In September1957, the highschool wasrelocatedmidway betweenBloomington &Placedo.The area's firstoil well wasdrilled inBloomingtonarea in about1920s.In 1932, thefirst footballteam wasorganized.The JoyTheater openedin1946 with 3movies a week.The first issue ofThe BloomingtonStar, a weeklynewspaper, waspublished Jan 29,1921.The Bobcat, theschoolyearbook, wasfirst publishedin 1946.In the RoaringTwentiesthe localeconomy wasprimarily baseon agriculture.The ChamberofCommerce wasorganized in1928.Bloomington wouldnot be in existencewith out the 68.05miles of railroad laidfrom Refugio toAlgoa.Bloomington wouldnot be in existencewith out the 68.05miles of railroad laidfrom Refugio toAlgoa.The 1921graduatingclass of BHSwas 6.In 1928, ZacheryConstructionCompany bought sandfrom Skarda Farm andin theprocess 13 Indianwomen skeletons werefound.In 1912 the firstnewspaper wasstarted, namedTheBloomingtonBreeze.In April 1947,oil wasdiscoveredinBloomington.The town ofBloomingtonbecameincoportatedandthe first mayorwas W.J. Manning.In 1941, thebasketballteam wonstate.In 1942, theeye of ahurricanepassed overBloomingtonGoods being takenover land fromIndianola to Goliadcrossed theGuadalupe River atWhite's Ferry nearpresent dayBloomington.Sundayafternoondances becamea favorite activityin the 1920s.In March 1861, 500Federal soldiers werecamped just south ofBloomington,awaitingtransport fromIndianola.The Bloomingtonarea was the site ofearly Spanishexploration in the1500's and theFrench in the1600's.In 1956, therewere 210telephonelines inBloomington.The Gulf Coast LineRailroad was animportant factor inthe growth anddevelopment ofBloomington.Until 1928,studentsgraduatedafter ten yearsin school.Lonnie Farmerbrought the firstradio toBloomingtonaround 1920.Bloomingtonrecorded historybegins the journalsof Alvar NunezCabeza de Vaca.Thegraduatingclass of1925 was 4students.The BHS Bandwasorganized with36 members in1950.In June 1947,the watersystem wasinstalled inBloomingtonIn November1949, thesewer systemwas installed inBloomington.The firstBloomingtonBaseball Teamwas organizedin 1909.In 1929, thebasketball teamwon theschool's firstLoving Cuptrophy.In 1957, BISDbecame the firstschool districtwest of theMississippi Riverto vote to integrateits' high school.Scout Troop#68, BoyScouts ofAmerica wasorganized in1938In 1941, thefootball teamwas thedistrict footballchampionOn March 3,1925, the brickschool housebuilt in 1917burned down.In August 1947,a new road wascut fromBloomington toCrescent ValleyIn the mid-twenties thehigh school hadenough for abasketball teamIn 1950, the firstfire station wascompleted onIllinois Streetnext to the wateroffice.In 1940, thebasketballteam wondistrict.In September1957, the highschool wasrelocatedmidway betweenBloomington &Placedo.The area's firstoil well wasdrilled inBloomingtonarea in about1920s.In 1932, thefirst footballteam wasorganized.The JoyTheater openedin1946 with 3movies a week.The first issue ofThe BloomingtonStar, a weeklynewspaper, waspublished Jan 29,1921.The Bobcat, theschoolyearbook, wasfirst publishedin 1946.In the RoaringTwentiesthe localeconomy wasprimarily baseon agriculture.The ChamberofCommerce wasorganized in1928.Bloomington wouldnot be in existencewith out the 68.05miles of railroad laidfrom Refugio toAlgoa.Bloomington wouldnot be in existencewith out the 68.05miles of railroad laidfrom Refugio toAlgoa.The 1921graduatingclass of BHSwas 6.In 1928, ZacheryConstructionCompany bought sandfrom Skarda Farm andin theprocess 13 Indianwomen skeletons werefound.In 1912 the firstnewspaper wasstarted, namedTheBloomingtonBreeze.In April 1947,oil wasdiscoveredinBloomington.The town ofBloomingtonbecameincoportatedandthe first mayorwas W.J. Manning.In 1941, thebasketballteam wonstate.In 1942, theeye of ahurricanepassed overBloomingtonGoods being takenover land fromIndianola to Goliadcrossed theGuadalupe River atWhite's Ferry nearpresent dayBloomington.Sundayafternoondances becamea favorite activityin the 1920s.In March 1861, 500Federal soldiers werecamped just south ofBloomington,awaitingtransport fromIndianola.The Bloomingtonarea was the site ofearly Spanishexploration in the1500's and theFrench in the1600's.In 1956, therewere 210telephonelines inBloomington.The Gulf Coast LineRailroad was animportant factor inthe growth anddevelopment ofBloomington.Until 1928,studentsgraduatedafter ten yearsin school.Lonnie Farmerbrought the firstradio toBloomingtonaround 1920.Bloomingtonrecorded historybegins the journalsof Alvar NunezCabeza de Vaca.Thegraduatingclass of1925 was 4students.The BHS Bandwasorganized with36 members in1950.In June 1947,the watersystem wasinstalled inBloomingtonIn November1949, thesewer systemwas installed inBloomington.The firstBloomingtonBaseball Teamwas organizedin 1909.In 1929, thebasketball teamwon theschool's firstLoving Cuptrophy.In 1957, BISDbecame the firstschool districtwest of theMississippi Riverto vote to integrateits' high school.Scout Troop#68, BoyScouts ofAmerica wasorganized in1938In 1941, thefootball teamwas thedistrict footballchampionOn March 3,1925, the brickschool housebuilt in 1917burned down.In August 1947,a new road wascut fromBloomington toCrescent ValleyIn the mid-twenties thehigh school hadenough for abasketball teamIn 1950, the firstfire station wascompleted onIllinois Streetnext to the wateroffice.In 1940, thebasketballteam wondistrict.

B-Town Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. In September 1957, the high school was relocated midway between Bloomington & Placedo.
  2. The area's first oil well was drilled in Bloomington area in about 1920s.
  3. In 1932, the first football team was organized.
  4. The Joy Theater opened in 1946 with 3 movies a week.
  5. The first issue of The Bloomington Star, a weekly newspaper, was published Jan 29, 1921.
  6. The Bobcat, the school yearbook, was first published in 1946.
  7. In the Roaring Twenties the local economy was primarily base on agriculture.
  8. The Chamber of Commerce was organized in 1928.
  9. Bloomington would not be in existence with out the 68.05 miles of railroad laid from Refugio to Algoa.
  10. Bloomington would not be in existence with out the 68.05 miles of railroad laid from Refugio to Algoa.
  11. The 1921 graduating class of BHS was 6.
  12. In 1928, Zachery Construction Company bought sand from Skarda Farm and in the process 13 Indian women skeletons were found.
  13. In 1912 the first newspaper was started, named The Bloomington Breeze.
  14. In April 1947, oil was discovered in Bloomington.
  15. The town of Bloomington became incoportated and the first mayor was W.J. Manning.
  16. In 1941, the basketball team won state.
  17. In 1942, the eye of a hurricane passed over Bloomington
  18. Goods being taken over land from Indianola to Goliad crossed the Guadalupe River at White's Ferry near present day Bloomington.
  19. Sunday afternoon dances became a favorite activity in the 1920s.
  20. In March 1861, 500 Federal soldiers were camped just south of Bloomington, awaiting transport from Indianola.
  21. The Bloomington area was the site of early Spanish exploration in the 1500's and the French in the 1600's.
  22. In 1956, there were 210 telephone lines in Bloomington.
  23. The Gulf Coast Line Railroad was an important factor in the growth and development of Bloomington.
  24. Until 1928, students graduated after ten years in school.
  25. Lonnie Farmer brought the first radio to Bloomington around 1920.
  26. Bloomington recorded history begins the journals of Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca.
  27. The graduating class of 1925 was 4 students.
  28. The BHS Band was organized with 36 members in 1950.
  29. In June 1947, the water system was installed in Bloomington
  30. In November 1949, the sewer system was installed in Bloomington.
  31. The first Bloomington Baseball Team was organized in 1909.
  32. In 1929, the basketball team won the school's first Loving Cup trophy.
  33. In 1957, BISD became the first school district west of the Mississippi River to vote to integrate its' high school.
  34. Scout Troop #68, Boy Scouts of America was organized in 1938
  35. In 1941, the football team was the district football champion
  36. On March 3, 1925, the brick school house built in 1917 burned down.
  37. In August 1947, a new road was cut from Bloomington to Crescent Valley
  38. In the mid-twenties the high school had enough for a basketball team
  39. In 1950, the first fire station was completed on Illinois Street next to the water office.
  40. In 1940, the basketball team won district.