Saying the UKreceived more asylumapplications from lonechildren in 2019 than inany other country inthe EU (not mentioninghow many weregranted)Stating thatprotecting safepassage in theimmigration bill is"not what peoplevoted for"Referencingtalks with theEU that no oneelse seems tobe privy toClaiming thatexistingsystems/laws workwell for familyreunion, despiteevidence to thecontrary"Britain's proudhistory ofwelcomingrefugees" whilevoting againstsanctuary forrefugee kidsPromotingthe Australianpoints systemas a goodmodelStating the UK istrying to crack downon illegal smugglerswhile enablingsmugglers by closingdown a legal route forkidsUnsubstantiatedargument thatthe amendmentinterferes withEU negotiations"reciprocalagreements"comment, as ifkids are pawns tobe swappedbetween countriesSaying the UKreceived more asylumapplications from lonechildren in 2019 than inany other country inthe EU (not mentioninghow many weregranted)Stating thatprotecting safepassage in theimmigration bill is"not what peoplevoted for"Referencingtalks with theEU that no oneelse seems tobe privy toClaiming thatexistingsystems/laws workwell for familyreunion, despiteevidence to thecontrary"Britain's proudhistory ofwelcomingrefugees" whilevoting againstsanctuary forrefugee kidsPromotingthe Australianpoints systemas a goodmodelStating the UK istrying to crack downon illegal smugglerswhile enablingsmugglers by closingdown a legal route forkidsUnsubstantiatedargument thatthe amendmentinterferes withEU negotiations"reciprocalagreements"comment, as ifkids are pawns tobe swappedbetween countries

Family Reunion Debate Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Saying the UK received more asylum applications from lone children in 2019 than in any other country in the EU (not mentioning how many were granted)
  2. Stating that protecting safe passage in the immigration bill is "not what people voted for"
  3. Referencing talks with the EU that no one else seems to be privy to
  4. Claiming that existing systems/laws work well for family reunion, despite evidence to the contrary
  5. "Britain's proud history of welcoming refugees" while voting against sanctuary for refugee kids
  6. Promoting the Australian points system as a good model
  7. Stating the UK is trying to crack down on illegal smugglers while enabling smugglers by closing down a legal route for kids
  8. Unsubstantiated argument that the amendment interferes with EU negotiations
  9. "reciprocal agreements" comment, as if kids are pawns to be swapped between countries