PHI=ProtectedHealthInformationWe have patientrights info inbrochures,visitor guides,St. Luke's websiteand posters.A complaintis a minorrequestquicklyresolved.Washyourhandsoften!It is no okayto pull yourmask downwhen talkingto someone.Medicationshould besecured atall times.Fireextinguishersshouldneverbe blocked.Thanksto ourVeteran's! Medicationcabinet codesare differentfrom regularcabinetsallways.It's all ourresponsibilityto speak up ifsomeone isn'tpracticing properhand hygiene andPPE etiquette.Complimenta peertoday!We offer phoneservice, videoservice and inperson translation fornon-Englishspeaking patients.What areYOUThankfulfor?Consent fortreatment issigned once ayear or whenchanges aremade.An egress is adirect means ofaccess and weare required tokeep them clear.StandardPrecautions:treating allpatients aspotentiallyinfectiousA grievanceis moreformal than acomplaint.Perform handhygiene everytime you enterand exit apatient room!Alwaysreporthazards!The quickestway to locate anAdvancedDirectivein a patient chart is tohover over "CODE"in the storyboard. Who is notauthorizedto have access tosecure meds?Managers/PAS/non-clinical staffFree space ifyou arewearingOrangeMedicationcabinetcodesare changedannuallyCOVID 19PPEguidelinesare on theSource.Building Services,ClinicalEngineering, or ITwork orders areplaced onMyService centerand the SourceSt. Luke's mission:To improve thehealth ofpeople in thecommunities weserve.Gloves,sponges, gauzeareporousand maynot beunder the sink.I amTHANKFULfor EACHOF YOU!Joint Notice of PrivacyPractice and Patient Rightsand Responsibilitiesb.Compliance Line andMychart brochureinformation c.AdvancedDirective for Health Careand Financial Assistanceshould be available to allpatients.PHI=ProtectedHealthInformationWe have patientrights info inbrochures,visitor guides,St. Luke's websiteand posters.A complaintis a minorrequestquicklyresolved.Washyourhandsoften!It is no okayto pull yourmask downwhen talkingto someone.Medicationshould besecured atall times.Fireextinguishersshouldneverbe blocked.Thanksto ourVeteran's! Medicationcabinet codesare differentfrom regularcabinetsallways.It's all ourresponsibilityto speak up ifsomeone isn'tpracticing properhand hygiene andPPE etiquette.Complimenta peertoday!We offer phoneservice, videoservice and inperson translation fornon-Englishspeaking patients.What areYOUThankfulfor?Consent fortreatment issigned once ayear or whenchanges aremade.An egress is adirect means ofaccess and weare required tokeep them clear.StandardPrecautions:treating allpatients aspotentiallyinfectiousA grievanceis moreformal than acomplaint.Perform handhygiene everytime you enterand exit apatient room!Alwaysreporthazards!The quickestway to locate anAdvancedDirectivein a patient chart is tohover over "CODE"in the storyboard. Who is notauthorizedto have access tosecure meds?Managers/PAS/non-clinical staffFree space ifyou arewearingOrangeMedicationcabinetcodesare changedannuallyCOVID 19PPEguidelinesare on theSource.Building Services,ClinicalEngineering, or ITwork orders areplaced onMyService centerand the SourceSt. Luke's mission:To improve thehealth ofpeople in thecommunities weserve.Gloves,sponges, gauzeareporousand maynot beunder the sink.I amTHANKFULfor EACHOF YOU!Joint Notice of PrivacyPractice and Patient Rightsand Responsibilitiesb.Compliance Line andMychart brochureinformation c.AdvancedDirective for Health Careand Financial Assistanceshould be available to allpatients.

Untitled Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. PHI=Protected Health Information
  2. We have patient rights info in brochures, visitor guides, St. Luke's website and posters.
  3. A complaint is a minor request quickly resolved.
  4. Wash your hands often!
  5. It is no okay to pull your mask down when talking to someone.
  6. Medication should be secured at all times.
  7. Fire extinguishers should never be blocked.
  8. Thanks to our Veteran's!
  9. Medication cabinet codes are different from regular cabinets allways.
  10. It's all our responsibility to speak up if someone isn't practicing proper hand hygiene and PPE etiquette.
  11. Compliment a peer today!
  12. We offer phone service, video service and in person translation for non-English speaking patients.
  13. What are YOU Thankful for?
  14. Consent for treatment is signed once a year or when changes are made.
  15. An egress is a direct means of access and we are required to keep them clear.
  16. Standard Precautions: treating all patients as potentially infectious
  17. A grievance is more formal than a complaint.
  18. Perform hand hygiene every time you enter and exit a patient room!
  19. Always report hazards!
  20. The quickest way to locate an Advanced Directive in a patient chart is to hover over "CODE" in the storyboard.
  21. Who is not authorized to have access to secure meds? Managers/PAS/non-clinical staff
  22. Free space if you are wearing Orange
  23. Medication cabinet codes are changed annually
  24. COVID 19 PPE guidelines are on the Source.
  25. Building Services, Clinical Engineering, or IT work orders are placed on MyService center and the Source
  26. St. Luke's mission: To improve the health of people in the communities we serve.
  27. Gloves, sponges, gauze are porous and may not be under the sink.
  28. I am THANKFUL for EACH OF YOU!
  29. Joint Notice of Privacy Practice and Patient Rights and Responsibilities b.Compliance Line and Mychart brochure information c.Advanced Directive for Health Care and Financial Assistance should be available to all patients.