A large earthquakestruck on Fridaymorning. Whereand what strengthwas thisearthquake?Identify what wasfound near theAmerican/BCborder this week.What was done withwhat was found?Which teamhas won theWorldSeries?How many cases arein the US today?What was the entirecase count inCanada yesterday?How many caseswere found yesterdayin the US alone?What wasdiscoveredin the GreatCoral Reef?What did Dr.Hinshaw removefrom the COVIDsymptom list?Who does thisapply to?The highest dailycase count of COVIDoccurred this week inAlberta. How manynew COVID caseswere found?What is potentiallygoing to hit Earthin 2068? What is itnamed after? Howbig is it?How was ateacher fromEdmontonkilled (byaccident) thisweek?What companypurchased HuskyEnergy? How muchdid this companycost? How manyjobs may be lost?What percentageof contacts shouldCanadians cut outto curb the secondwave of COVID19?How did a manfrom FortMcMurray get2.4 millionfollowers onTikTok?Identify the newstore which isopening up inWest EdmontonMall.Identify thesports iconfrom Edmontonwho died thisweek.What unionparticipated in awildcat strikethis week inAlberta?What wasdiagnosed withCOVID for thefirst time thisweek?Where werethree peoplekilled in aknife attack? How did JustinTrudeaudescribe theCOVIDpandemic?What action didthe ArizonaCoyotes takewith their 2020top draft pick?Why?What reality TVstar rented anisland to have aparty with herfriends?Where in the worlddid a competitionbecome a COVIDsuper spreaderevent? What wasthe event"?Why didAHS closea coffeeshop?Identify thevitamin that hasbeen shown tobe deficient inCOVID 19patients.Who/whatis PollyPollster?A large earthquakestruck on Fridaymorning. Whereand what strengthwas thisearthquake?Identify what wasfound near theAmerican/BCborder this week.What was done withwhat was found?Which teamhas won theWorldSeries?How many cases arein the US today?What was the entirecase count inCanada yesterday?How many caseswere found yesterdayin the US alone?What wasdiscoveredin the GreatCoral Reef?What did Dr.Hinshaw removefrom the COVIDsymptom list?Who does thisapply to?The highest dailycase count of COVIDoccurred this week inAlberta. How manynew COVID caseswere found?What is potentiallygoing to hit Earthin 2068? What is itnamed after? Howbig is it?How was ateacher fromEdmontonkilled (byaccident) thisweek?What companypurchased HuskyEnergy? How muchdid this companycost? How manyjobs may be lost?What percentageof contacts shouldCanadians cut outto curb the secondwave of COVID19?How did a manfrom FortMcMurray get2.4 millionfollowers onTikTok?Identify the newstore which isopening up inWest EdmontonMall.Identify thesports iconfrom Edmontonwho died thisweek.What unionparticipated in awildcat strikethis week inAlberta?What wasdiagnosed withCOVID for thefirst time thisweek?Where werethree peoplekilled in aknife attack? How did JustinTrudeaudescribe theCOVIDpandemic?What action didthe ArizonaCoyotes takewith their 2020top draft pick?Why?What reality TVstar rented anisland to have aparty with herfriends?Where in the worlddid a competitionbecome a COVIDsuper spreaderevent? What wasthe event"?Why didAHS closea coffeeshop?Identify thevitamin that hasbeen shown tobe deficient inCOVID 19patients.Who/whatis PollyPollster?

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. A large earthquake struck on Friday morning. Where and what strength was this earthquake?
  2. Identify what was found near the American/BC border this week. What was done with what was found?
  3. Which team has won the World Series?
  4. How many cases are in the US today? What was the entire case count in Canada yesterday? How many cases were found yesterday in the US alone?
  5. What was discovered in the Great Coral Reef?
  6. What did Dr. Hinshaw remove from the COVID symptom list? Who does this apply to?
  7. The highest daily case count of COVID occurred this week in Alberta. How many new COVID cases were found?
  8. What is potentially going to hit Earth in 2068? What is it named after? How big is it?
  9. How was a teacher from Edmonton killed (by accident) this week?
  10. What company purchased Husky Energy? How much did this company cost? How many jobs may be lost?
  11. What percentage of contacts should Canadians cut out to curb the second wave of COVID 19?
  12. How did a man from Fort McMurray get 2.4 million followers on TikTok?
  13. Identify the new store which is opening up in West Edmonton Mall.
  14. Identify the sports icon from Edmonton who died this week.
  15. What union participated in a wildcat strike this week in Alberta?
  16. What was diagnosed with COVID for the first time this week?
  17. Where were three people killed in a knife attack?
  18. How did Justin Trudeau describe the COVID pandemic?
  19. What action did the Arizona Coyotes take with their 2020 top draft pick? Why?
  20. What reality TV star rented an island to have a party with her friends?
  21. Where in the world did a competition become a COVID super spreader event? What was the event"?
  22. Why did AHS close a coffee shop?
  23. Identify the vitamin that has been shown to be deficient in COVID 19 patients.
  24. Who/what is Polly Pollster?