Give a teammember ashoutout in theSadie'sSouthern Starsgroup!Leavecomments on5 non-ScentsyconsultantpostsHave anopportunityconversationLeavebirthdaymessagesfor friends!Do abooking blitzuntil youbook at leastone party!Follow upwith 5customersFind a hobbygroup to join - thishelps build yournetwork! Andhaving otherhobbies isimportant!Work on yourincentive plan.What do youneed to earn bythe end ofDecember?Have abookingconversationCreate apostcard to tellcustomersabout yourreferralprogramInvite someoneto try a newproduct, sendthem a sample!Have anopportunityconversationHave abookingconversationScheduleposts for yourbusiness("like") pagefor the week!Share a post fromyour "memories"and interact withthe people whocommented on it!Have a joinconversation, letthem know howmuch they couldhave made if theyhave already signedup!Happy payday! Make abudget andstick to it!Chat with ateam member,buildrelationships,ask if they havequestions!Create a pollon yourInstagramstoriesUseSnapchat toshow off anew product!Have abookingconversationIf you don'thave a VIPgroup...createone!Have anopportunityconversationGo LIVE in yourVIP groupshowing offsome newproducts!Give a teammember ashoutout in theSadie'sSouthern Starsgroup!Leavecomments on5 non-ScentsyconsultantpostsHave anopportunityconversationLeavebirthdaymessagesfor friends!Do abooking blitzuntil youbook at leastone party!Follow upwith 5customersFind a hobbygroup to join - thishelps build yournetwork! Andhaving otherhobbies isimportant!Work on yourincentive plan.What do youneed to earn bythe end ofDecember?Have abookingconversationCreate apostcard to tellcustomersabout yourreferralprogramInvite someoneto try a newproduct, sendthem a sample!Have anopportunityconversationHave abookingconversationScheduleposts for yourbusiness("like") pagefor the week!Share a post fromyour "memories"and interact withthe people whocommented on it!Have a joinconversation, letthem know howmuch they couldhave made if theyhave already signedup!Happy payday! Make abudget andstick to it!Chat with ateam member,buildrelationships,ask if they havequestions!Create a pollon yourInstagramstoriesUseSnapchat toshow off anew product!Have abookingconversationIf you don'thave a VIPgroup...createone!Have anopportunityconversationGo LIVE in yourVIP groupshowing offsome newproducts!

Power Hour 11/9 - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. Give a team member a shoutout in the Sadie's Southern Stars group!
  2. Leave comments on 5 non-Scentsy consultant posts
  3. Have an opportunity conversation
  4. Leave birthday messages for friends!
  5. Do a booking blitz until you book at least one party!
  6. Follow up with 5 customers
  7. Find a hobby group to join - this helps build your network! And having other hobbies is important!
  8. Work on your incentive plan. What do you need to earn by the end of December?
  9. Have a booking conversation
  10. Create a postcard to tell customers about your referral program
  11. Invite someone to try a new product, send them a sample!
  12. Have an opportunity conversation
  13. Have a booking conversation
  14. Schedule posts for your business ("like") page for the week!
  15. Share a post from your "memories" and interact with the people who commented on it!
  16. Have a join conversation, let them know how much they could have made if they have already signed up!
  17. Happy pay day! Make a budget and stick to it!
  18. Chat with a team member, build relationships, ask if they have questions!
  19. Create a poll on your Instagram stories
  20. Use Snapchat to show off a new product!
  21. Have a booking conversation
  22. If you don't have a VIP group...create one!
  23. Have an opportunity conversation
  24. Go LIVE in your VIP group showing off some new products!