Prefersnewer busesto olderbuses.Appreciates thenetwork anddoesn’t get “mad”rage whensomething doesn’thappen.Posts theirvideos orphotos online toshare amongstothersPrefers olderbuses tonewer ones.Comes upwith originalideas tosuggest /perform.Shouts atpeople to getout the way ifthey are inway of photo.Free!Had anarguments withsomeone abouthaving rights tobe able to takepictures.Has issues withweather in a wayon days whentrying to take asun spot andclouds come over.Gone on thesightseeingbuses (be itsame or foreigncountry)Has socialmediadedicatedto buses.Has gone onthe top threescenic busroutes in UK.Has aWhatsAppbusenthusiastgroup chatAttends ralliesor events inthe busenthusiastcalendar.Knowsallocations oflocal routesor garage.Goes on nonlocal bashesas well aslocal bashes.Prefersnewer busesto olderbuses.Appreciates thenetwork anddoesn’t get “mad”rage whensomething doesn’thappen.Posts theirvideos orphotos online toshare amongstothersPrefers olderbuses tonewer ones.Comes upwith originalideas tosuggest /perform.Shouts atpeople to getout the way ifthey are inway of photo.Free!Had anarguments withsomeone abouthaving rights tobe able to takepictures.Has issues withweather in a wayon days whentrying to take asun spot andclouds come over.Gone on thesightseeingbuses (be itsame or foreigncountry)Has socialmediadedicatedto buses.Has gone onthe top threescenic busroutes in UK.Has aWhatsAppbusenthusiastgroup chatAttends ralliesor events inthe busenthusiastcalendar.Knowsallocations oflocal routesor garage.Goes on nonlocal bashesas well aslocal bashes.

Bus Enthusiast Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Prefers newer buses to older buses.
  2. Appreciates the network and doesn’t get “mad” rage when something doesn’t happen.
  3. Posts their videos or photos online to share amongst others
  4. Prefers older buses to newer ones.
  5. Comes up with original ideas to suggest / perform.
  6. Shouts at people to get out the way if they are in way of photo.
  7. Free!
  8. Had an arguments with someone about having rights to be able to take pictures.
  9. Has issues with weather in a way on days when trying to take a sun spot and clouds come over.
  10. Gone on the sightseeing buses (be it same or foreign country)
  11. Has social media dedicated to buses.
  12. Has gone on the top three scenic bus routes in UK.
  13. Has a WhatsApp bus enthusiast group chat
  14. Attends rallies or events in the bus enthusiast calendar.
  15. Knows allocations of local routes or garage.
  16. Goes on non local bashes as well as local bashes.