"It's workedfor 30 years.Why changeit now?""If I get all ofmy workdone, whycan't I do itmy way?"'We'removing soslowly. Canwe do thisany faster?""This is greatexperiencefor my nextjob.""Why can'the be moreof a teamplayer?""I wish shewould pickup herphone whenI call."Free!"I should getthe promotionbecause I amthe mostqualifiedcandidate.""I'm workinghard for nextyear's salaryincrease.""I wish I receivedmore frequentrecognition thanjust at the annualmeeting.""I sent himan email, buthe called meinstead.""I wish myboss wasmore flexiblewith the workschedule.""I don'tunderstandwhy we needto do this.""I don't knowwhy they don'task for myhelp- I am anexpert on thistopic.""Why can'twe use moretechnology?""He justwon't puthis phonedown.""It's workedfor 30 years.Why changeit now?""If I get all ofmy workdone, whycan't I do itmy way?"'We'removing soslowly. Canwe do thisany faster?""This is greatexperiencefor my nextjob.""Why can'the be moreof a teamplayer?""I wish shewould pickup herphone whenI call."Free!"I should getthe promotionbecause I amthe mostqualifiedcandidate.""I'm workinghard for nextyear's salaryincrease.""I wish I receivedmore frequentrecognition thanjust at the annualmeeting.""I sent himan email, buthe called meinstead.""I wish myboss wasmore flexiblewith the workschedule.""I don'tunderstandwhy we needto do this.""I don't knowwhy they don'task for myhelp- I am anexpert on thistopic.""Why can'twe use moretechnology?""He justwon't puthis phonedown."

Mind The (Generational) Gap - Bingo - Call List

(Print) Use this randomly generated list as your call list when playing the game. There is no need to say the BINGO column name. Place some kind of mark (like an X, a checkmark, a dot, tally mark, etc) on each cell as you announce it, to keep track. You can also cut out each item, place them in a bag and pull words from the bag.

  1. "It's worked for 30 years. Why change it now?"
  2. "If I get all of my work done, why can't I do it my way?"
  3. 'We're moving so slowly. Can we do this any faster?"
  4. "This is great experience for my next job."
  5. "Why can't he be more of a team player?"
  6. "I wish she would pick up her phone when I call."
  7. Free!
  8. "I should get the promotion because I am the most qualified candidate."
  9. "I'm working hard for next year's salary increase."
  10. "I wish I received more frequent recognition than just at the annual meeting."
  11. "I sent him an email, but he called me instead."
  12. "I wish my boss was more flexible with the work schedule."
  13. "I don't understand why we need to do this."
  14. "I don't know why they don't ask for my help- I am an expert on this topic."
  15. "Why can't we use more technology?"
  16. "He just won't put his phone down."