proves that although the central (main) conflict has been fully resolved, Mrs. Tibbets’ personal conflict with Tabitha is beginning to mend
  180. 4. What about Ryan’s appearance causes Frankie to call him Captain Kidd?
  181. a. Agatha would be there
  182. They both just “lost” someone they loved
  183. For a new job
  184. Playing
  185. c. Ben does not play by the rules, consequences don’t matter
  186. d. manipulative
  187. 45. On pg. 203, the author writes “Ryan drops the plastic containers he’s carrying, and they skitter across the trail.” The word skitter most likely means
  188. Tabitha wants to sell the land and Mrs. Tibbets does not
  189. d. Ben has a problem that he needs help from other to solve
  190. Ryan
  191. d. Jenny punched him in the face and embarrassed him
  192. For a chang
  193. 44. On Pg. 176 the author writes “the bus driver pulls the bus over to the curb and lurches down the aisle.” “You boys settle down or you’ll be walking to school for the next month.” The word lurches most likely means
  194. a. The male toad who takes charge of the pack
  195. Ben lying- Mrs. Tibbets missing her husband
  196. To be closer to family
  197. a. Ben was determined and didn’t care what others thought about him
  198. Ben-lying, Mrs. Tibbets-missing her husband
  199. d. Ask his parents or Mrs. Tibbets for help
  200. Mrs. Tibbets
  201. 19. Who is telling the story?
  202. 33. Why does Ben’s sister most likely act out of character and defend Ben on pg. 186?
  203. b. For friendships to develop, people need to live near each other and play together daily
  204. 8. Even though Ben and Mrs. Tibbets are different in many ways, they are also connected in many ways, such as…
  205. playful
  206. c. Use the internet instead of books
  207. c. He only wants to hear details that make Mrs. Tibbets sound irresponsible
  208. Playful
  209. The same problems
  210. 2. Why did Mrs. Tibbets take a year off from teaching?
  211. Frankie never actually crossed his eyes when he teased Ryan
  212. Yelling
  213. Ben isn’t good at roller-skating
  214. She is foolish
  215. Danny was rude to him at lunch
  216. Teaching
  217. 34. What can we conclude about Tabitha based on her reaction to Ben coming to her house to show her his report?
  218. c. His sister will be proud of him
  219. a. Quiet and independent
  220. The narrator
  221. She is strict
  222. 29. Why does Ben get involved when Frankie picks on Ryan on the bus?
  223. d. It’s his aunt’s birthday party
  224. d. All of the above
  225. a. Friendship has no age restraints
  226. 23. What causes Frankie to change from being a “loudmouth” to barely speaking or making eye contact?
  227. 17. In the middle of pg.99, the author says, “Ben makes a beeline for the door.” The word beeline means….
  228. Tabitha wanted Mrs. Tibbets to get rid of the snakes when her husband died
  229. c. Meddle
  230. Struggles
  231. a. For friendships to develop, people need to spend time together and have similar interests
  232. Caring
  233. 24. What information made Ben change his mind and sacrifice getting hid report done to go to Ryan’s party?
  234. 20. Whose perspective is the story being told from?
  235. She is determined
  236. She is understanding
  237. Decides
  238. c. fair
  239. He lied to her about touching the snake cage
  240. The moving company lost his favorite things and she keeps forgetting to call
  241. b. Ryan only invited Ben and Jenny
  242. For a new job
  243. Sweet
  244. Straight quick, purposeful path
  245. b. Pleased
  246. 32. Based on the way Mr. Nickelby interrupts Ben on the top of pg.159 and the middle of 161, what can you conclude about Mr. Nickelby’s motivation?
  247. b. Mr. Lindsay says the pool is not large enough and he cannot do anything
  248. 41. On pg. 156 the author writes, “Mr.Nickelby gestures for them to come into his office.” Gestures most likely means
  249. c. Tabitha states that she will break up the land and sell the vernal pool to the conservation group
  250. d. None of the above
  251. b. Ben knows Ryan doesn’t stand up for himself and needs support
  252. A backyard
  253. Ben wanted to see the frogs in the woods with Mrs. Tibbets
  254. 14. On pg. 17 the author writes, “Frankie and his buddies are already ragging on the fourth graders.” What do you think the word ragging most likely means?
  255. b. Cause
  256. a. Speak loudly
  257. Both B and C
  258. a. Tabitha nods her head. “Yes, someone made me change my mind.” Pg. 216
  259. d. The animal that appears in Ben’s dreams